Revealing our relationship...

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Hardin' Point of View...

I lay in bed with my Tess in my arms. We just made love and Tess was too exhausted to stay awake with me. I mindlessly rub my palms across Tessa' naked body. It's been 4 days since I proposed Tess for Marraige and she said "Yes", since then we have been living in our pre-wedding honeymoon phase. I have never imagined that I will be attracted to a woman to such an extent. But, Tess is attractive. She is beautiful and gorgeous, not only physically, but internally as well.

Now, that I have asked Tessa to be my wife and she has happily agreed, I cannot wait to marry her. I cannot wait to make love to her as my wife. To be honest, I am scared. These emotions, these feelings are completely new to me. I always thought that I will never fall in love, I will never love a woman other then my mother, but, here I am , naked and in love with my beautiful Tessa. I have never cuddled or let alone spent the night with any woman with whom I had a sexual relationship. Not even Coley. Everytime I used to have sex with Coley, we do used to stay in bed for sometime, but I never cuddled with her or spent the entire night with her. But, with Tess, I want to. The moments after our love making are the most precious moments for me because in these moments I look at the angel who knocked my life with certainty, with love, with a promise to never leave me, with a belief of forever. I love Tess. I love her and I will announce our relationship to the rest of the world. She deserves it ,
We deserves it.

I carefully untangle Tessa' arms from my naked body and remove the duvet covering us. Once I leave bed without disturbing Tessa, I readjust the duvet, across her naked body so that she won't feel cold. I wear my boxers that Tessa discarded from my body last night and quietly make my way outside our bedroom to call Coley. I dial her number and wait for her to pickup.

"Hello are you", the moment I hear Coley' voice, I feel bad for her. Now, that I am with Tess, I have to end our arrangement. We can no longer fool around like we used to. I can no longer trail Coley along for sex. I have to end our arrangement as soon as possible and I knew it. "Hmm..I am doing good. How are you?", I meekly reply back. "I am doing are in Seattle and it's 6 Am in the morning, what you are doing up so early and calling me at this hour of the day". I nod and hesitantly start our conversation."Umm.. nothing I just needed to discuss something urgent. Listen tomorrow I am coming back to Washington and I want to see you, privately. Keep yourself free from any type of meetings or personal stuff, meet me in my penthouse", she agrees over the other line and responds back seductively in her sexy voice.."Someone misses me. I see you are too horny already considering its almost a week you didn't fucked anyone", Coley catches me off-guard, only if she knew that I didn't just fucked but made love to the love of my life. " It's nothing like that, listen just meet me once I reach Washington, ok", she agrees and disconnects my call. I make my way inside my bedroom and admire my Tess from distance. She looks peaceful, she looks beautiful and most importantly she is mine. I walk my way towards Tess and joins her in bed again.

I gently adjust her blond locks behind her ear and kisses her forehead. "I love you Tess..I cannot wait for the rest of the world to know that you are mine". I start devouring Tessa' milky white skin with wet kisses. I start with her neck and trail down my kisses to the valley of her breasts. I love Tessa' breasts. That's one of the most beautiful part of her body. I start kissing Tessa' right breast while I gently rub her left breast. Tessa moans in her sleep. I smile while I continue to devour her breasts with kisses. "Hardin..what you are doing"...I smirk as I bite Tessa' nipple. "Greeting my baby Good morning..", Tessa again moans my name as I lick and bite Tessa' nipples. I trail my kisses to Tessa' stomach and then make my way towards her vagina. I part Tessa' legs and inserts one of my fingers inside her. She instantly grabs my head..."Hardin...we just made love..", she giggles as I kiss her opening and start licking her pussy. She pull me upwards and I crawl up her body. "What you are doing..I was busy down there", I complain as Tessa giggles over my pouty face. She grabs my chin and kisses me on my lips. "Greeting my baby..Good Morning..", I smile as I taste Tessa' lips with her morning breath. "I wanted to greet you differently. Umm...are you ready for round-4", Tessa laughs as I numbered our love making session. We already made love 3 times since last night. She nods and smiles in to our kiss.."I am ready Hardin. I was bit sore but I am fine now..", and with her confirmation, I unifies us in the most intimate manner. I remain inside Tess for sometime, allowing her to adjust herself with my cock. I look at her face for any signs of discomfort. When I don't find any I start moving inside Tess. "Let me know in case you feel any pain, ok..", She nods. Tessa wraps her arms across my neck and holds me in her embrace. "I love you Tess..", I again confess my love for my beautiful Tessa. "I love you too..", I smirk and shake my head.."Don't say too, it sounds like you are agreeing me..", Tessa laughs at my childlike behaviour. "I love you Hardin..I love you alot..", with Tessa' confession, I increase my pace and in couple of more thrusts, I feel Tessa' wall contracting across my cock. "I am close Hardin..", I smile and peck Tessa' lips.."Cum for me Tess...", and with a final thurst, Tessa reaches her fourth orgasm. I follow closely and unload myself inside Tess. "Best way to greet Good morning..", We laugh at Tessa' admission. "Now get your naked ass out of bed, otherwise I will fuck you for the fifth time". Tessa laughs and again pecks my lips. I roll back on to my back as Tessa leaves our bed. I watch her amazing ass and her beautiful breasts as she walks towards the bathroom area. I groan as Tessa turns to look at me.."What's wrong Hardin..are you ok?", Tessa asks worriedly. I shake my head.."Nothing..I see your ass and your breasts and I am again hard for you. Come back to bed..will you..", Tessa laughs as she walks inside the bathroom..."I am serious Tessssss...", I hear Tessa' laughs filling our bedroom.."Hardin stop..Now you get your naked ass out of bed to start your day..".

I walk in to kitchen as I see Tessa making breakfast for us. "You know I am rich enough to have my home staff  cook for us..we will have lot of spare time just to ourselves..", Tessa smiles as she walks towards me with two plates of breakfast. "Why you don't like my cooking..", I shake my head and pulls Tessa towards my lap. I interwine our fingers and wraps our hands across Tessa' waist. "I love your cooking..I can get used to that. I mean you will now movein with me, we will have such mornings on a daily basis.", On my mention of us movein together, Tessa looks shocked.."You look shocked. Why Tess. I asked your hands in marriage, obviously I want us to movein together". She tucks my hair and gently starts rubbing my head.."Are you serious Hardin..I know you proposed me, I just...I don't know. I know I love you, I know you love me, I gave myself to you for a reason, because I see a future with you. But, all of this looks like a dream and I am bit scared that anytime I will wake up and this dream will get over". I shake my head.."No Tess. I love you and I want to marry you. I want us to live for the rest of our life together." Tessa smiles and nods her head. I raise my eyebrows in confusion.."Is it a yes..will you movein with me?", She again nods and smiles.."Yes Hardin I will. I want us to live together..", I grab Tessa' chin and connects our lips together, pushing my tongue inside as Tessa opens her mouth. We make out until air becomes an issue.."Wait..we have to tell our families about us Hardin..". I nod. My only family is my mother. I know I already told my mother that me and Tessa are dating but I am scared that the moment I will tell my mother about our marriage, she will get excited and will inform Renne, someone I despice and hate with all of my heart. There is no way Renne can know about the seriousness of my relationship with Tessa, otherwise she will come for Tess, she will poison her the way she poisoned me and my life.

Tessa moves her hands across my face to get my attention back to her.."What's wrong Hardin. If you don't want to tell your mother about us, it's ok. We can wait..", I shake my head and smile at the innocence of my Tess. "She already knows. I already told her that we are dating, that you are my girlfriend. I will tell my mother as we go back to Washington." She nods and tries to leave my lap but I hold her back.."Where are you going..", She blushes as she hides her face in to my chest.."I need to pee Hardin, certainly I cannot do that here..", I laugh. We have done things that might be illegal in Seattle and here Tess gets embarrassed about agreeing to pee.
"I can watch..", I playfully replies as Tessa slaps my chest and leaves my lap. I see Tessa leaving the kitchen area as I complete my breakfast.

Tessa'Point of View...

I enter our bedroom and lock the door behind me. I quickly make my way towards my wardrobe and search for the packet that I bought yesterday. Once I find my packet, I grab it and enter our bathroom. I sigh nervously as I open the packet and brings out the content inside it.

I quickly follow the instructions written on the box and wait for 5 minutes. Next 300 seconds will decide my future. They will change my life, my relationship with Hardin. What if Hardin is not ready for the news that will be confirmed in next 300 seconds. The beeping sound of the device brings me back from my dreamland.

I nervously move towards the device and see the final sign indicating the course of my future.

----------Authors note-------------

Next update for my readers. I hope you will all like this update. What you think is happening to Tessa. What news will change her life and most importantly her relationship with Hardin. Any thoughts...inbox me your views.

Also, I will share my Instagram account details soon and maybe we can connect on the Instagram over my current story and my future stories that I will post in the upcoming months.

Thank you for your support. I love how interested you all are towards this story. Stay safe everyone. See you soon with my next update, hopefully today.

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