First Impression...

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Tessa Point of View...

I am late. We are late. I am late on my first day of Job. Great. And it does not helps that Terra is driving her Mustang at a speed of a freaking bullock cart. What is wrong with my sister. But , apparently, my best friend is also not worried that we are late and that our first impression on our colleagues, on our manager, on the CEO of The Scott Group will be bad, I cannot believe she is facetiming Ken, yes the guy she finally had her one night stand after pinning over him for 6 years. Ken this, Ken that, Ken is so hot...wait a second, what is wrong with me, I should be worried because I am late on my first day at job and I am thinking about my best friend's sex life. I am agitated and that will be the understatement of the year.

"Can you please drive your car atleast at a decent speed Ter, we are already running late". Finally I had to ask my sister for driving her car little quickly and Terra just gave me a fucking eye roll. Seriously. I understand that she has her own business where she is the boss so it doesn't matter to her if she is late at her own shop. But, I have to work and earn money. How am I suppose to pay back my student loan if I get fired on my very first day.

"Relax, we are not late. We will reach on time". Finally my bestfriend pays some attention to me. She has been facetiming Ken a lot these days. I have to ask her, are they officially dating or not. I know Casey is not dating type, but, I know Ken is dating type, he was dating the same girl for 6 years. I just don't want Casey to get involve in to something that will break her heart. I will definitely have that talk with her.

I receive a message from Matthew that he and his father has reached Dallas safely and he will facetime me once we both are free and available. He and his dad sends me and Casey their good wishes for our first day. I am so lucky to have him in my life. He is my life and I love him. I can't wait to see him and visit him at his apartment this weekend. He wants to go for furniture shopping as well this weekend. I am so excited. We will be purchasing funiture for his apartment like a married couple.

I take a look at my watch and we just have 20 minutes left until our reporting time. There is no way we will reach on time.

"Ter, how much long we will take to reach?". Terr looks at the navigation and mutters something. I don't understand, can she atleast speak without having anything in her mouth. And she should know, unlike her, I am not trained in sign language.

"I don't understand your sign language, can you please complete whatever you have in your mouth and then tell me". She again rolls her eyes and then inhales whatever she was eating. She adjusts her rearview mirror, god, I am dead.

"First of all, it's your fault that I have to eat and drive, you did not even let me had my breakfast at home. Second, there is traffic Tess, it's not in my hand to control how the traffic is moving and third we only need 10 more minutes to reach considering you made all of us leave atleast 20 minutes before the time we discussed yesterday and fourth, please call Matthew, you seriously need to get laid, if you won't, I will call him and will ask him to make my sis loose a little. She is too uptight". The moment Terr ends her rant, Casey starts laughing. She is laughing so hard that she has tears. "Uptight..Tess, seriously, you were with Matt, like 3 days ago, did he not satisfied you". Casey asks me with a mischievous smile, she is so dead, she knows that we never had sex, obviously, Terr thinks me and Matthew we had sex the night we celebrated my graduation. Casey is lucky we are not alone, otherwise I will strangle her to death.

" He satisfied me very well, thank you and Terr it's because of me pursuading us to leave 20 minutes ago that we will reach on time, considering we have traffic". Terr looks at me from the rear view mirror and again rolls her eyes.

Finally we reach. The Scott Business Group. I cannot believe, it's huge, it's even bigger then my imagination.

   ( The HQ of Scott Business Group)

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( The HQ of Scott Business Group)

I look at Casey and she is also stunned. We always googled Scott Business Group, we never had the opportunity to come visit and see the building in person. What we saw online, does no justice to what we have in front of our eyes. It's huge. It's beautiful and is located in the prime location of Washington. We saw lines of cars surrounding the building, lots of people coming in and out of the building in their business formals, it's amazing. I am so lucky that I am joining Scott Business Group as my first organisation.

We quickly step down from Terr' car and she wishes us good luck and drives away. I am literally holding Casey' hand too tight.

"Tess, honey I love you but if you will hold my hand, the way you are holding it ryt now, it might break and then I will not be able to work or type or write down anything for the next few weeks". Leave it to Casey to be so dramatic, I was not holding her hand so tight anyways.

I quickly look at my watch and we still have 5 minutes left, I need to run towards the elevator because otherwise we will be late. Me and Casey quickly enters the building and reaches the reception. Casey can totally feel my nerves, so she volunteers to ask the receptionist about our respective floors where we have to go. She will be working in a separate department so she will be going on a different floor and I will be going on a separate floor.

"Miss Naomi, can you please help us. We both are joining today and I will be joining as Environment legal advisory consultant and my friend will be joining as business legal consultant. Please help us with our respective floors". Ms. Naomi is the receptionist and she might be in her late 20' or early 30'. She looks beautiful in her business formals. She smiles and looks on her screen in front of her. " Environment division is on 7th floor and Business legal department is on 15th floor. Which one of you is Miss Tessa Young, by the way. Mr. Scott has requested to see her in person in another 20 minutes". I am stunned. I don't know, by, Mr. Scott, she meant the arrogant and oversmart, future CEO of the Scott Group or she meant the current CEO..Mark Scott. I hope it's the latter one. There is no way, I am ready to face Hardin. Last time when I saw him, he saw my red lingerie. That was humiliating enough. Should I ask her? Will it be rude. Casey elbows me as Ms. Naomi is looking between the two of us and Casey is expecting me to speak, while I am too lost in my own thoughts.

"It's me. I am Tessa Young. Can you please tell me where I will find Mr. Scott' office on the 15th floor. And , will it be possible for you to tell me, by Mr. Scott, you meant Hardin Scott or Mark Scott?". This Naomi person is looking at me like I am an idiot but she smiles and give me her response. " Don't worry. Once you reach 15th Floor, there will be people who will escort you to his office, as I mentioned he is expecting you. Also, it will be Mr. Hardin Scott, Mr. Mark Scott hardly comes to office, he is mostly busy on his business trips. It's Mr. Hardin Scott who is the visiting CEO currently, obviously until he is been announced as the official CEO. I hope I am able to answer your queries? ". She is so polite. I am starting to like her. She is a nyc person for sure. I nod and me and Casey go towards the elevator.

Casey can definitely sence my hesitation and nervousness, so, till we wait for the elevator to come to us, she , smiles and gives me a side hug. "Don't worry. It will be alright. You are getting nervous for no reason". Easy said then done, that's my thought. We patiently wait for the elevator and once it arrives, we quickly get in and ask the guard to press 7 and 15. Casey' Destination arrives first, she steps out of the elevator and gives me a resurring smile and walks out of the elevator towards her corridor. The elevator door shuts down and it goes up and then within a minute we reach the much awaited 15th floor. It's here. I am here. I will be seeing Hardin again and I am nervous.

The moment elevator door opens, I come across a young man, he will be in his late 20'. He is well suited, he is wearing a black suit, white shirt and a black tie. He has this amazing blue eyes and he has an amazing smile. He politely introduces himself as Marvin and then he mentions the most dreadful words..."Mr. Scott is waiting for you, you must be Ms. Tessa Young".

----------Authors note-------------

Here is another update. So, who is excited for a Hessa Exchange. Let me know in comments what way you would want the Hessa Conversation to go. Do you want it funny , sexy or serious. I already know how I want the story to go because it's already written on my laptop, but, still I want to make some changes as per my readers would want it.

Stay safe and please follow me if you like my story and my work. My chat box is open for your suggestions. Take care everyone.

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