In Love with the Memories...

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Tessa's Point of View...

6 months later...

"Matthew open the damn door....,"

No answer..

"Matt, I am telling you, I will break the damn door now, open it...,"

No answer..

"Matthew you asshole, open your bedroom door...,"

No answer..

"I am 6 months pregnant you asshole, open the door...,"

No answer..

"Matthew I am telling you, open the door or I will break it and will drag your bony ass out of your bed and will kick your lazy ass out of the apartment,"

The door opens and a sleepy Matthew walks out of the bedroom, rubbing his eyes, trying his best to open them to see me.

"Tess, what's your problem. God, it's
3 Am. Why the hell you are knocking on my door like you are having your babies right now,"

If I would have been standing here 6 months ago, not pregnant, I would have laughed as Matthew looks cute when being woken up from his sleep. But, I am pregnant and I want my Vanilla ice cream.

"I want my vanilla ice cream, it's over. I want it now,"

I demand like a 4-year-old. But, hey I am pregnant and I am having twins. It's the hormones to blame, not me.

Matthew is now wide awake and he looks at me like I have lost my mind.

"Wait...a second. All the death threats you were giving me minutes ago were for your vanilla ice cream?"

I nod and turn my back on Matthew's face and start to walk out to our living room.

Matthew follows me out.

"Tessa are you crazy. You walked up all the stairs to let me know that you want ice cream?"

Matthew repeats the same question, just by using new words. I turn abruptly and Matthew almost collides with me, but somehow he manages to stop himself without making us fall.

"Matty, you repeating the same questions by using different words is not gonna change, what I want. I want my ice cream now and you are getting it.."

"First of all, never use that name, you know I hate to be called that, and second of all it's 3 Am, how am I supposed to get you your favorite vanilla ice cream? The shop you prefer doesn't open up until 7 Am."

We continue to stare at each other. Matthew try to speak something but I beat him to that.

"I want my vanilla ice cream. You know how difficult it is to be pregnant. How will you know, you are not the one carrying not one but two babies. I am carrying them. First of all, I am pregnant, second of all my entire body hurts, and third of all I want Sex, which you will not give me because I expect that from my husband and not my best friend. Now do me a favor and get your lazy ass to start moving. I want my ice cream."

Matthew is left stunned by my rambling. For a couple of seconds, he doesn't move from his spot. When he moves, he walks past me shaking his head.

"Don't you dare shake your head on me..,"

Matthew laughs loudly on his way out. He takes his car keys on the way from the shelf. Before his exit, he turns with a smile on his handsome face.

"Do you want anything else?"

I pretend to think for a minute. I look at Matthew, he is still smiling.

"What..What are you smiling at?"

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