Suddenly everything changes..

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Tessa' Point of View...

Hardin Kissed me. Again. And Matthew proposed me to be his wife. He asked my hands in marriage. I cannot believe that a single day in my life can become so eventful. I sit at our office caffe wondering how my life became so confusing. I was always the girl who always knew the answers of the questions that people have for their lives, I was always the girl who used to plan first and then act, but lately I feel, my life has decided to take an u-turn on me, or rather my actions have taken an u-turn. Now, I act first and then think about why I didn't planned my actions. Ever since that day I crossed my path with Hardin on my college graduation day, my life has completely changed. I look myself in the mirror and I don't see the girl I used to be. I see the girl who doesn't even know what's happening in my life, where I am heading to. I always thought life and love was easy, lately all my thoughts, my beliefs have been prooven wrong.

I wish someone could have written some easy rules to follow in life, I would have bought that book firsthand and would have followed those rules to live my life. I am so lost in my own thoughts that I don't even realize when Casey comes and places two mugs of hot chocolate in front of me, for a change we decided to have hot chocolate, instead of our usual orders. Casey waves her hands in front of my face to help me break from my trance. I look at her with a confused expression and with a smile that's not even reaching my lips. "You don't have to fake smile for me", I let out a laugh, like I was holding back. Leave it to Casey, to make any situation funny and laughable. "What's wrong Tess, now what happened. Did you told Matthew", I nervously fixes my posture and shows Casey my ring finger. " out. He finally got balls to propose you". I look at Casey with confusion and she quickly shuts her mouth after she realizes what she blurted out. "Sorry..but when you were in Texas, I helped Matthew to pick this ring for you. I hope you like it". I smile and shifts my focus back on my ring finger, the ring do looks beautiful. I cannot believe he speacially hand picked this beautiful ring, just for me. The love I felt for Matthew has increased ten times already and now I cannot wait for our wedding day, the day I will officially become his wife.

(Tessa' Engagement Ring by Matthew)

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(Tessa' Engagement Ring by Matthew)

As if Casey can sence my hesitation and tension, she places her hands over mine and gives it a gentle press. "What's the matter, aren't you happy", I feel tears in my eyes, I wipe them away and exhales loudly, like I have been holding my breath a long time. "I love the ring, thank you Casey for helping Matthew pick this ring", she just shrugs my thank you like it's not even needed. "Anytime Tess, anything for you. But, as your friend, I can tell something is bothering you. What is it, please tell me. Maybe your free of cost relationship councellor might be able to help you", I laugh at the mention of her role, she often mentions herself as my relationship councellor, but, she is correct, she has always helped me with the best suggestions. "I kissed Hardin today", she looks at me with a confused expression, "Please tell me that happened before  Matthew proposed you" and I shake my head and feel a fresh batch of tears ready to be delivered from the core of my eyes. Casey hits her head dramatically on the table. "Why in earth you kissed Hardin after Matthew proposed you for marriage. Tess, it's bad, very bad. You cannot do that." I let my tears reappear and I can see Casey feels extremely bad for her statement. "I am sorry , I didn't meant to hurt you", I shake my head, " didn't. You are correct. I shouldn't have but I did. Lately I feel my life as a walking mess. I don't even know what I should do and what will happen. My actions don't define my thoughts, it's like they have lost the tunning." Casey shifts her chair towards me and rubs my back for some much needed consoling. I don't need her consoling. I know what I did was wrong. I cannot keep making the same mistakes over and over again. But, it's like with Hardin I looses my sence and capability to think and act. With Hardin, I just follow my heart, letting my mind to rest in peace.

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