Las Vegas..Part 1 : Sweet Honeymoon...

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Tessa'Point of View...

"He is taking you to Las Vegas...", my bestfriend, Casey screams as I inform her about the romantic pre-wedding honeymoon trip that Hardin has organised for us. When last night, Hardin informed me about our romantic trip to Las Vegas, I had to share my excitement with someone and therefore I decided to facetime Casey. I laugh hearing her excitement. "Girl you are so lucky... please tell me how you hooked a rich Boytoy like him", I roll my eyes as Casey uses the same nickname that apparently my sister must have told her. "It's easy...have a sexy body..", We laugh over my playful response. "I am happy for you Tess, you deserve all the happiness in the world..", I smile as I remember the moment Hardin confessed his love for me and the moment we shared our first kiss as a couple, the night when he tried his best to mend my broken heart.
"Come back Tess...I lost you..", I am brought back from my dream land by Casey. "Tell me the details, did it happened..", I blush as I remember the events from last night. We began our night with a plan to watch multiple movies but ended up having sex, considering Hardin was more interested in me rather than the movie playing in front of us.

" you need all the details..", Casey nods, gesturing me to give her all the details. She sences my discomfort.."Ohh...common Tess..I already know you are no longer a virgin. Hardin Scott took care of that. We are bestfriend's, you can tell me all the juicy details about your life, just to spice up mine..", I laugh as Casey boldly asks me about my sex life. "Ok..ok.  We had sex and then he informed me about our trip to Las Vegas..happy", Casey makes a disappointed face as I inform her about last night. "You are no fun..if that's the explanation you have for your events from last night then I must call Boytoy to inform him that he is not satisfying you enough..", I laugh as I continue to pack our bags. "When do you guys leave and for how long will you both be gone..", I turn my attention back to my bestfriend as she asks me details of our trip. "We leave tonight and it's for five days..", she nods. "Open your wardrobe and show me your lingerie section. He is taking you to freaking Las Vegas, the least you can do is to reward him with amazing sex..", I roll my eyes as I open my wardrobe and show my lingerie section to Casey. After observing my lingerie section, Casey starts pointing me the ones I should take..."The black one, it's sexy. The red one, obviously, Hardin is crazy for that colour on you. Take the green one, I like its design. The blue one, it's lacy and you will look sexy in it. Take that white one, you need to add some hollyness while you seduce Mr. Hardin Scott", I laugh as Casey not only help me pick my lingerie for the trip but also explains why I should take them. "Take some random lingerie too, I am sure Hardin is gonna tear them down from your sexy body..", I blush as I remember the moment from last night when Hardin tore apart my shirt just to see me naked. "Are you done sexing my entire trip, Casey..", I playfully scolds her as she laughs.."Ohh common. He is taking you to Las Vegas, I can bet you two will come back as three..", I smile over the idea of me getting pregnant with Hardin' child.

"Please update me with all the details from your trip once you come back..", I agree as Casey wishes me luck and disconnects our call. I add some random lingerie as suggested by Casey in to my bag. Once I am done packing my lingerie for the trip, I start  packing my dresses that I will be wearing on our trip. Hardin is busy with some business related work and asked me to pack his bags as well. I quickly pack his shirts, his shorts, his trousers for the trip. I hesitantly open Hardin' underwear section, not that I haven't seen him in his boxers before or without them, but I have never done this , select men underwear for a trip. I grab as many underwear as possible and pack them in his bag, not knowing how many of them I packed.

After packing our bags for our trip, I quickly double check with the item list that Hardin prepared this morning, just to ensure we don't leave anything in Seattle essential for our trip. Tickets, check. Bags, check. Shower kit, check. Next item on the list made me roll my eyes..."Condoms", like he cares. I know Hardin, he included Condoms just to tease me, considering he already knows I am on birth control. Speaking of birth control, how we will return as three from this trip if I continue my birth control prescription. Eversince we started dating, sex is like a daily activity for us. I don't even know if Hardin wants us to have kids. I am confused if I should ask him if he wants us to have children or not, I cannot ruin our trip by having this discussion now. Maybe after our trip and before our marraige, I will have the discussion with him, I need to know where we stand as a couple on this topic. I always imagined my life with beautiful children of my own. Obviously, all those dreams were made with Matthew as the father, but, now he is no longer in to the picture. It's Hardin now. He will be my husband and if I will get pregnant, then it will be with Hardin' children.

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