(Part 2) Chapter 22 - With You, Yes

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*This chapter contains smut towards the end, if you don't like it just read the first half and then skip the rest.*

Point of View: Y/N

You watched as Nat slowly tied her soft, white dressing gown over her underwear.

"You want to take a picture? It might last longer." Nat joked with a smirk in your direction. She stood at the foot of the bed, tilting her head in a smile with both hands on her waist now.

"You want to get into bed?" You replied, patting the duvet beside you. You were sat upright, sitting on your phone to pass the time while she showered.

Nat smiled at this and then made her way to the bed, climbing on to the bottom on all fours and walking her way up your legs until her face was right in front of yours.

"With you, yes." She smiled, before kissing you softly. She sat on top of you, straddling your outstretched legs, and placed both hands round the back of your neck. "But only if you put the damn phone away." She said, jokingly.

"Alright, alright, I was just about to." You said, locking it and then placing it on the bedside table. "You know, just because I'm your girlfriend now it doesn't mean you get to boss me around Romanoff."

Nat smiled and rolled her eyes at this, before leaning in to nibble your ear.

"I don't need to boss you around, I have other ways of making you do what I want." She whispered, you could feel her smirking beside you, before she brushed her lips down past your ear and began kissing into the side of your neck. Despite your best efforts to contain it, this made you take a sharp breath, placing your hands on her side and gripping her waist.

You pulled her body in to yours, and she smiled into your neck at this, whilst kissing you back harder. Encouraged by your body language, she removed one hand from behind your neck and traced it down your back. She then moved it up the inside of the t-shirt you were wearing, tickling your side as she went.

You pulled her away from your neck and found her lips with yours, kissing her back passionately. You moved your hand down to her waist and began to carefully undo the cord on her dressing gown, before placing both hands on her thighs and slowly working your way up.

She leaned back to smile at you, glancing between your eyes and your lips, when you noticed a glint in her eyes.

"What?" You said, smiling and frowning at the same time.

"I- Nothing." She smiled, leaning in to kiss you again. You couldn't help but smile at this, holding her back just before your lips.

"Tell me." You teased her, you could see her slight embarrassment. "What are you getting flustered about?"

"I'm not flustered!" She said, still smiling playfully but pulling away from you. "I was just thinking."

"About what?"

"Just that I could get used to this." She smiled sheepishly, glancing down at your lips then back into your eyes.

"Well you better. I'm your lot from now on, nobody else." You smiled back.

"Do I hint you a sense of jealousy?" Nat said, mimicking your drunken voice from the night you kissed in the corridor months ago. Your mouth opened with a smile as well as pretending to be offended by this.

"You're never going to let that go are you?"

"I'm surprised you remember saying it to be honest with you." She smiled back, kissing you softly again. You smiled into her lips, before leaning back slowly and began tracing your hand up and down her thigh slowly.

"As if I wouldn't remember our first kiss."

"Our first kiss? I think your forgetting the boxing ring about a week before that." She said, one eyebrow raised with a smirk across her lips.

"That didn't count. That was a fighting technique." You said playfully.

"A fighting technique!" Nat laughed at this. "You're so full of shit."

"Win by any means necessary, I told you that at the time." You smiled back confidently.

"So if that had been Cap, or Tony, or Vision?" She raised an eyebrow at you.

"Sure." You replied, unconvincingly.

"Mmhmm." She hummed, jokingly unamused and not convinced by your argument.

"Okay, fine. That was our first kiss." You rolled your eyes, a small smile still creeping into the corner of your mouth.

"You'll need to get used to admitting that I'm right more often." Nat smiled at you, leaning in and glancing at your lips.

"No chance." You replied teasingly, before pulling her towards you and kissing her passionately.

She kissed you back harder, running her hands up and down your sides gently at first and then more firmly as the two of you went. Eventually she rolled onto the bed beside you and began tracing her hand towards your underwear as she kissed your neck.

You let out a short groan as she worked her way over your body, slowly and gently at first so as to tease it. She slipped one finger inside of your underwear and began in a circular motion, while kissing your lips. At the same time you did this too, much to her surprise, which was clear as she moaned loudly into your lips causing you to smile back at her.

You intertwined your legs with hers as both of you worked the others' body at the same time, moving almost in one motion. You could feel her body tensing slightly, and her grip on you tightening, indicating she was close. You slowed down slightly, while she sped up causing you to then bite her lip gently.

With both of you close, each of you sped up, moving as one and breathing heavy. With one more grip of her waist, your body gave way and shuddered at her touch. Only a second later, hers did the same and both of you slowed down, not stopping until the moment was fully gone, gaining your breaths back slowly.

Nat leaned in towards you again, placing her forehead on yours and kissed you softly.

"That was hot." She said with a smirk, before placing her hand on your waist and pulling you in towards her.

"Again?" You said with a grin, biting your tongue slightly.

"Again." She said, before kissing you firmly again and leaning you over on the bed to get on top of you.

The pair of you spent the rest of the evening unable to keep your hands off each other. Neither of you got much sleep, but neither of you cared either.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now