(Part 2) Chapter 2 - Trust Me On This

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Point of View: Natasha Romanoff

"Morning." Steve nodded to you as you entered the room.

"Finally, let's get started." Tony said cheerily. You nodded at them both as you took a seat at the table. The meeting room was less busy than usual, just you, Steve, Tony and Maria sat looking up at the projection on the screen. Maria was focussed, moving pieces of paper on the table in front of her, while Steve looked at Tony with anticipation, seemingly keen and eager to help.

An undercover S.H.I.E.L.D agent, Graham Fisher, had been working underneath Sasha for the last year, and had tipped Fury off that the group were travelling to America to complete a trade deal with a Hydra operative. It was too good an opportunity to pass up - Fury wanted the Avengers on the case to finally bring this woman in.

"As you can see here, the location is an abandoned building on the outskirts of Cleveland, Ohio." Maria began, gesturing towards the images on the screen where CCTV had picked up known Hydra agents in the building. "We believe 'Sasha' will be there in person, to collect a set of plans for an old Stark Industries Missile. She won't be alone, and she won't come quietly."

You watched out the corner of your eye as Tony grew restless at the thought of these plans falling into enemy hands once again. He looked thoughtful, but you knew this had frustrated him and made him even more determined to get his hands on them.

"So what's the plan?" Steve asked calmly, glancing between you and Tony.

"Well that depends, do we think y/n is up to the task? Or do we put her on the bench again." Tony said, looking at you first then at Maria.

"She can handle the fight, I know that for sure." Steve replied. "But what about going against this 'Sasha'?"

"It's definitely a risk. But I think it's our best play. She wants to prove herself, so this is her chance." You said, looking at the ground to begin with, then glancing around the room to gauge the response. Steve nodded at you, and Maria picked up her phone, looking at Tony for approval. He paused for a moment before nodding his head slowly too.

"Do it. But it won't be easy to pull her out if it all goes wrong, make sure she knows that." He said calmly to Maria, she nodded and put the phone to her ear.

You felt a slight sense of worry at Tony's words, still uncertain if this was the right thing to do. And you knew that if it all went wrong, you would feel guilty for supporting the idea - but Y/n had made it clear this is what she wanted.

"Y/n? Come and join us in meeting room 1 as soon as possible please, it's urgent."

Point of View: Y/N

You had joined the others in the room as quickly as you could, listening intently to every word as Maria explained the situation.

"She will know it's an act the second you start grovelling, so we need to go in strong and you need to find a way to prove your loyalty to her." Maria said, her eyes on you, reading your reaction.

You nodded slowly in thought. You could feel everyone in the room watching you, trying to assess you and searching for any sign of emotion.

"I have an idea, but I'm going to need you to trust me on this one." You replied, you glanced up at Nat first who frowned back at you. You then looked to Tony, who glanced at Maria and then back at you.

"What do you need?" He replied.

"Just one agent." You respond, not giving anything away. Your plan relied on discrepancy and the less people who knew, the better. "And some more of those ICE bullets."

Tony looked at you uncertain as to whether to approve this, he looked at Steve who looked deep in thought too. Steve sighed, and then nodded.

"Okay, we'll do it your way. But you screw this up and it's on you, and you're on your own. We can't just pull you out of there without putting countless others at risk." He said, a serious tone to his voice.

"Understood." You said, looking back at him. On this, the others in the room nod at each other slowly and then got up to leave. You followed them out the door and then headed the other way, back towards your room to get ready.

"Are you sure you don't want to let one person in on your plan, incase something goes wrong?" Nat whispered from right beside you, having caught up with you in the corridor once the others were out of earshot.

"Look..." You stopped in your tracks and turned to face her with a serious expression. "I get that you don't trust me on this Nat, and that's fine. But I won't stand here and try to convince you either, if you don't trust me then you should've said something in there. I don't want your help, just leave it."

Nat looked back at you blankly, and then didn't follow you as you turned and walked away quickly. You felt her eyes on your back as you made your way down the corridor.

She's not going to enjoy this one.

- 4 hours later -

"In position." You said quietly over comms, whilst nodding to Agent Paterson who Tony had assigned to you for your plan. He was strong, yet nimble on his feet and an experienced soldier. It was pitch black outside, and cold in the wind.

The pair of you had your backs against the wall beside a metal door on the side of the building, crouching down and waiting before entering. Sam had done a scan of the place from above, there didn't appear to be more than 10 men, with 1 female who you assumed had to be Sasha.

"You're on your own now, but we'll be listening in - any sign of foul play and we have Steve, Nat, and Sam on standby for your position." Maria said, knowing all of those mentioned were also listening.

You slowly and silently reached up and opened the metal door, peering into the very poorly lit room. You could make out one man on the far side of the room, facing away from you, but that was about all you could see. You slipped through the gap in the door quietly, followed by Agent Patterson. From just inside the room you had a better view, you could now see multiple armed figures around the room, most of them glancing out of windows and none aware of your presence yet. You signalled to Patterson to stay crouched there, just inside the door and you made your way towards the middle of the room quietly, weapon raised. But you stopped in your tracks when a familiar voice echoed through the cold walls.

"Y/n, darling, what a lovely surprise."

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now