I get what my ❤️ desires...

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Hardin' Point of View...

"Have you officially lost your mind...", I scream as I sit in my study room, holding my cellphone, for the past twenty minutes. I am currently having a conversation with my biggest mistake, Rinne Maverick, my mother's best friend. Last night she texted me a video of us having sex from a private number. Since the video belongs to us, there is no way, it can be someone else. She laughs from the other side of the line, increasing my frustation level with every passing second. "I told you Hardin, I did not send you any video, that's not my number..", I cringe as she lies. I grip my hair out of frustation as I try my best to make Renne agree with what she is doing. "Renne, don't you dare lie to me. In the video, it's me and you. I cannot believe you filmed us having sex, how pathetic you are, I cannot believe you keep our videos, watch us having sex", I feel like puking as I try my best to understand Renne' disgusting behaviour.

Her laughter only increases as she hears my frustation. "It feels so good to hear the frustation in your voice", she tries to catch her breath as she holds back her laughter. "Yes, it was me. How dare you make such an important decision about your life without asking me..", Renne' acceptance converts my frustation in to anger. Is she insane. She did all of this because I am getting married to Tess. Just because we had sex in the past, it doesn't mean that she gets the right to dictate my life. "Are you drunk, Renne. I can marry whoever I want to, you cannot dictate my life. Leave me ALONE..", I scream loudly, realising later that Tess is preparing our breakfast in the kitchen, there is no way she can know about me and Renne' past. Suddenly the line goes silent, no longer I can hear Renne' voice or her laughter. I take a deep breath to check if Renne has dropped the call.."Renne..are you there..", I hear her voice confirming her presence.."You cannot use that type of tone with me Hardin. You cannot marry Tessa, I won't let it happen..", this time it's my turn to laugh. "Try me Renne, try me. I will marry whoever I want to. I love Tessa and there is nothing you can do about it. I will marry her and I will announce her as my wife in front of everyone, there is nothing you can do about it. We fucked, you took advantage of my innocence and then we continued our fuckery because you were a good laid, nothing else. You tricked me in having a baby with you. Don't you dare come closer to my family, to my mother and to my Tessa, you listen me, Renne. If you do, you will regret for crossing paths with Hardin Scott..", with this I disconnect our call. I sit back on my couch, out of anger and frustation throw my cellphone away as it collides with the wall and shatters in to pieces.

I take a deep breath as I try my best to control my anger. There is no way, Tessa can see me like this. I will never let her or my mother know the truth about Renne and me. I quickly use my study room' bathroom to wash my face and once I am convinced with my appearance, I exit my study room to find my beautiful Tessa.

I see Tessa humming her favourite song as she prepares our breakfast. I study her beauty as she dances around, with her earphones plugged in, a pan in her left hand and spatula in her right hand. She doesn't notice me as I move towards her, suprising her as I hold her slim waist in my arms. I drop a kiss over her exposed shoulder as she smiles feeling me kissing her warm skin. "Good morning Baby..", I greet my Tess and turns her around, making her face me. She wraps her tiny arms around my neck, pulling me towards her to kiss my lips.."Good morning to you too babe..", I smile as Tessa uses her nickname for me, "Babe". My smile converts to a full grown grin as Tessa burries her head in my chest, increasing her grip over my back. "Breakfast is ready babe, you sit, I will serve you..", I nod as we end our hug. I drop a kiss on Tessa' forehead as I grab a chair across the kitchen floor. Tess serves our breakfast and joins me by grabbing another chair. We eat in silence, me enjoying Tessa' cooking skills. "You know you are the only girl I have fucked, hoping to be rewarded with an amazing breakfast..", Tessa blushes over my unfiltered compliment. I laugh over her unmatched innocence. We finish our breakfast and then I help Tess to wash the plates and clean the kitchen, she complains as I help her, making me laugh on her childlike anticts.

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