The Plan..Part-4 : Final Blow...

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Tessa's Point of View...

I sit in my hotel room, on my bed, holding the report of the paternity test, as proof of whether or not Tedd, is my husband's son.

I can feel the tears on my skin, burning my skin with pain, relief, and sadness. Pain, because I feel bad for my husband-Hardin. Relief for my dignity. Sadness for the five-year-old boy whose life will be turned upside down in a matter of a couple of hours. And the only person to blame would be his mother who lied to him, who lied to Hardin, all these years about her son's true identity.

Tedd is not Hardin's son. All these years, Renne used Tedd to blackmail Hardin. She took advantage of the situation. Forced Hardin to continue their sexual relationship. Ruined Hardin's life by lying to him, by controlling him. He gave Hardin a false hope. I don't know why, but the report doesn't give me the satisfaction I thought it will give me. Now, I am more broken and sad from the inside.

I cannot give Hardin a family of his own. All these years, he thought he had a son, Tedd. Hardin loved Tedd. He doesn't have to talk about it or show it to others. Just by talking to Tedd about his father confirmed to me that both of them are very close to each other. That little boy loves his 'Dada'. Now, this truth changes everything, for Hardin and Tedd.

I put down my phone and gasped, trying my best to understand the intensity of the situation. I want to put an end to what Renne started years ago, I want to give Hardin his freedom but on the account of what?? Tedd's happiness?? Hardin's happiness that he feels every time he is with Tedd?? Also, I have to consider Lilly. The moment she will be told about her best friend's actions, she will break down. Lilly considered Renne as her biggest support system. Can I take that away from Lilly??

There are so many questions, so many conditions that I have to consider before I make my final decision. I check my phone hoping for a text message or a voice message from Hardin, but nothing. He hasn't contacted me in the past 4 days. I texted him, called him. Every time I called him, it went straight to his voice mail. Messages, well he didn't even bother to read them. I don't know what's going on. He should be the one apologizing for his behavior towards me, not me. But yet I sit here, thousands of kilometers away from him, getting worried about his whereabouts.

I put my cell phone inside my handbag and grab my room keys. I decide to take a walk outside my hotel, to clear my mind. On my way out, I message Matthew asking to meet me in the same cafe we met 4 days ago. I haven't seen Matthew a lot lately. The last time we met briefly was two days ago. We stayed in touch through phone calls and messages. He has been busy with his business-related work and the last thing I want is to disturb his day-to-day life.

As soon as I reach the reception area, I get a message from Matthew confirming to meet me at the same cafe. I take a cab from my hotel to the cafe. When I enter the cafe, it's already house full. Luckily, Matthew reached before me and got us a table to sit and chat.

"Sorry..I got late. I overruled New York city's traffic," Matthew laughs. Like a true gentleman, he helps me with my chair. I mutter a quick 'Thank You', towards his lovely gesture. It reminds me of our days when we used to date each other.

"It's ok. I am glad you called. Kave told me, today you got the paternity test results back. When you called, I thought you would need me, so, I canceled my meetings for today and cleared my calendar." I smile. When I met Matthew 4 days back, he looked different and not just by looks, but by his behavior as well. He was distant. This time, the person sitting in front of me reminds me of the man I used to love, I had plans with to spend my entire life.

Neither of us speaks for another couple of minutes. I can feel Matthew's gaze on me, he wants to know about the results. I want to share with him as well, I just don't know if I should or not. But, Matthew is my friend and right now I need a friend, more than ever I needed one.

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