The Business Deal...

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Tessa'Point of View...

I see Hardin leaving Matthew's office with his signature smirk, marking his hansome face. Yesterday we met at Hardin' father's funeral and by the looks of it, Hardin was ready to kill Matthew and now today I just saw him walk off with a smile on his face and informing me that he just signed a business deal with my boyfriend. What the hell is happening.

I am left stunned and shocked by Hardin' announcement, it was Matthew's assistant who brings me back from my trance by letting me know that Matthew wants to see me. I politely nod towards him and enters Matthew's office. I see Matthew and his dad smiling brightly, they are hugging eachother and Matthew's father is patting his back. They look so happy. They somehow end their celebration when they sence my presence. "Ohh..Tess..I am glad you are here...I have some good news to share with you", God, Matthew looks so happy and his father looks so proud of him, how in the universe will I tell Matthew about what happened between me and Hardin and the conversation I came here for. I nod hesitantly and moves towards him. He closes the distance between us and smashes his lips on to mine, it was until his father's clearing his throat and the much needed air for us to breath, that he ends our kiss. We both start blushing when we realize that his father was standing in front of us when we started making out. "Young love..well, I can understand son, I was once in love too, with your mother obviously", we both just stand akwardly under his father's sharp gaze, his father again clears his throat and makes his way out of Matthew's office, before he exits, he turns and gives me a warm fatherly hug.."I am so happy my son has you in his life, you make him a good man. I am happy for him and I am happy that he has choosen an amazing girl as his life partner", with that his dad exits Matthew's office, his father's words just increases the guilt I am feeling lately by tenfolds. He thinks that his son has choosen the correct girl as his life partner, if only he knew that I have cheated on his son on multiple occasions and that too with their new business partner. I turn back to find a blushing Matthew standing on his spot, his gaze is fixed on the wooden flooring of his office, I don't know why he looks so flushed, I mean just seconds ago I was also blushing as we shamelessly madeout in presence of his father, but his father is gone, I don't know why he is still blushing. "Umm..sorry for my dad, I am just so happy today that the moment you walked in, I just couldn't contain my happiness anymore. I had to kiss you, I..umm..I missed your lips", I cannot contain my smile, Matthew is blushing like a tomato, I have never seen him this way, God, I love him and there is no way, I can ruin this day for him with my conversation. I am confused and nervous whether or not should I tell him about me and Hardin. Before, I can make my decision, Matthew again closes the space between us, and holds my arms as gently as possible and brings me to his desk with him. He makes me sit on his lap and I wrap my arms across Matthew's neck. He gives me a quick peck and continues our conversation. "I have not one but two good news for you", I nod and smile and gestures him to continue. Matthew opens the drawer of his desk and brings out a black file. "I just found my biggest investor for the new line of products for which I worked so hard", even if he has a smile on his handsome face, I somehow cannot mirror back his emotions, my guilt stops me in doing so, I want to and I am happy for Matthew. I know he worked really hard for today but knowing that Hardin and the firm I work for are Matthew's biggest investor just increases my tension and makes my life more complicated. My boyfriend is now business partners with my boss to whom I almost lost my virginity to. I cannot bring myself to mask the smile he expects from me, but, Matthew is too happy to notice that. He again gives me a quick peck.." you have anything to say for this..I mean I know you already saw Hardin walking out from my office, so, I believe you are smart enough to understand by now that my biggest investor is Hardin Scott, your boss. Its amazing, I thought he was rude yesterday but today I understood, he is very professional and very business minded when it comes to work", I just nod and gesture him to continue. "I want a response from you, you have anything to tell me", I have to tell him, I cannot keep doing this, everytime I find courage to tell Matthew about me and Hardin, something big happens and then I crawl back on my own decision. I know if I tell him the truth then it will ruin his excitement and it will ruin his happiness, but, I love him too much to lie to him anymore, I need to tell him the truth, I need him to know what happened between me and Hardin, so, that he can make his decision properly, after knowing the truth. I again gather my courage and shift uncomfortably on Matthew's lap, before I can tell him, he again gestures me to stop, he put his amazing fingers on my lips, silencing me. Suddenly, Matthew's happiness changes in to nervousness. He looks down and interwine our fingers and brings our interwined hands to his lips and kisses my knuckles.

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