Las Vegas..Part 5 : What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas...

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Tessa' Point of View...

4 hours. Yes, I have been awake for the past 4 hours. Ever since I received another text from the unknown number. It's in Spanish as well. Does this person even knows that I don't speak or understand Spanish.

"Reúnete Conmigo. Hardin no es quien finge ser."

Who is this person and what does he or she even want from me? Why is this person sending me these cryptic messages about Hardin, telling me Hardin is not who he is. Yes, I used Google translate to understand the texts that I have been receiving from this person.

I turn to see Hardin. Sleeping peacefully beside me. One of his hands is draped across my stomach while his other hand is tucked underneath his pillow. Naked and Handsome. We did make love last night. After enjoying our private swimming pool last night, as usual, Hardin was not able to keep his hands to himself. He woke me up with his kisses at 1 Am. We make love until Hardin and I fell asleep out of exhaustion. But, this unknown person woke me up with his/her text again, and ever since then I have been awake.

I gently move Hardin's hand that's draped across my stomach and leave our bed after kissing him on his lips. I need to start my day. I need to see this person. I haven't shared anything with Hardin about the texts, I just don't want any problems between us, especially now when we are in a good place and are planning our wedding. I don't know if seeing this person is the correct call or not, but for my sanity, I have to do this. I have to meet this person and clear things out.

Am I sacred? Yes, a bit. When it comes to Hardin's past, he has not shared many details with me. I did hope that while we are on this trip, we will get to know each other better. But, it never happened. All we did was explore Vegas and enjoy our time together. We also had some amazing sex. But other than that nothing happened. I didn't ask Hardin about his past and he didn't volunteer to tell me about it.

I enter our bathroom and start my morning routine. I brush my teeth and freshen up. By the time I returned to our bedroom, Hardin was wide awake. He still looked adorable with his hair all messed up and that body. Hardin has a body of a Roman god. I smile my way towards him. I climb our bed and wrap my arms across his neck, pecking his lips, feeling his morning breath as we kiss.

"Good morning babe", he smiles.
" Good morning. You look extra happy." I laugh as Hardin starts tickling me. "Hardin stop...please", he wraps his arms across my waist and pulls me back in bed, hiding me underneath him.

" We still have a couple of hours to kill until the surprise I planned for us." I look at Hardin with love and adoration as he informs me about his surprise. I wonder what else he has in store for us. Today is our last day in Las Vegas and all I want is to spend some private time with Hardin. He trails his fingers from my lips to my jaw and halts them over my bra.
"So, what you say, Mrs. Scott. Can we have another round of hot passionate sex", I blush as Hardin registers his demands. As much as I want to spend my time with Hardin in bed, with us making love, I need to leave. I need to see this person, to give some peace to my uneasy mind.

Hardin clicks his eyebrows in confusion as I don't answer him back. I shake my head. " Sorry babe. I know it will sound crazy but I saw this spa facility within the hotel premises and thought to use it. With all the sightseeing and us making love, my muscles hurt. I guessed an hour in the spa will help me relax my muscles. Is it ok with you, if not I can cancel it for you", Hardin shakes his head.

"No baby. Go relax your muscles. I will fuck you later", Hardin smirks as I slap his chest, pushing him off my body. He watches me getting dressed. I kiss Hardin goodbye and leave our hotel room. On my way to the elevator, I message the unknown person in English about the place to meet. Within a minute, three-dot lines appear, and the person replies to me in Spanish.

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