The End of Us..❣️

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Hardin's Point of View...


I enter my mother's house, shouting Tessa's name, hoping to listen to her voice calling back my name. But no response. The living room seems too cold and too silent, lost is the warmth that I once used to feel every time I used to walk into this place.

"She is not here, Hardin. Stop yelling her name."

My mother enters the living room from her kitchen calling me out of my desperate yelling. I sprint towards my mother hoping she may know my wife's whereabouts.

"Mom, Tessa is not home. I searched for her everywhere. Do you have any idea where she left after our argument?"

My mother walks pass me and ignores me like I don't exist for her. I turn to face her hoping for a response only to find her busy arranging the cushions on her couch.

"Mom..please tell me, where is Tess?"

I ask with a voice full of desperation and need. Desperation because I know that last night I crossed several boundaries in my relationship with Tessa that I must have never crossed. And need because I need Tessa in my life. Without her my life is incomplete. I don't even understand how I can tell her that loving her was my biggest mistake.

By the time I was lost in my thoughts, my mother finally turns to face me. When I look into her eyes, she doesn't look angry. Instead, her eyes are filled with disappointment. One thing that I never wished my mother to have on me, last night I was able to manage to do that. She walks toward me and grabs my arm, dragging me with her. She takes me upstairs to the guest bedroom. When I enter the room, I see the bed unmade, an untouched breakfast plate kept on one side of the bed. Just by one look at the bedroom, I knew Tessa must have slept here last night.

"She was here until today morning. She left without having her breakfast. She told me to tell you that she will be living with her parents now."

As if someone dragged the wooden flooring of the room I stand in off my feet, I almost stumble back as I listen to my mother. Tessa has left me. She won't be coming back to me. Just the mere thought of me living the rest of my life without her scares me. No this cannot happen. I will beg her forgiveness. I will do anything to get her back. Tessa belongs with me, at our home, nowhere else.

I bury my face into my sweaty palms, rubbing my eyes in an attempt to stop my tears. I pushed away the only person besides my mother who loved me unconditionally. I feel the mattress dipping down as my mother takes a seat next to me, rubbing my back in an attempt to calm me down.

"I am sorry, mom. I know you have several questions to ask me, but I cannot answer them without finding Tess and asking her for another chance. I cannot live without her mom, I love her."

"Then why you said marrying her was your biggest mistake, son. If you love her then why did you hurt her with your words."

I sigh heavily, trying my best to control my sobs. My throat runs dry just by reminiscing last night's argument.

"I was angry, mom. I never thought about my past with Renne ever coming out in front of you. I never wanted you to know about what Renne did to me on my 16th birthday. I never thought Tessa will ever find out about my past. I was angry, I was shocked and I was scared that I will lose the two most important people in my life if my past ever comes out."

A sad laugh comes out of my mother's voice, choking my breath in return.

"Your past with Renne didn't make you lose the person you love, Hardin. It's your anger that did. Was I shocked when I heard what my best friend did to my son all these years ago when he was a teenager, yes I was shocked? But, what broke my heart was the fact that you used Tessa's inability to conceive, your hurtful words to break that girl's heart who loved you with everything she had to offer."

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