Chapter 16 - I Trusted You!

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Point of View: Y/N

After you left the training room you went up and showered, before meeting Wanda downstairs - she wanted to take you for a short drive through the city for a little taste of freedom. It was nice, you weren't used to having friends but knowing that Wanda had also gone from HYDRA to S.H.I.E.L.D comforted you. She had a way of making things more light-hearted, and seeing her happy made you believe that maybe one day you'd be more like her.

"Thanks for that, I didn't think I'd appreciate getting out of here as much as I did." You smiled at her as you got out of the car. She smiled back at you, walking beside you as you entered the main doors.

As the two of you walked in to the main lobby , you saw a group of S.H.I.E.L.D guards, lead by Nat, Tony and Steve - and a few other faces - turn the corner and begin to walk past. You looked briefly at Nat, who seemed focussed in conversation with Tony. Out the corner of your eye you sensed one of the others in the group stop walking.

"What the hell is she doing here?!" A female shouted. You look round in alarm at the girl, who had long brown hair - her right hand pointing straight at you.


Instantly you felt a surge of anger, all of the feelings of betrayal and embarrassment came flooding back to you as you began to storm towards her.

"сука! я тебе доверял!! (Bitch! I trusted you!!)" You shouted at her. By now Wanda and the whole group had stopped, all eyes on the two of you. You could feel a hand on your shoulder, gently discouraging you to stop but you didn't care.

Blinded by rage you shrugged it off and ran at Skye, landing one punch on the side of her face. She dodged the next and then pushed you back.

"я делал свою работу. тебе нужно отпустить! (I was doing my job. You need to let it go!)" She shouted back at you. "What idiot let's a Russian assassin walk right through the fucking doors?!" She said, looking at the guards by the entrance who seemed confused. This only made you more angry, by now you could see Steve and Nat running towards the two of you to break it up.

You went for Skye again, this time for her legs. She jumped just in time but you followed this with another hit right to her chest, you had the better of her. She tried to kick you back, you blocked it and then went to land another hit on her already red face. But, right before you could, you were grabbed from behind by Steve who held both of your hands behind your back. Some of the other agents ran to Skye and started asking if she was alright, both of you still staring fiercely at each other.

"What the fuck was that all about?!" Nat looked furiously at you for an answer. You ignored her, still staring at Skye.

A couple of guards quickly rushed over and handcuffed your wrists behind your back, leading you out of the hall and into a small interview room where they sat you down on a chair.

How can she stand there and talk to me like that after everything?! Shouting at me like some freak in front of everybody!

Your body was still so filled with rage, your hands now handcuffed on your lap. You couldn't stop your leg from twitching, thinking back to her face standing there. You closed your eyes and allowed the rage to fill your whole body when all of a sudden, you felt a surge of energy shoot out of your hands. The energy was so powerful that the table and chairs in front of you lifted off the floor and came crashing against the wall.

You sat in shock for a few moments, unsure of what had happened. You realised quickly that this must be the telekinesis Bruce spoke about. You took some deep breaths and hunched your back over, resting your elbows on your knees and hanging your head.

Time went by slowly, 30 minutes, maybe an hour had gone by and nobody had entered the room - not even to check on the noise of the table breaking. You glanced around the room and noticed a security camera in the corner of the ceiling, you knew they were watching you.

Some more time passed, when finally you heard the door click and the door handle move. Nat walked in holding a set of keys, still looking annoyed.

"You want to tell me what the hell that was all about?" She said, eyes narrowed and frowning. You didn't look up.

"Not particularly." You responded, bluntly. She sighed and walked over to you, lifting your arms and unlocking the handcuffs.

"Director Fury wants to speak to you. And don't even think about pulling anymore of that shit." She said, pointing to the overturned table. "You've caused enough trouble already." She finished sternly, while grabbing you by the shoulder and pushing you firmly out of the room. You didn't appreciate her tone, but you could understand why she was annoyed - you had let your emotions get the better of you completely and you felt slightly embarrassed by it.

Outside were two guards, who took her place by laying their hands on your shoulders and leading you upstairs.

Nat followed you in to the office - you could feel her green eyes burning through the back of your head - and took a seat at the side of the room with her legs crossed, green eyes staring you down as you took a seat. The office was big, with large windows on the far side. Staring out of the windows, wearing a long black, leather jacket, was who you presumed to be Nick Fury.

"Thank you." He said abruptly, nodding to the guards as he turned around. The guards took that as a sign to leave and stood outside of the door. Even with one eye covered, you felt intimidated as his gaze fell on you.

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