Las Vegas..Part 3 : Honeymoon begins...

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Tessa' Point of View...

As we sit in our hotel transport that will be taking us to different locations around Las Vegas, I feel Hardin's hands on my lap, rubbing my thigh with random patterns. I can still see him having a boner, evident from underneath his tight skinny jeans, and as tempting as it looks, I need to control my hormones. I don't want our trip to Las Vegas to end in our bedroom or when I look back, I don't want to have memories of us having sex as the only memories from our trip. Even if we have been dating for over a month, I still sometimes feel like I don't know Hardin properly. I want us to have this trip as a way to understand each other in a better way. In a matter of a few weeks, we will be getting married, we will be husband and wife. I don't want any surprises after our marriage. I know Hardin has a past, something he doesn't talk much about or prefer not to talk about, but, if we are getting married to each other, we should not have any secrets between us. I don't want to pressure Hardin, I want him to come clean to me on his own, but I know that has to wait. Dating Hardin and known him for over 3 months, something I realized that Hardin has his way to deal with the problems he faces in his life, he has his way to open up to me about his past, if I pressure him or if I force him, there can be a repeat of what happened in Seattle and that I don't want. It's normal in a relationship to fight or have disagreements with your partner, but, every time I remember our fight, it runs my blood cold.

Hardin tugs my dress back as he gestures me to look outside. The Scenery outside takes my breath away, it's beautiful. "Isn't it beautiful", I nod as I admire the natural beauty Las Vegas holds for us. " It's called The Strip, let's get out so that we can explore it more..", I nod as our car comes to a halt. We exit our car with our fingers intertwined together. "They told me that we should come here at night but you know we have different plans for tonight..", he smirks as I register his words, I know what he hints we will be doing tonight. We walk hand in hand as we explore the streets of The Strip. Like a child, I make a stop at every shop we pass by making Hardin groan out of frustration. I know men don't like street shopping but we women live for street shopping and if as a man you are joining a woman at a place that is crowded with small shops, you need to have patience. I dismiss Hardin as I make sure to properly explore every shop we see.

My eyes get caught by a shop selling home decor items and I untangle my hands from Hardin's and sprint inside the shop before Hardin can start his complaints. He follows me inside as I start to explore the various items the shop has to offer. " Babe..can we hurry up a little. It's too hot here and I am sweating like a pig..", Hardin whispers in my ears, giving me goosebumps as I feel his hot breath on my skin. I nod. I carry the items I have selected to the counter as the lady at the counter smiles at me with a warm and loving smile. "It will be 4000 USD", I nod and open my wallet to hand the woman my card when I feel Hardin's hand grabbing mine, stopping me.." It's our honeymoon, I will buy you whatever you want." I don't argue, knowing very well Hardin will never agree for me to pay anywhere in our trip. He hands his card to the lady and she accepts it with a smile. "You both look beautiful as a couple. I believe you both are on your honeymoon", I nod and agree to the woman's statement. She smiles as she hands Hardin his card.." Thank you for shopping with us. You two have a wonderful trip", we both nod and exit the shop. "It seems like you have purchased everything from our trip on a single day", I playfully slap Hardin away as he laces our fingers again into a tight grip. "Good for me. We will skip the remaining destinations and can use that time in fucking each other." I blush as Hardin boldly registers his expectations. We explore the strip some more until I feel my legs giving up.."Hardin, can we eat somewhere. I can no longer walk in these heels. It hurts", he nods and enters the next restaurant that comes our way. We take our seats as a waiter approaches us for our orders. He hands us our menu and waits patiently for us to place our orders. "Babe, you place whatever you like for us. I have an urgent call to make", I nod as Hardin leaves the restaurant, making me sit alone in a place full of unknown faces. I quickly place our orders and look around to see Hardin but unfortunately, I cannot find him. Where he will go, leaving me alone at a place with so many strangers, it's very unlikely of him. I open my wallet to check my messages. I have 6 unread messages, 3 from my parents, 1 from Casey, 1 from Terr, and 1 from an unknown number. It doesn't look like a Washington number. I open the message from the unknown number to find it written in Spanish. It reads,
"Que haces con el". I don't know how to translate it as I never took Spanish in my school or my college as a language. I decide to use Google translate once we reach our hotel. I open the other 5 messages from my family. My parents ask me if we reach safely to Las Vegas. My sister has sent me a list of items for her to buy. And my best friend demands the juicy details from our trip. I know quite well what she wants to know. I close my phone as the waiter places our order in front of me. I thank the waiter for serving us and again turnaround to see if Hardin has come back yet, nope, still no signs of him. I cannot start without him, but, I am hungry. We walked for over 2 hours and I only had an omelette and toast for breakfast, I again turn on my phone to call Hardin when I feel something or rather someone holding my ankles. I look down on the person and find Hardin on his knees, holding my left ankle in his hands, with a shoebox kept on his right. He looks up, Green meets Blue, he smiles, his handsome face with his sexy smile is a killing combination. " Sorry, baby. I got lost..", he giggles nervously. "Where were you and what you are doing on your knees with a shoebox", I ask Hardin as he opens the box to bring out a pair of brand new sports shoes, and places them near my toes. Hardin helps me to remove my heels and then like a perfect gentleman helps me wear the sports shoes he got for me..." You said that your heels hurt, I saw a shoe shop on our way here. I went to buy you a pair of sports shoes, they will help you with the walking." I look at the man sitting in front of me and feel like falling in love with him all over again. I cannot believe Hardin is so thoughtful. He smiles as he puts his hand over mine.."You ok baby..", I nod as I feel tears in my eyes. Looking at my face, Hardin scoots his chair closer to mine.." Tess, baby. What's wrong, please tell me..". I shake my head as I wipe away my tears.." Nothing. Hardin, I never imagined you as a thoughtful person..", he blushes as he looks down at our intertwined fingers. Hardin Scott is blushing, well I don't know what else is in store for me, for us on our trip to Las Vegas.
"I love you, Tess. I will do anything for you. Buying you a pair of sports shoes so that you can walk properly is nothing." I smile as I hold his face in my hands and smash our lips into a passionate kiss. I don't care if people are watching us. He is mine and I want the entire world to see that he is taken. "I love you, Hardin Scott", he smiles into our kiss, we end our kiss as we realize our food is getting cold.
" Let's fill your little tummy with some food..", Hardin is back to his teasing attitude, gone is my sweet Hardin. We eat our food with Hardin teasing me from time to time with his snide remarks over my eating habits.

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