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Tessa Point of View...

Marvin is standing in front of me and is expecting my next move. If my hearing ability is still intact, did he said , Hardin wants to see me in his office. But, it's already 5 Pm, it's my time to leave for home. Should I inform Marvin that I will see him tomorrow, Tess..he is your boss not boyfriend or husband that you will tell him that. I am nervous. I can already feel my nerves, my throat getting dry, I am sweating like a pig, after our little discussion, he has been in bad mood all day and now he wants to see me. Congratulations Tessa, you have been fired on the very first day of your job.

I nod, I don't have any other option, I don't want to make this situation any more ugly then it already is. It's better to get it over with. I nod again and slowly starts my journey towards the "Court Room"..well that's what it feels like, a freaking court room where I am the culprit and Hardin is the judge and I am about to been convicted for accusing my manager for insinuating sexual expectations. I believe I already know the outcome. I will be fired. But, why did he waited an entire day to let me know his decision. He could have called me Little earlier and could have told me the same. Well, whatever it is, I am getting fired, before I even started my professional journey, its over. There are so many thoughts that are running from my mind, the two most important thoughts are, One, what I will tell my family and two, how I will pay my education loan. With no job, it's impossible for me to pay my education loan, maybe I will work with Terr at her shop, she will give me monthly salary and by that I will be able to pay my education loan, period of payment will increase but I will manage.

The distance that can be covered in 5 minutes, I covers that distance in 15 minutes. Marvin is looking at me with pitty, it's only until I hear his voice, that I am brought back to real world. "Are you feeling well Tessa?." He is so nice and considering. I nod and let him know that I am feeling better.

He finally stops and gestures me to go inside. I nod and knock on the door, I hear his voice and everything inside me goes numb.

I swallow my saliva and enters his office. I am nervous and scared. He is standing across the room, I can see his 6 feet tall stature and his back. He has a nyc back. Tess, get it together girl, he is your boss, stop sexualizing him, you have a boyfriend. I cannot help but notice Hardin' amazing physique. He is still wearing the same suit, I slap myself, obviously it's the same day, the day you accused him.

With all my courage, I finally acknowledge him. "Hello, Hard..I mean Mr. Scott. You wanted to see me." He turns and nods and walks slowly to his desk. He gestures me to come and sit in front of him. I nod and walks the threshold and takes the seat in front of him. Unlike this morning, he is no longer looking at me with playfullness in his eyes, he is looking serious and his demeanor has changed.

Hardin Point of View...

I hear her step in, inside my office, I can feel her presence, I can feel her gaze on my back, I can feel she has finally arrived. The moment I turn and look at her, I again feel myself caught in admiring her beauty, yes she is beautiful. Even after the complete day of work, she looks beautiful and radiant, I look tired and exhausted and she somehow manages to look beautiful and gorgeous. I don't know what is happening to me, I have never been attracted to a woman, the way I am towards Tessa. But, just like that, I am reminded of today's morning discussion that I had with her, how she reminded me of her relationship status. I know what I said. I told her relationship status can change. I don't know why I said that. Do I want her relationship status to change for me. But, why?. It's not like I will date her ever. I don't date. I don't believe in romantic relationships. I only wants sex. Yes, as pathetic as it sounds, that's what I expect from a beautiful woman like Tessa. I want to be inside her. I want to rip the red dress that she is wearing and I want to take her on my desk, on the couch and also maybe in the private shower room that I have in my office. God, things that I will do to her body, I am embarrassed as I definitely getting a boner and to hide it, I quitely walk towards my desk, she cannot see my boner, she cannot know the things she does to my body without even doing anything to it.

But, the question is, is Tessa Young, that kind of woman? Will she be ready to have a sex with benefits kind of relationship, sex with no strings attached relationship with me. I don't know, by, the outside she doesn't look like one. She doesn't look like someone like Coley. Yes, Coley my secretary, who easily agreed to have a healthy sexual relationship with me , with no expectations.

She is nervous , yet , just by looking at her, my exhaustion and tiredness goes away. I feel rejuvenated again. How is that even possible, that presence of a person can have such an influence on me. We hardly even know eachother. I am reminded the reason she is here. Yes, she is here for her punishment. Punishment because she disobeyed me today. She said I want sexual expectations from her, well, she is correct though. If I can only tell her what I was imagining about her the moment she walked in, she will run for mountains. I push my chair a little inside, my dick is literally making it appearence from my dress pants, she cannot see that.

I need to do something, to change my thoughts, to make my mind focus on to something else, because if I don't, I won't be able to take it anylonger, I will take her ryt now ryt here. I open my drawer and look inside. I am about to do something that I have never done in so many years.

I bring out a set of 50 files and put them in front of her. She is confused and shocked. Yes, you should be. I lean back and take her entire presence in. She looks beautiful in this red dress, the way it hugs her curves, she looks amazing. I can see the shape of her breasts, I can see the shape of her valley in between her breasts, just knowing the depth of them, I can see and imagine the shape of her stomach, it's flat and little curvier from the sides. God, she is beautiful. Stop, Hardin. I mentally slap myself. I clear my throat and starts to speak, in an attempt to clear my mind from the I'll thoughts plaguing my mind.

"You see these, 50 files. These are the ongoing legal cases of 20 of our most valued clients. I want you to read them completely and properly and I want you to make a presentation for each file , stating the objective of the case, challenges that we are facing, challenges that the client is facing, legal solution and how the solution can benefit us and can benefit our client and at the end your takeaway from the case and what we can avoid for future." She nods. Not so easily Ms. Tessa. "I want them today, before end of the day." She looks shocked and it looks like she is having a panick attack. Good, that's the reaction I wanted from you.

"But, Mr. Scott, it's already 5:15 Pm. There is no way I will be able to complete it before 11 Pm. I will be late to reach home and it's 40 minutes drive from here to my house." I nod taking everything in. I stand up from my seat and gestures her to hold all the files and I start moving.

She is still standing at the back, she is not moving. I gesture her to start moving. "But, Mr. Scott, where are we going?". Thank you for asking me Tessa.

"We are going home, you are coming with me." I smirk and ask her to follow me.

----------Authors note-------------

Well here is another update. Let me know what will happen now, is Hardin taking her to his penthouse. What will happen once they reach his penthouse. Hardin is definitely attracted towards Tessa. Let me know your thoughts, what you expect next , let me know that too.

Again, thank you for your love and support. It's because of you I managed to have Rank 1 as Herophine geniure last week and now Rank 2 this week. Also, I am currently at Rank 18 in Hessa fanfiction from 630 stories, that's an amazing ranking too. All thanks to all of you.

Let me know your thoughts for this update.

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