Chapter 6 - Cute PJs

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You woke up hours later, still in your clothes but the room was now dark. You walked back over to the door and turned on the light switch before glancing down at the clock on your bedside table.

Jesus Christ it's 1am already, I need to get a shower and eat something.

You jumped in the shower in your room, washed your hair, then got out and got changed into some pyjama shorts, and a sports bra. Your hair was still wet, but you decided you'd dry it once you had something to eat.

As you opened the door into the corridor it was very dark, only dim lights illuminated the walls of the hallway. You made your way down the lift and back to the lounge and kitchen you passed by earlier. There was one light on in the kitchen but the rest of the big room was dark, except from a slight glow coming through the window from the other nearby skyscrapers. Carefully and quietly, so as not to wake anybody up, you took a glass from the cupboard and slowly opened the fridge to grab some fruit juice. You lifted the juice up and just as you did so someone suddenly grabbed your shoulder, causing you to jump and drop the carton. You crouched down instinctively, and took a step back as you turned to see what was there...

What the-... OUCH!!

In the process, you banged your head off the opened fridge door and fell to the floor. You looked up holding the back of your head, to see Natasha trying her best not to burst out laughing.

"Ha ha ha very funny" You say as you roll your eyes, screwing your face up at the pain. You got up on one hand to stand up, but as you did Natasha put out her hand to help you up - still chuckling away to herself.
"Thanks." You took her hand and stood up, something about her touch comforted you.

"I thought you were an assassin?" She said with a smirk, folding her arms and leaning her back against the kitchen worktop behind her.

"I'm tired, give me a break" You said, picking up the orange juice carton and closing the fridge door again.

"How's the shoulder?" She said as she began to glance slowly down your body, taking in what you were wearing. Her glare unnerved you, it was as if she was reading you and deciding what she thought of you right there. You were suddenly very conscious that you were standing in a just a sports bra.

"Surprisingly much better already. What sort of bullet even was that?"

"That's classified." She whispered and then winked at you, but you weren't fully sure as to whether this was a joke or not. "I'm glad it's feeling better, because you're with me at 7am for some combat practice." She said as she started to walk out of the room.

"Wait.. that's in like-..."

"Oh and y/n?" She interrupts as she stopped and turned to smile at you. "Cute PJs."

You instantly blushed, and you watched as she turned and walked out the door, smiling to herself. You stood for a moment analysing the interaction between the two of you, still unsure what to make of Natasha - you couldn't figure her out.

And with that you quickly grabbed some toast and headed up to bed, setting an alarm for your early morning rise.

- 7am -

You were woken suddenly by a loud banging at your door. You slowly opened your eyes, adjusting to the sun shining through your bedroom windows.

"I said meet me in the Training Room at 7am!" Nat shouted from the other side of the door. "You've got 5 minutes to get down there or I'm adding another 20."

Shit, stupid alarm. Why didn't it-...

You looked over to your side to see that you hadn't pressed the 'set' button, and the '6:30' was still flashing on the screen. You quickly got up and ran around your room, grabbing some leggings and a vest top. You threw your hair up in a ponytail and chucked an unzipped hoodie over your shoulders before running out of your room and heading down to the training room.

You walked in to see Nat and Wanda chatting by a small boxing ring. They both finished their conversation as you walked over, Wanda whispered something to Nat who smiled and she gave her a playful nudge on the arm.

Man, she looks kind of cute when she smiles.

Wanda immediately looked at you and put her hand over her mouth, doing everything possible to hide the grin on her face. You glanced at her as you approach.


"Hey guys." You said nervously, glaring at Wanda, then looking back at Nat who seemed frustrated.

"You're late." She said as she turned around and started grabbing together some gloves and pads.

You looked back at Wanda who was walking over to you, removing her hand from her face to reveal a huge grin.

"Good to see you again y/n... I'll leave you guys to it but, I think maybe you and I should grab a little chat later on.." She said with a wink, and then walked out of the room smiling away.

You looked back up at Nat who was now holding a pair of boxing gloves and waving them at you.

"Come on, let's get this ass whooping over with." She said, smiling with the corner of her mouth.

Okay, now she's really asking for it.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now