Graduation Day - Part 1

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Tessa Point of View..

Today is the day , that I have been waiting for so long. I sacrificed so much , worked so hard for this day, the day when I will proudly walk out with my Bachelor's + Masters Degree in Business law.

The Ceremony will start at 2 Pm in the afternoon and it will be for 2 hours. At the beginning, our department heads will give their short speeches about how proud they are of our achievements and will also distribute special awards to different students. I have been nominated for 4 sub awards, I don't know if I will any. The fact that I am graduating with full distinction and an average of 8.5 is in itself a big achievement. To top it off, I have been offered to work with one of the leading business firms in Washington. I will also have Casey , my best friend at the same firm, only difference will be , our divisions will be different. It has to be because I graduated with a specialization in Business law and she did with Environment law, very different fields. But, I will get to see her during lunch breaks, so, that is more then enough, plus we will live together with my parents and with my elder sister, finally after 6 years, all of us will again live together.

I do not regret my decision that I made 6 years ago about coming to UCLA. I learnt a lot and these 6 years, helped me realize my dreams.

"If I get to see you even for one more minute , standing near that mirror, either I will break the mirror or I will make you go naked in the ceremony. You look beautiful Tess, how many times should I tell you that!!!"

Casey is frustrated by my inability to believe that I actually look beautiful in this dress. I was busy with my final paper work and hence I asked Casey to do shopping for me for our graduation day and she got me this dress. It's expensive, so, obviously I cannot return it, plus if I do, it will hurt Casey. I cannot do that. So, even if it's not something I will prefer to wear, I will still wear it.

            (Tessa Graduation Dress )

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            (Tessa Graduation Dress )

            (Tessa Graduation Dress )

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           (Casey Graduation Dress)

"Yeah I know it's beautiful, thank you Casey!!"

"You look beautiful Tess , trust me and today when Matthew will see you in this dress, he is gonna love it. You can thank me tomorrow morning for the same."

She blinks at me in a flirtatious manner and I definitely know what she meant by that. She is the only one in our friend circle who knows , I am not having sex with Matthew and that I am still virgin. But, I have told her and obviously she has seen by her own eyes, what stuff me and Matthew has already done, so, as per Casey, I should already give it up to Matthew. In the past , there were moments when we almost had sex , but somehow sensibility stuck in and we realised what we were about to do and we stopped. I know it is Matthew's idea to wait till Marriage, I don't know why he wants to wait though with me. I mean it's not like, I am the only girl he dated, he has been dating girls from the age of 11 and he lost his virginity to when he was only 13 with one of classmates elder sister who was at that time was in college. Before me Matthew has dated couple of girls and with everyone he had a physical relationship. In our relationship, I am the one who is a virgin, not him. Sometimes, I still wonder why he wants to wait with me. In the past he has always assured me that the reason he wants to wait with me is because I am special and with me he wants to have our first time as more meaningful then an adolescent relationship status. I love him for that. I know we will have a future together and we will have a family of our own.

Knock! Knock!!

"Casey can you see, who is it!!"

"I can't, I am doing my makeup!!"

Casey shouts, literally shouts from her room.

I cross our hall to see who has arrived so early. My parents mentioned that Terra will be driving them and they will reach by 1 PM. It's only 12 Pm yet, who can be so early.

As I open our apartment door, I am welcomed by dark brown eyes of a 6 feet , fare looking brunette guy, who is very handsome and is definitely of our age.

"Matthew!! Wait, you said you will reach by 2 Pm, just before the ceremony, how can you be so early."

"I thought to suprise my girlfriend on her special day!! How are you and you look stunning by the way."

"Yeah thank me for that!! Casey enters the hall, looking gorgeous in her dress."

"You look beautiful too!!"

"Thank you, I always do!!"

As usual Casey is in her full confidence mode.

"I am sorry for crashing little early, I wanted to suprise my beautiful girlfriend and I was hoping, we can go out for coffee before your parents arrive and the ceremony begins, I hope it's ok?"

Matthew looks nervous and little anxious , a bad combination.

"Yes, sure, let me get my coat , I don't want anyone to see my dress yet and it's little cold out there."

I go to my bedroom to fetch my coat and by the time I come back in the hall, Casey is back to her room.

"You look handsome by the way."
I compliment my amazing Boyfriend.

He gives me his amazing smile and take my hands in his own and we walk out of the apartment hand in hand.

"I am sorry , I know I have been busy with dad and with our business a lot lately, and we were not able to spend much time together. But, now that you are moving back home, hopefully we will spend more time together and specially on weekends."

"I know we will and you have nothing to sorry about. This business means a lot to you and to your dad and to your family and as your girlfriend, I fully support you." 

I give him a quick peck on his lips and we continue walking. We reach a local cafe and takes a seat together.

"You know about how I mentioned about your graduation suprise." Matthew asks me with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Yes, you did!!"

"Here, open this box. It's for you."

Matthew hands me a purple box , I thought he got me a jwellery , Matthew loves to spoil me with gifts and presents and I knew on an occasion like my graduation, he will get me something.

"Matthew you coming all the way to LA for my graduation ceremony is more then enough for me. I already told you that. You don't have to get me anything."

"It's a special day for you, how can I leave my girl empty handed. Please open it." He asks me nervously.

I open the box and gasps in Suprise!!

----------Authors note-------------

What will it be..any guess?? Read   Graduation Part 2 to find it.

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