(Part 3) Chapter 7 - All Targets Down

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Point of View: Natasha Romanoff

You burst into the room to see Y/N tied down and unconscious on a medical bed, a small bald man scuttled towards the corner of the room.

"Stop this thing right now or I swear to god this will be the last damn breath you've ever drawn." You said, so angry you were almost spitting the words. Your gun was pointed at his head, he flinched as you raised it.

"I can't." He replied in a Russian accent. "It is already done." He said calmly.

You heard the machine whizz to a stop and stepped forwards to look at Y/n. She was still unconscious, but you could see her breathing. She was sweating and her fists were in balls, but she was alive.

As you glanced back up you caught the glimpse of the Russian man placing his hand in his pocket.

"What did you do?" You said, gun in his direction once again.

"Only what she wanted, I am not the enemy." He said, calmly.

You stepped closer to him and gripped your gun tighter.

"Then what are you hiding in your pocket then?" You said, your gaze flinching between his eyes as you watched him scramble for a lie. You didn't wait to hear his response before gripping his wrist and pulling it out of his pocket to reveal a vile filled with blood.

Is that... Y/n's? What the fuck

With that you took it from his hand, before knocking him over the head with the handle of your gun and leaving him unconscious on the floor.

"How far away is that medic?" You said in comms, you'd already called for back up as you were entering the building.

"Making their way down the stairs, all targets down?" Came Maria's reply.

"All targets down."

"And Y/n?" She said, a hint of nervousness.

"Not sure right now." You said, looking back over at her on the table.

You swiped off your coms and walked over towards her, before beginning to undo the shackles that were tying her down to the bed. Once you had taken them off you held one of her hands in yours and rested your head on her chest.

"One day I'm going to tell you that I told you so about Sharon, but right now just don't leave me Y/n." You said quietly.

Moment later medics came rushing in and you stood back, allowing them to carry her on a stretcher up the stairs and into the heli-carrier.

SHIELD agents also followed behind with the body of Sharon who you'd ICE'd on the way in, as well as the Russian man from the lab.

Maria had run a search on the man's face and found matches in their HYDRA database, his link with Sharon now put her under inquiry too.

Point of View: Y/N

You woke up very similarly to the first time you had ever been in the medical bay at the compound, bright lights in your face and confused about where you were.

However this time Nat wasn't sitting on the chair beside your bed, she was standing by the door deep in conversation with Bruce. Neither of them noticed you open your eyes or begin to move slightly.

"тоже рад тебя видеть, сука. (Nice to see you too, bitch.)" You said with a smirk.

You watched as both of their heads whipped round immediately, and they looked visibly relieved. Both of them walked over to the bed and smiled at you, Nat placed her hand in yours and squeezed it gently.

"это действительно способ поприветствовать свою девушку? (Is that really the way to greet your girlfriend?)" She replied, with a smirk as well.

You chuckled a little, and then again when you looked at Bruce who looked very confused.

"How are you feeling?" He asked calmly, his clipboard in hand.

"Exhausted, and hungry, but not too bad." You said with a reassuring smile.

"Do you know anything about the procedure they did?" He asked, then flinched slightly as Nat shot him a look. "Sorry to ask so soon, it just helps to know..."

"I just know it was supposed to undo what HYDRA did do me all those years ago. He said they wanted the serum for..." It was then it struck you that you had no idea what happened after you blacked out. "Wait... what happened? How did I get here,"

"You have this one to thank." Bruce said, nudging Nat on the shoulder. "I'll leave her to explain, any questions you have for me just come find me." He walked away with a nod.

"I know I should have more trust in you, but I followed you both." Nat said, stroking your hand with her thumb. "I just had a gut feeling and then I saw that text on your phone, by accident, and I had to. I'm sorry if it seems a little paranoid, but something wasn't right."

She looked down at the ground, you raised your hand away from hers and up to the side of her face.

"Nat." You said, looking into her eyes, her looking back now. "I would quite literally be dead if it weren't for you, don't you dare apologise."

"I hate to say I told you so about Sharon." She said, her mouth curving into a smile.

"No you don't, you love saying you told me so." You said, rolling your eyes. "I don't need to read minds anymore to know that."

She smiled at this, and then paused.

"On that topic..." She said. "That man, when I came in he had a vile filled with your blood. Bruce has run tests on it, it seems he did manage to take out your powers with your blood, almost like this 'serum' you mentioned."

"They wanted it for HYDRA." You said, nodding.

"Right." Nat said in agreement. "Well we still have it, and it falls to you to decide what happens with it."

"What happens with it? Get rid of it. Destroy it. I don't want to see it." You said as if it were obvious.

"I told Tony that would be your response." She laughed. "I think his proposition was to keep it so they could examine it in the lab."

"What, so SHIELD can make their own version? No chance in hell." You said. "Me and you are smashing that thing tonight."

Nat smirked at this as she sat down on the bed beside you.

"I agree." She said leaning in. "This is why I love you." She kissed you softly as you both smiled into each others lips.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now