Coming Clean...

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Tessa'Point of View...

"I am not pregnant..", I tell Casey for the 10th time on repeat. After my Seattle trip with Hardin, I decided to take a day off and rest at home. Hardin did complain about not been able to see me but I promised him that once he is done with his office work, I will see him in his penthouse. The last seven days has been the most eventful days of my 24 years of existence. Hardin confessed his love for me on repeat, he asked my hands in marriage, he asked me to movein with him, I lost my virginity to Hardin, we made love not once but multiple times a day and I almost convinced myself that I am with Child, pregnant with Hardin' baby.

When it came to sex, ever since Hardin and I initiated having sex, it was like Hardin could not keep his hands to himself. We had sex whenever and wherever possible. One day, we had sex almost 8 times. My reasons for having a pregnancy scare was genuine. The way we went at having sex, and the fact that for the first time I was late, added and indicated to only one thing that maybe I am pregnant. But, I wanted to be sure before I scare Hardin. I took multiple tests and all of them came negative.

The reason I wanted this day off was to get a second opinion if my actions with Hardin are justified. The way our relationship has evolved in the last two weeks feels sometime too much at a time. Just two weeks ago I was happy and in love with Matthew, we were planning our wedding and then Matthew broke my heart in the worst way possible. Hardin came to rescue and found the opportunity to come clean about his feelings towards me. We kissed and started dating and within a week of our relationship, he proposed me for marriage and I ended up giving up my virginity to him. Sometimes I look back at these two weeks and feel like my life has transformed in to a reality tv show.

"Do you love him Tess..", Casey' question breaks my stance and I simply nod to answer her question. "You took multiple tests and Hardin didn't got any clue about it", I again shake my head. "I acted normal with him. I don't found any reason to tell him until and unless atleast one of those ten tests turned positive. It maybe a false warning, something like that or maybe because I had sex for the first time and we had sex multiple times a day, who knows Casey. But, I am positive, I am not pregnant. My periods has nothing to do with my pregnancy scare, I mean I initially thought maybe I am pregnant, but, those tests guaranteed that I am not. Casey nods and gives me my hot chocolate. "Thank you..", Casey shakes her head and smiles.."I cannot believe you are dating..The Hardin Scott..CEO of Scott Business Group. Did you ever got any indication from him that he might be interested in you", I blush as I remember our encounters. The night in Seattle when for the first time Hardin saw me naked. The night when he pleasured me for the first time. Our drunken night in Texas. Even if memories from that night are not clear to me but I definitely believe we made out. "You already know Casey answer to your question. You are the only one who knows everything", she nods.

"Tess I get that Hardin loves you, he asked you to be his girlfriend and now you are telling me that he wants you as his wife. You lost your virginity to him over some sappy emotional story about his past. Honestly, for me it's too hard to believe. Don't you think, all of this is too much too fast", I nod and burry my head in my hands..."God I love him Casey. I love him and I want him in every possible way. I don't know and certainly I cannot explain this to you but, the way I feel towards Hardin, I never felt that way towards Matthew and I know me and Matthew dated for 8 years but trust me with Hardin, even if it's too fast, I want all of it. I cannot breathe when I am around him and when he is not around, I constantly think about him, I am madly in love with him. Him asking my hands in marriage did suprised me because multiple times he mentioned that he doesn't believe in relationships and I did clarified this with him. He told me that he fell in love with me after we spent that weekend in Seattle. I was with Matthew at that time and hence Hardin decided to back off and the moment Matthew cheated on me and I ended our 8 year long relationship, Hardin got the opportunity to come clean about his feelings. I always felt a certain type of attraction towards Hardin from the beginning. There is a reason I let him undress me in Seattle, he never forced me in any way, he always asked for my permission and I always gave him my "Yes". I love him Casey and I am ready to start our life together. I am ready to be his wife and I am ready to accept him as my husband. Yes I agree it's too fast, something I never expected but it happened, I did fall for Hardin and now that we have both confessed our love towards eachother, I want us to be together, for the rest of our lives.
Case smiles and hugs me, almost making my hot chocolate spill on the bedsheet. We laugh as we end our hug.."Sorry..I just want you to be happy. After what Matthew did to you, I was scared that you will never love anyone else and I am happy that you and Hardin are together, but, you have to come clean with your parents and with Terr. Also, I know you don't want to but I think you should find your closure with Matthew, you deserve it and to some extent Matthew deserves it as well", I nod. Sometimes I wonder how Casey can be so wise considering we both are of same age.."I am lucky to have you Case..I love you..", Casey laughs.."Don't tell this to Hardin, he will kill me..". I laugh at the thought of Hardin killing Casey because of me loving her.

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