A Week To Spare...

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Day 1...

Tessa's Point of View...

Hardin groans over the phone. "Tessa what's this nonsense." I laugh as Hardin complains.

"What", I ask innocently, knowing very well what he is talking about.

"You applied for two weeks off. Marvin just informed me." I only nod, still holding a smile on my face. Hardin continues his rant. "Babe you mentioned today in the shower that we will see each other in the office and now I am been informed that you won't be coming to the office for the next two weeks." I don't give him any response.

"Tess", Hardin speaks. Irritation is evident in his voice.

I roll my eyes. "Baby, it's only two weeks. What's the big deal? " The line goes silent. Now it's my turn to check if Hardin has dropped the call. "Hardin, you there."

In return, I only hear the sound of Hardin's breathing, it confirms that he hasn't dropped the call. "You were packing your bags this morning. Please tell me " No" to what I am thinking." I cannot contain my laughter. Hardin groans irritably as I laugh over the phone. I somehow control my laughter. "Well..it depends on what you were thinking." Again the line goes silent.

"Hardin." No response, just the sound of his breathing. "You are leaving me for two weeks." I shake my head. Here it goes. Hardin with his unnecessary worries. I have to inform him that I will be gone for a week as after that we will get married and then I have planned our honeymoon to Hawaii for a week, that sums up my two weeks of leave notice.

"No, Hardin. I will be gone for only a week. If you remember, we are getting married in a week and after that, we will be going on our honeymoon. Now, if my maths is correct, after a week we will be together, off to Hawaii. I have already planned our trip and have made all the necessary arrangements." Hardin doesn't say anything but most probably nod over my statement.

"But, why a week. I don't want to live without you for a week, Tess. It's ridiculous. I want you now." Hardin throws tantrums like a kid. Honestly hearing him no one will believe that he is a famous businessman. "I cannot do that Hardin," Hardin doesn't stop.
"Why on earth will you want to live away from me. We are getting married, Tessa. The whole point of marriage is to live together. Like a husband and wife. You know to share the same bed every night and to share the same shower every morning."

I mentally roll my eyes. Leave it to Hardin. Out of everything, all the mentions are us sharing the same bed and same shower. "Because Hardin it's bad luck." Hardin scoffs.

"Bad luck my ass. You are my wife. How can you be anything but bad luck to me? I don't believe in such superstitious sayings. I want you now or I swear to God I will drive up to your house and will drag your sorry yet sexy ass to me." I laugh as I continue to unpack my bag.

"Tessa. I am serious. I am not joking." I cannot believe he is such a kid by heart. I unpack the last of my bag and arrange my clothes in my wardrobe. Honestly, I miss him already. But, when it comes to superstitious sayings, I am old school. I just don't want to do anything about which I will have any regrets later. I love him too much to do so.

Hardin waits patiently for my answer. "Ok, how about we meet each other halfway. I cannot come, Hardin. I want to stay with my family for a week before I move in permanently with you. Also, I do believe in superstitious sayings. How about I send you some of my sexy pictures. Will that work for you?"

Hardin sighs in defeat but like a five-year-old jumps back with excitement. "Ok. Work for me. I want pics of you in that red lingerie, and the white ones and the black one." I laugh at his excited tone. We finally come to an argument and end our call after exchanging our "I-Love-You's" for each other.

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