(Part 2) Chapter 12 - Into Trouble

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Point of View: Y/N

You sighed softly, and shuffled on the spot you were standing slightly, before breaking the short silence.

"I am sorry Nat." You said, glancing at the ground and then back up at her. She met your eyes for a second, then glanced down too. "I've never really told anybody about that part of my life and, I guess I just panicked. I shouldn't have said it, and I feel really bad."

Nat paused for a moment, before nodding slowly and then taking a few steps over to the bed and sitting down gently.

"Are you going to get like that every time someone brings it up again?" She said calmly, not giving anything away as to how she was feeling or what she was thinking.

"No... at least I don't think so." You replied truthfully. "I think it's shown me I'm a lot more guarded than I realised, I want to change that." You said sincerely.

Nat looked up as you said this, with a slight smile.

"That's good." She said. "I thought that might be the case... Clint and Fury are the only ones I've ever spoken to about my past, and even they don't know all the details - it's not easy letting people in to that side of you." She looked back down at the floor as she said this. You walked over slowly to the bed, and sat next to her, leaving some distance between the two of you.

"Wanda said you didn't talk about it much either." You said. "I guess it's-..."

"You were speaking to Wanda about it?" She looked up at you, eyes narrowed all of a sudden.

"Oh, yeah... about that." You said, biting your lip gently. You expected Nat to be annoyed, but to your surprise her whole face lit up and a wide grin spread across her mouth.

"And you told me to be careful... I knew it would be you that gave in first!" She laughed, pushing your shoulder back jokingly. You couldn't help but smile at this, slightly embarrassed.

"In all fairness, the only reason she figured it out was because of the massive love bite you left on my neck." You said, raising an eyebrow at her in response, still smiling slightly. It was Nat's turn to look slightly embarrassed now, before she put her hand over her mouth and laughed.

"I may have gotten a little carried away." She admitted. "I was going to tell you but you looked so angry when you left it didn't seem like the right time." She teased, now you pushed her gently in the shoulder.

"I guess our cover is blown, sorry." You sighed. "Although I'm confident Wanda will keep it to herself."

"That makes one of us." Nat responded, sarcastically. "It's alright, it was going to happen eventually - this is an intelligence agency after all." She shrugged.

You paused for a moment as you scanned your eyes over her face. Her eyes were happy, and she looked perfect when she smiled. Leaning back on the bed her long, red hair fell perfectly on her shoulders. You had to rip your eyes away as she glanced back up at you.

"I really thought you were going to be more annoyed." You said. "About what I said and about Wanda. You seemed pretty pissed about it earlier."

Nat's smile faded slightly at this, as she glanced back down at the bed. She paused slightly, before responding.

"That wasn't because of... I wasn't pissed at you earlier." She said, very unconvincingly. You tilted your head at her, and narrowed your eyes, curious.

"What are you not telling me?" You said calmly, but with a smile spreading across your face.

"Nothing, I wasn't pissed at you earlier." She said, trying to cover her tracks. This caused you to smile more, it was amusing catching her in a lie, it did not happen often.

"You're all flustered, look at you!" You teased, laughing. This caused Nat to smile a little too. "Come on you have to tell me now?"

"I don't have to tell you anything!" She said smiling, she pushed your shoulder back again mischievously and leant away from you in the bed, her legs now on the bed and in between the two of you. You jumped up and sat on top of her, pushing both her shoulders back onto the bed. She tried to push you off playfully, but you managed to pin her down, until you were lying face to face, on top of her.

"Natalia Romanova!" You said, both of you still grinning. "Tell me what you're hiding right now, or else!"

Nat pouted her lips, trying to suppress the smile on her face, and narrowed her eyes at you slightly. She placed her hands on your sides as she paused to look up and into your eyes for a moment, before sighing and rolling her eyes.

"Fine." She said. "I wasn't annoyed at you I was annoyed at myself."

You frowned at this, confused by her answer and waited for more.

"I was annoyed at myself bec-... I can't believe I'm even saying this." She said, rolling her eyes again, causing you to smile. She looked embarrassed, you were enjoying every second of this. "Because I think that, maybe, I've missed your stupid face, a little bit."

This caused you to laugh out loud, as Nat turned her head away in embarrassment.

"Oh, Shut up." She said, smiling again.

"I've missed your stupid face too." You said smiling, before leaning in and kissing her softly. You could feel her smiling against your lips, letting out a small sigh of relief. You pulled away after a few moments, and looked down into her eyes again.

"What have we gotten ourselves into?" She said, smiling softly up at you. You laughed gently, shaking your head slowly back at her.

"Into trouble, that's what." You said, grinning at her again. She chuckled quietly before pulling you in for another kiss.

It felt so good to be back in her arms, every interaction felt so natural. Knowing that she felt the same way you had been feeling brought so much relief, and you felt the happiest you had in a long time.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now