(Part 2) Chapter 15 - Lucky Guess

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Point of View: Y/N

You placed one hand on Nat's lower back as you helped her up the stairs and then along the corridors before you finally got to her room. After some fumbling with her keys, Nat managed to stumble into her room before chucking her things to the side and sitting down on the bed to undo her heels.

"You going to be OK getting off to sleep?" You asked, lingering by the door. Nat sat up abruptly at this, frowning at you surprised.

"You're not leaving." She said, before standing up and walking towards you. "You're staying with me." She said, still with a very serious expression on her face that forced you to laugh.

"And do I get a say in this?" You smirked, teasing her.

"Nope." She said, shaking her head before reaching out and grabbing your hand, pulling you towards the bed. You chuckled at her again, before sighing and getting ready for bed.

As you pulled yourself under the covers, Nat immediately wrapped herself around you, placing her head on your chest. You smiled and wrapped your arm around her, pulling her in tightly and kissing her on the forehead. You lay like that in silence for a moment.

"I like your stupid face." She said into your collar bone. This caught you off guard, so you leant away from her to look at her and frowned with a slight smile.

"What was that?" You said, still unsure if you'd heard it right.

"I said.. you have a stupid face." She said, not lifting her head up.

"That's not what you said." You replied, a smile now right across your face - you enjoyed teasing her.

"Shut up." She said, but you could feel her smiling against your skin so you laughed to yourself then lay your head back down.

It wasn't long before the two of you drifted off like this, so comfortable in each others' arms.

- The Next Morning -

You woke up gently, opening your eyes softly only to close them again when they were met with the bright sun coming through the cracks in the curtain. You sighed softly, then rolled over gently and turned away from it, only to be met with the sight of Nat sleeping soundly beside you.

She looked beautiful lying there, her long red hair falling perfectly over the bed. You lay for a moment taking in how perfect she looked, still so confused as to how the pair of you ended up here - in this bed together.

"I can feel you staring." Nat mumbled quietly, her eyes still closed.

"What-.. how did you know I was-..." You responded, totally caught off guard.

"Lucky guess." She grumbled, before opening her eyes slowly and smiling softly at you. "Hey you."

"Hey." You smiled back, before placing your hand on her waist and pulling her in for a kiss. "How are you feeling this morning?" You said with a smirk as you pulled away, remembering how drunk she was last night.

"Surprisingly fine." She said. "Maybe even a 9 out of 10 in fact..." She raised one eyebrow as she said this, clearly still dwelling on your comment from the night before. You couldn't help but laugh at this, going to pull her in closer but Nat pulled away from you.

"Oh come on, you know it was just a joke." You laughed, trying to gently pull her back to you. "Obviously it wouldn't be as high as that." You joked again, enjoying teasing her.

"Are you..." Nat started to say with a shocked expression, whilst also trying to suppress a grin. She knew you were just winding her up and she hated how well it was working. "Maybe you should find somebody else to sneak around with then." She said, and in a pretend huff she turned over to face away from you in the bed.

You laughed at this, before moving forwards to spoon her in the bed - wrapping your arms around her and kissing her on the top of the shoulder. You could see her grinning at this, satisfied she was getting back at you.

"I don't want to find somebody else." You said softly, pulling your lips away from her shoulder. "I like your stupid face too."

Immediately Nat rolled towards you slightly, so that your face was just inches from hers. Her expression could only be described as a mixture of surprise, embarrassment and relief, with a small smile growing in the corner of her mouth.

"I was hoping you'd forgotten about that." She said.

"How could I possibly forget that." You smiled. "You're such a little softie under all that badass." You teased, she rolled her eyes at this.

"Tell anybody and I will actually kill you." She said, still smiling but narrowing her eyes at you.

"Aaand she's back." You smiled. Nat laughed at this, before placing a hand on your cheek and pulling you in for another kiss.

You squeezed her body tightly as you continued to kiss her. It felt so good to have her in your arms once again, you were so attracted to this woman that you couldn't help yourself around her.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now