Chapter 17 - An Impressive Resume

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Point of View: Natasha Romanoff

Y/n looked unnerved sitting in the chair across from where Fury was standing, her gaze firmly on the floor. He sighed before picking up a file from his desk, he seemed angry. You still had no idea where this outburst had come from, but you were keen to get to the bottom of it.

"12 years in the Red Room.." He said sternly, reading from the paper. "Two years at HYDRA, then another three as a private assassin for a Russian, organised crime group." He paused, glancing up from the file towards y/n before continuing. "And now, three days into your time at S.H.I.E.L.D, you've just assaulted a fellow agent." Y/n still didn't look up, but flinched slightly as Nick slams the file back down onto the desk. "That's quite an impressive resume I must say. Give me one good reason we shouldn't lock you up right now?" He said, waiting for a response.

Y/n finally looked up at him, she seemed disheartened but not defeated yet.

"It's not what it looks like." She said, quietly but with a tone of frustration. Fury wasn't impressed by this response, but he paused before speaking. He picked up a different file from the desk this time, glancing back at y/n before he started to read.

"Mission report dated 30th March 2011. Agent Daisy Johnston to depart to Chita, Russia, to embark on an intelligence mission. Daisy to assume the alias 'Skye', and get close to the target in order to retrieve information on organised crime group." He read. You watched as a painful expression grew on y/n's face, she winced slightly as he said the name 'Skye'.

"Mission outcome was successful, however target was not detained." He finished, looking back at y/n. "Is that 'what it looks like'? Because from where I'm standing, it looks like, someone finally used you for some information, and you didn't like it. Am I wrong?" You expected y/n to reply with something witty, but she just shook her head at him looking defeated. He put the file back on the desk and sat down opposite y/n.

"Look, we all have things in our past that we'd rather forget, some more so than others. But if you are unable to separate your emotions from this job, then maybe we need to rethink this deal. With that being said... Mr Stark, as well as Miss Romanoff here, have assured me that you deserve a second chance and that you are capable of working as a part of this team. I was skeptical when Tony told me about you, but then I remembered that the last feisty, Russian spy we recruited ended up being one of our best ever agents." He looked at you and nodded, you smiled back at him fondly.

"Agent Johnston was doing her job, a job which she happens to be pretty good at. However, she operates as part of Phil Coulson's team who are air based - so you won't be working with her. With that being said... if you ever assault another agent of mine again, provoked or not, you will be locked in a detainment cell immediately. Do I make myself clear, agent?" Fury said, sternly. Y/n took a deep breath and nodded back at him.

"It won't happen again." She said calmly now. She still looked defeated, but her face was of genuine sincerity. Fury nodded back at her, before excusing her from the room. She got up slowly at first, walked towards the door and carefully left. You both watched as she walked out, before turning to glance at each other. There was a short pause before Fury raised an eyebrow to you.

"Miss Romanoff, the next time you bring back a stray, at least check their dating history doesn't include any of our agents will you?" He said, you smiled at this.

"Yeah, that ones on me." You joked back at him. "You hanging around? I heard Steve is going to try and cook tonight."

"Dear God. As... amusing... as that sounds I'm going to have to pass - I'm headed out of town for a bit. Steve and Tony are in charge until I'm back." You smiled, nodded and began to make your way out of his office.

"Oh and Natasha?" You turned to face him. "Keep an eye on that one, I look forward to seeing where she's at when I'm back."

"Of course." You nodded as you left the room, you headed back to the meeting room to catch up with Steve and Tony.

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