Chapter 8 - This Girl is Crazy

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You finished the rest of the training programme by yourself, then went back to your room to take a shower. After that you got dressed and decided to make your way down to the lounge, where you found Nat and Sam sitting on the sofa chatting. As you closed the door behind you, the noise prompted both of them to look up, Nat then glanced back at Sam.

"You're right, I'll talk to him later." She glanced over at you. "Anyway, I need to go help Wanda with something just now, I'll see you around Sam." She said as she got up from the sofa, walking towards you as you walk away from the door.

"Nat listen, about earlier, I really didn't mean-..." You began to say as she walked over to you, and then straight past you without saying a word. She didn't even glance in your direction as she left the room.

Okay well that was rude, but I guess I deserve it a little.

"Hey y/n, how you getting on?" Sam said, smiling up at you.

"Hey, I'm good thanks. This place is pretty cool." You said, sitting down on the sofa.

"Yeah, it's a little big but you get used to it. How was your first training session this morning?"

"Good, I think. Natasha seems a little tense though.." You said with a chuckle. "Is she always like that?"

"Most of the time, but she has her moments" He smiled.

Who am I kidding, she is always like that...

"Haha what was that?" You replied, surprised by his change of tone.

Sam looked confused. "I just said, most of the time but she can have her moments!" He smiled again.

"No, I meant the bit you said after that? Something like 'she is always like that'?" You replied smiling back.

"I didn't say that, did I?" He frowned.

What the hell, did I say that out loud? I've got to learn to keep my mouth shut.

You let out a small scream, startling Sam who still looked confused.

"Why.. wh-.. how are you doing that? You're speaking without moving your lips?" You said, still confused and now a bit scared as to what was going on.

"What are you talking about?" He said calmly, eyebrows still furrowed down and looking increasingly confused.

Man, this girl is crazy..

"Hey I'm not crazy!" You replied.

Now Sam let out a short yelp, sitting up in his seat suddenly.

"What so now you read minds too?! Damn it man, what I gotta do to catch a break around this place huh?" He said, throwing his hands up in frustration.

"I've never done that before, how do I turn it off?!" You ask, looking at Sam who just shrugged.

How the hell am I supposed to know? All I do here is fly around in a bird costume.

You let out a small laugh at this, your hands both over your mouth still in shock as to what was going on.

"I think you're better speaking to Bruce about this kind of stuff. JARVIS, tell Dr. Banner that me and y/n are on our way down to him - it's a bit of an emergency." He said to the computer screen, which lit up.

"Of course, he has been notified." JARVIS replied.

"Right then..." Sam looked at you sympathetically. "Let's go find out what the hell is going on..."

You followed Sam down to the lab where Bruce was waiting for you both. You and Sam explained what had just happened and Bruce sighed before before starting a number of tests. To your surprise, Bruce didn't seem very taken aback by this news. You figured he must just be used to this sort of stuff, and you completed all the tests he asked you to do. After almost an hour, Bruce had called Tony, Steve and Nat down to a small room to discuss the findings. They left the lab and sat in the room next door while you were left with a couple of doctors monitoring you on a hospital bed.

I wonder what's going on in that room, and why they're not letting me in. It's been 20 minutes, surely I should be allowed in on the conversation, about me!

Just as you finished that thought, looking at the ground while sitting on the end of the bed, Steve walked into the room.

"Hey kid, I think it's about time you joined us through here. We've got a lot to discuss." He said, smiling and offering his hand out to you. You took his strong hand and got to your feet, walking behind Steve as he led you to the door of the room. You could hear raised voices on the other side.

"What other choice do we have? Send her back to Russia? We might as well gift wrap her and drop her off at the Hydra headquarters! It's final Nat." Tony's slightly muffled voice was raised.

"Of course not, I just-..." Nat said as Steve opened the door and led you in to a seat at the end of the table next to him. She stopped what she was saying, her eyes narrowed, watching you closely as you sat down.

"Y/n, great to see you again! How's your room?" Tony smiled at you.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now