Let's Live Together...

810 26 16

Tessa' Point of View...

"That's the final box...", I pass the final box to Hardin. We are currently in my bedroom, I thought Hardin will send someone to help me transport the boxes to our Seattle Penthouse, but to my shock, he came himself. He took a day off from his own business to help me with my boxes and with my luggage as today we move to Seattle until Hardin' Washington Penthouse gets ready. Since, today is friday, we will get 3 days to settle down in our Seattle Penthouse.

"Are you sure..", Hardin teases as he carries the final box towards the transport truck. I playfully slap his back as he laughs. After settling my final box in to the truck, Hardin turns and pulls me by my waist, encaging me in his strong arms. He bents and captures my lips in to a passionate kiss. I cannot even deny, the moment his lips touches mine, I loose my ability to think straight. Our moment gets interrupted by my Casey' voice.."Get a room you two..", we laugh as Hardin pulls back and ends our kiss with a peck on my lips. He turns and keeps his hold across my waist.."Don't worry, that's the end plan..", Hardin playfully replies Casey, to which Casey laughs and rolls her eyes. Hardin turns and smirks as I blush at his response. He bents and whispers.."Tonight be ready...Mrs. Scott...Your man will fuck you senselessly..", I blush even more as Hardin announces his plans for tonight.

I try hard to stop my blush as my parents along with my Sister comes out and joins us in the parking area. I untangle myself from Hardin' hold and move towards my parents. My mother meets me half way, as she embraces me in a warm hug. I can smell her perfume, something that I have loved since I was a child. I feel her tears on my skin.."I will miss you so much. My baby is growing up so fast, I can't even imagine that you are leaving us to movein with your future husband", I wipe away my mother's tears and smiles at her..."Mom, I will be living in Washington only, you can come and see me anytime anyday. Days when we will not see eachother, we can always call and facetime eachother. Please don't be sad", my mother nods and our emotional moment gets interrupted as my father joins us. I leave my mother's embrace and hugs my father, burrying my face in his chest. I control my tears as my father lovingly rubs my back. "Take care baby, just know, me and your mother are proud of your achievements. I know we raised you well and you will do good as Hardin' wife..", I smile as I taste my tears on my lips. I lick my tears that are on my lips and wipes the ones on my cheeks. "I love you dad, I will miss both of you..". My dad looks at me with pride as he ends our hug and makes his way towards Hardin, who stands awkardly behind us. For Hardin, these type of emotional family moments is completely new.

As my father stands face to face in front of Hardin, he closes the gap in between them and embraces Hardin in a manly hug. He pats his back as Hardin smiles.."Please take care of my baby, she is my youngest one..", Hardin nods and momentarily looks at me and locks his gaze on my face.."I love your daughter, I will protect her with everything I have in me..". My father smiles and stands along with Hardin as I quickly make my way towards Terr. I hug Terr and hold her tightly, both of us silently bidding our goodbyes to eachother. Terr ends our hug.."Remember I am just a call away, ok..", I smile and nod. She looks past me towards Hardin and yells.."Boytoy...you better look after my sister, if she complains, I will beat your American ass..", everyone laughs at my sister's warning for Hardin.

"Tess..let's leave, we might reach late taking Traffic in consideration..", I nod and bid my goodbye to my bestfriend, Casey. After our final farewell hugs, I join Hardin in his car, as he signals the truck that will be carrying my boxes and our luggage, to follow his car. Hardin puts his car in ignition as we leave Washington for Seattle.

Hardin' left hand crosses the driving console as he interwines our fingers. I look at his handsome face as I register this moment in my heart and in my brain. I am moving to Seattle with the man I love, and soon we will start a new life together, as husband and wife. I cannot believe that I will be living with Hardin, we will share the same house, we will share the same living room, we will share the same kitchen, we will share the same bathroom, we will share the same bedroom and most importantly we will share the same bed. Just the thought about sharing the same bed with Hardin, gives me goosebumps. Obviously we have shared the same bed several times but this time we will be living together officially for the rest of our lives. Hardin senses my nervousness as he tightens his hold over our interwined fingers. He breaks the silence .."You ok..", I look at him and nod. "You look nervous, Tess..", I smile as I hear uneasiness in Hardin' voice, I think he is nervous believing I might get coldfeet at the thought of us living together. "Stop the car..", Hardin diverts his attention towards me, confusion and fear marking his handsome features. I untangle my fingers from Hardin' fingers and repeats again.."I said stop the car..". Hardin looks scared and obviously confused by my sudden demand.."Tess what's going on..", I look away as I try my best to control my laughter. I point Hardin a vacant and seculded spot off the highway as I again repeat my demand.."Stop the damn car..Hardin..", Hardin gulps down as he moves off the highway and parks his car over the seculded path, sidelined from the Highway traffic. Once our car comes to halt, I unclasp my seatbelt and moves over the console to straddle Hardin' lap. Hardin looks confused by my actions, I unzip my jacket and removes it from my body, leaving me in my tank top. I switch the driver seat control, pushing Hardin backwards. "Tess..what you are doing..", I silence Hardin by smashing my lips over his, unbuckle his belt and throws it away. I unbutton his jeans and push it down his ankle, leaving him in his black boxers, I smirk as Hardin' boner gets evident. I quickly remove my tank top and Hardin' tshirt, leaving us in our underwear. I momentarily end our kiss.."I want you..", Hardin smiles as he unclasps my bra and removes it from my body, giving him free access to my breasts. He captures my lips, forcing me to open my mouth, and as soon as I open my mouth, he inserts his tongue, tasting and marking every inch of my mouth. His lips leaves my mouth and trails down my neck, biting my skin as he marks me as his own. He moves down from my neck to my breasts and captures my left nipple in his mouth, licking it and biting it, thus making it swell..I moan Hardin' name as he squeezes my right breasts in his palms.."Hardin..I want you...Now..", I make my demand evident, as Hardin moves up and quickly removes his boxers, leaving him stark naked. He removes my panties and positions him at my entrance. "Stay stable..", I nod as Hardin enters me. We groan as we join eachother in the most intimate manner known to mankind. "Open your eyes baby..", Hardin requests as I open my eyes to capture Hardin' amazing emrald eyes, Green meets Blue as Hardin starts to move inside me. He holds me in place by holding my waist , as I match Hardin' rythm. We sync our movements as Hardin slowly increases his pace..."Fuck baby, you are so tight..", Hardin moans as I adjusts Hardin' cock inside my body.
"Can I move fast..", Hardin asks for my permission, to which I nod and I feel Hardin' cock, claiming my pussy deeper. Within seconds, our car windows fogs up by our heavy breathing and the only sound one can hear is Hardin' cock slamming my pussy and me moaning Hardin' name, loud and clear. Hardin continues to slam his cock inside my pussy as I feel my orgasm building up, with few more thursts, I reach my orgasm, contracting Hardin' cock within my vaginal walls, feeling him twitch inside me and with a final push, Hardin cums deep inside me, filling me with his load. We continue to pant as we catch our breath, I burry my head in Hardin' neck as he runs his hands over my back, gently rubbing my breasts in the process. I feel his smile on my skin.."That was amazing Tess..", I join him as I cannot contain my happiness.."I hope that answers your concern, Hardin", he nods and gently pecks my lips.."I love you Tess..".

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