The Engagement Party...

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Tessa'Point of View...

I stand in my room, in front of my mirror. Today, Me and Matthew will be announcing our friends and family about our future. We will be celebrating our Engagement with the rest of our world. The past week went like a flash, after my heated conversation with Hardin, I didn't really had an opportunity to see him. It was until the very next day, I went to his office to see him, to invite him personally for my engagement party. I remember that night like it happened yesterday and not a week ago.

One week ago....

Hardin'Point of View..

After Coley dismissed my proposal, I busied myself in paperwork and in business meetings. I want to find a solution to my problem and I saw one, in Coley, but, she said "NO". She was correct though, getting married to inherit my father's property was one thing, but,my father also wants me to have my child within 1 year of my marriage. I cannot do that. I cannot get a woman pregnant for my selfish needs and desires. But, the question remains that if I failed to do so, I will never have the opportunity to legally inherit my father's wealth. For the outside world, I will be the new CEO of Scott Business Group but from inside, I will knew that I am just a puppet in my dead father's hand. Both of my options, ruins my life. All the hardwork, I have done in the past in making this company bigger and popular will be wasted if I don't follow my dead father's guidelines. I never imagined myself as someone's husband, but, my father definitely did. In his wicked dreams, he always planned to destroy me. If my father would have added the clause for marriage, I would have easily married a girl, got my property and then would have divorced the girl. But, leave it to my father, he wants me to impregnate my future wife as well. Sometimes I feel like my mother has her hands on this cruelty, but, then again I am reminded that my mother is the only person who loves me unconditionally and she will never joint hands with a traitor, my father.

I didn't even realize that it's already 5 Pm. The entire day, after our conversation, Coley kind of avoided me. I just wish that because of my stupidity, she doesn't stops our arrangement that we have been enjoying from past several years. I was about to shut down my laptop and wrap my day, when I hear a knock on my door. "Come in, I am free", I shout, literally shout, like an illiterate man. Where are my manners. Well, not everyone gets their life ruined by their diseased father everyday, I mentally curse my father for the millionth time.

My heart stops, when I see the person emerging from the other side of the door. The person who can easily make my worst day my best day, my beautiful Tess. She comes towards me with a nervous stance and I simply admire her beauty from distance. She is wearing a sky blue colour outfit today and now the colour, Sky Blue is also added to my favourite list. She comes and stands nervously in front of me, she looks at me and just like that, Green meets Blue. The moment I realize that I am making her uncomfortable with my unwanted gazing, I break our eye contact and gestures her to sit. She nervously adjusts herself on the chair, kept in front of my desk. "Umm..there is something I wanted to tell you, umm..kind of an invitation", I smile and nod and let her continue. "Please don't overreact to what I am about to tell you. Umm..I have this invitation for you, it's an invitation to my engagement party with Matthew", and just like that, without even realizing, my beautiful Tessa, converts my worst day in to anything more then worst. I cannot believe the audacity of this Matthew, just yesterday he proposed her and today he wants to throw an engagement party, to officially inform everyone that My Tessa will become his. I cannot let that happen. I shake my head and stands up from my chair. I start pacing the room like a madman, yesterday it was Tessa who was pacing like a madwoman and today it's me. "Hardin please. I don't want to make this situation anymore awkward, then it already is. Please understand. I love Matthew and I will marry him. There is nothing you can do about that", the moment Tessa ends her speech, I bolt towards her and grabs her arms and forcefully make her stand on her toes, she winces in pain, but, she didn't even understand that every word that leaves her sexy mouth cuts my heart deeper and deeper. "Hardin it hurts.."

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