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Casey point of view...

I asked Tess to go by herself. I don't know why. She is my bestfriend, she is my Rock. We have been together through so much, yet there are few things, I want to do solo. Me visiting my parents graveyard on their Death Anniversary is one of those things, that I like to do alone. My parents left me too soon, I was young when I lost them. Although, Mr and Mrs Young, they never let me feel alone, they never left me alone. They considered me, they loved me, they cared me, they blessed me like their own daughter. I still remember the exact moment, when I was standing just couple of meters away from my mother's coffin and I watched her going underground, Mrs Young, she hugged me tight and told me that from that day onwards they have 3 daughters. I love them with all my heart. Yet, as time passed, we visited my parents grave as fewer as possible, they don't know though, it's a tradition I follow. Every year, I make sure to visit my parents the day they left me forever.

It's strange, every year whenever I come, I always find flowers decorated on my mother's and father's Grave separately. I know no one visits them other then me but every year , on this very day, whenever I come, I always find flowers and bouquets decorated beautifully on their grave. I don't know, who does that. I always bring Red Rosses for my parents, I was too young when Jesus took them from me, I never had the opportunity to properly know their likes and dislikes. I never had the chance to know, how they met, if they married eachother out of love or it was an arranged marriage, where they went for college, where they went for school, did my birth was welcomed and was planned or it was a sudden pregnancy for my mother, who gave me my name, was it my dad or was it my mother, who loved me the most, who played with me the most when I was born, who was on diapers duty when I was born. There are so many unanswered questions I have.

I never asked those questions to anyone because I never knew who to ask those questions, who can answer my questions in the best way possible. Apparently, my grand parents died way before I was born, so, technically with my parents passing away, I was left with no one until Young Family adopted me like their own daughter.

I told Tess, that I am seeing a friend. Well, I lied. Not technically though. Even till today, my birth parents are my friends. Yes, birth parents because I want to believe, I do have parents who are alive, they are Mr and Mrs. Young. This is a tradition, that I will perform till the day I will lie along with my parents. Yes, that would be my last wish, to be layed underground, along with my parents presence, in that way, my soul will find them in heaven, I laugh, I am so selfish, I know they are in heaven, that's why I want to go to heaven as well.

As a part of tradition, I sit here, in front of my parents grave for hours, until it becomes too creapy to stay inside a graveyard.

"Mom, Dad...How are you guys?". I smile, they are in peace Casey. They are not in pain. Mrs Young told me, after the car accident, that was my mother's last words, she wanted the doctors to stop trying because she was in too much pain, physically as well as emotionally. Her husband was gone and she had a 4 year old, it was like her soul was fighting a lost battle. One part of her soul wanted to leave and reunite with my father's soul, another part of her soul wanted to stay and raise the significance of their love, their 4 year old daughter. At last, her part that wanted to reunite with her husband won the battle, knowing her daughter will be left in safe hands, in the hands of Mr and Mrs. Young. I say to my mother, you were correct mom, I am happy, you were correct, I hope you get peace too.

I smile sadly looking straight at their grave.."I made it mom and dad. I graduated from UCLA and now I am working as a legal consultant with one of the biggest multinational organization. I hope I was able to make you guys proud. I hope you guys are happy knowing your daughter is still living, still striving and most importantly still smiling".

Sitting here, in a heavenly presence of my parents, gives me happiness that I can never define. I still want to know, who bring them flowers on this day. What suprised me that the flowers are always lillies and white daisies. Yellow lillies for my father and white Daisy for my mother. I always bring them red roses because that's my favourite flower and I never knew what was their favourite, so, I bring them my favourite flower hoping they will like it too. But, who this person is. Is it someone who knows my parents well. If yes, I want to meet this person. I want to meet her or him and ask all the questions I have in my heart. I was lost in my own thoughts when suddenly I sence someone's presence. Someone is sitting with me. I turn around and see Mrs. Young. She is looking at me, she has a beautiful yet a sad smile on her face and she also have tears in her eyes. But,why and why she is here. I am confused,  I thought all these years that no one remembered this day. Is she the one who brings these flowers for my parents?. Should I ask her? She smiles and lovingly turns to my mother's and father's Grave. As if she can read my mind, she starts answering my thoughts.

"You are not the only one who misses them. I miss them every single day. James and Jessica were my bestfriends from school days, I will never forget them, honey!! ". I have tears in my eyes. I don't want to stop my tears. She remembered, she is that long lost link to my parents. I was so close to her all these years and I thought she would never be able to answer my questions. I was wrong. I finally have someone who can bring me one step closer in knowing my parents, who I lost when I was only 4.

"Your mother loved White Daisies, that was her favourite flower and your father nicknamed her Daisy. Your father loved Yellow Lillies and he was always teased in school for liking yellow lillies considering he was a boy. Your mother was beautiful, young, a talented singer. Your father was one of the most handsome boy of our school, all the girls have their eyes on your father, including me( she winks at me), don't tell it to my husband please, he still thinks he was and is my first crush" . She laughs lightly and continues. " Their marriage was a love marriage, your father and mother loved eachother a lot and you were planned. Don't worry about that. Your name was given by your mother. When she was pregnant with you, I was pregnant with Tessa and we both joked that if we have daughters, they will be bestfriend too and look at you and Tessa, you guys are eachothers lifeline, just I was for your mother, Jessica. Your father was on diaper duty and he was always the one who wanted to play with you the most. They loved you very much". I am now sobbing and Mrs Young brings me towards her and Huggs me tightly. She kisses my forehead and whispers "I love you" .

"Your parents are proud of you honey. They are happy that their daughter has grown in to a beautiful and strong young woman. Your parents never left you, they are with you, always and forever. They are in your heart, always remember that". I nod and again turn towards my parents grave. I smile and turn towards Mrs Young to ask her something. "How you know the questions that I always wanted to ask?". I am positive, I never shared those questions with anyone.

She smiles and answers me. " I am sorry, but I once read the journal you kept since you were a kid, I read your journal and I knew those questions. I know , I should have not read that, I know it's personal for you,but, I wanted to knew how my daughter was feeling". I hug her tightly and I have tears in my eyes. " I miss them, I miss them so much". I am crying. I am again the 4 year old toddler who lost her parents at an young age.

She kisses my forehead and lovingly tells me..." I know honey, but they are with you. Always and forever".

----------Authors note-------------

I know many of you are expecting Hessa Exchange, but, I literally wanted to write this update. I literally had tears in my eyes while I was writing this. I added this update on my own, it was not there in my original story. I want to focus on every single character and Casey is an important character. It's important to know about her too. I hope you love this update. Next will be Hessa faceoff again, I hope you guys are excited.

Please continue to love and support me and let me know if you have any suggestions and let me know if you liked this update or not.

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