From Tonight I Am Yours...

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Tessa'Point of View...

After hearing Hardin' past from his own mouth, I feel bad for the little boy who never got to experience the beauty of his own childhood. Now, today, I completely understand why Hardin is the way he is. He was hurt and traumatized by his own father when he was just a kid. All this disagreement over not wanting a relationship or not believing in love, got rooted in Hardin' mind because of his haunting past.

Now, I understand that him not believing in love is just a defence machanism. Hardin believed that if he will never love someone, then no one will have the power to break his heart. He saw his mother loving his father, trying to save an abusive relationship for him because she loves him, love been the key word. That's why Hardin decided to eliminate this key word from his dictionary. But, he said that he loves me. He repeated his own words from the night of my engagement party. Does he really mean that? Does he really love me? But, in this very moment, I knew that I have fallen in love with my boss, with Hardin Scott. I want to tell him, but, I don't know how he will react to that. From my past relationship, I learnt a major lesson, to be honest and transparent with your partner. If Hardin can tell me that he loves me, that he sees a future with me then so can I.

"I love you Hardin...I am ready, I want you"..., the moment I reciprocate my feelings towards Hardin, he instantly looks up, again Green meets Blue and I am rewarded with a beautiful smile on my man's face. He grabs my neck and pushes his lips to mine, I open my mouth and Hardin fills me with his amazing tongue. Every time we kiss, I end up wanting more. But, I need a confirmation from him, that he really loves me. I want to know how he rewrote the word.."Love" after deleting it from his dictionary. I end our kiss and Hardin' face fills with confusion."Sorry..I just want to ask you. You don't believed in love Hardin and I get that because of your past, with what your father did to your mother. But, now you said it twice to me that you love me, How?", He smiles and gently removes my blond locks from my forehead. "Because I do. Because you made me realize that I want you. Seeing you with Matthew made me realize, what I always wanted. Your simplicity, your kindness and your passion towards the people you love, every single detail about your personality, make me love you more. I never deleted the word.."Love" from my dictionary, I just choose to dormant it for the rest of my life. But, eversince you walked in to my life wearing your red lingerie, you made me want you more and there is no one else for me Tess. I love you and I want you. I want you now and I want you in my future." Hardin' truth fills my eyes with tears. He confirms me that he really wants me. I hold his chin and connects my lips with his, devouring his handsome face with soft and wet kisses. We continue to make out, with me on his lap until air becomes an issue. I can already feel Hardin getting hard underneath me. I leave his lap and extend my hands for him to hold, he holds my hand and interwines our fingers and pushes himself up from the couch. We stand face to face, I wrap my arms around his neck and peck his lips again.."I want you Hardin. I want to make love with you..", the moment my words leaves my mouth, his expressions changes from confusion to excitement. He picks me up bridal style and sprints us towards his bedroom, with our laughter filling the hallway.

Hardin'Point of View...

We enter our bedroom, I am holding Tessa bridal style. She just confessed her love for me and her confession makes me the happiest man alive. She also confirms about making love to me. I gently place Tessa down and steadies her by holding her waist. She wraps her tiny arms around my neck. I take a deep breath.."Are you sure about making love?..", I have never forced any woman when it comes to Sex, there is no way I will force Tessa to do something that she is not comfortable to do. The fact that probably Matthew already had her before me and probably was the one who would have took her virginity makes me jealous. Even if I already got rid of him from Tessa' life but the fact that he claimed Tessa before me in the most intimate manner fuels my blood. She nods and bites her lower lips, just watching her biting her lips turns me on. God, Tessa Young will be the end of me. I gently held her chin and make her look up. "What's wrong don't have to do anything that you are not comfortable to do. We can wait, there is no rush, when you will be ready, I will be too", she smiles and shakes her head.."No, I want to. I want us to make love but there is something you should know", I nod and I fear what's will be revealed, just the fact that she looks nervous in telling me makes me more nervous. "I am new in this..I have never done that with anyone before..", Tessa' confirmation knocks me out. She confirms me that she is a virgin. I was wrong, Matthew didn't claimed her the way I thought he would have. She never had sex with any man before. Just like me, she gives me hers most intimate "First Time", she will give me her's Virginity today.

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