Chapter 5 - Change of Plan

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Just after Natasha finished writing down your response to the last question, Dr Banner entered the room and began whispering something to Tony, the pair of them glanced at you.

"Well y/n, that's all the questions we've got for today. The plan now is for you to be transported out of New York, to a SHIELD safe house where-..." Natasha started but was soon interrupted by Tony.

"Actually, there's been a slight change of plan. Looks like you'll be sticking around the Avengers tower here a bit longer while we... check some things." He said cheerily, causing Natasha to frown at him confused. She glanced at you and then back at Tony.

What did that doctor say that made him change his mind? What's going on...

"You'll be here at least for the week y/n, so I'll arrange for some more clothes to be brought to you. You will be under surveillance initially of course, but if you follow me we can get those handcuffs off and get you sorted with a room!" He continued. Natasha still frowning at him confused, she then glanced at you again as you got up.

A guard entered the room and unlocked your handcuffs, your wrists were sore from the metal.

"Are you sure about this Tony?" Natasha whispered, she sounded uncertain.

"Relax Nat, if she wanted to kill you so much she would have pulled that trigger. If you're scared, then you can come and sleep with me and Pepper later." Tony whispered back with a smirk, causing Natasha to glare at him.

Damn she looks hot when she's angry.

After this she turned around to find you already looking at her, you glanced back down at your wrists.

"Right then y/n, let's introduce you to the rest of the team!" Tony said.

You followed them both down a few corridors and into a large open area, where a group of people were sitting chatting.

"Y/n this is, most of, the team" Tony said loudly, prompting all the people sitting to turn around and look at you. He pointed at the first man. "This is Steve, Cap, America's Ass-hole or whatever else you want to call him." He said with a cocky smile. Steve rolled his eyes then smiled at you "Nice to meet you y/n".

"This here is Wanda, and next to her we have Vision." He said, and they both smiled and said "Hello" at the same time.

"Over here we have Clint, Sam and Rhodey" The guys all smiled and waved at you. "You've already met Bruce Banner who is working in the lab at the moment. Then there's Peter who visits from time to time when he's not got too much homework, and Thor when he's not too busy.. being a God." He smiled and looked at you.

Woah, that was a lot of names all at once.

"Hey everyone." You replied, a little cautiously. You'd heard of a few of them before, you even tried to track down Wanda when she escaped Hydra, with no luck.

"I know, it is a lot of names all at once isn't it? Why don't I show you to your room?" Wanda said while smiling at you and standing up.

Did she just-... Is she reading my mind right now?

Wanda chuckled at your confused expression. "Sorry I can't help it sometimes" She smiled.

"Right.. well, yeah... a room would be great. I could use a shower." You replied cautiously.

Wanda smiled at you again then the two of you walked towards the stairs, you turned back to glance at the group and see Natasha was watching you closely as you walked away. As she sees you turn around she quickly looked away and joined in the conversation the boys were now having.

Wanda showed you to your room, gave you a few outfits to wear over the next few days and left you to rest. You took a seat on the end of your bed and let out a big sigh.

What the hell just happened?? Last night I was in Russia on an assassination mission and this afternoon I'm sitting in the Avengers Tower in New York... I feel a little safer being here, knowing the kinds of people Sasha probably works for will be out to get me now that I've gone rouge, but what am I going to do after the week is up? Have I just made a big mistake?

With all these thoughts running through your head you lie down, and as soon as your head hits the pillow you fall asleep.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now