Story Update... Met By Coincidence Separated By Destiny..

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For my readers..

I know you all wanted My Homeless Man as my next story and trust me it's an interesting story that I will share with you all. But, since I will soon end with Unsuccessful which was a Hessa Story, I thought maybe I should write my Herophine story first.


"He has dreams of his own,"

"I never said that he doesn't,"

"What will you know, when Hero and I were struggling to survive, you were sleeping with your slut..,"

I hear my parents argue over me, over our family. My dad whom I loved until now has another family, that mom and I were unaware of.

I wear my running shoes that dad got me on my 17th birthday and quietly exit our house, without making any noise.

I ran and ran until I see a person sitting alone underneath a lamp, lighted in between an empty road. As I move closer, the person becomes visible to my eyes. The person is a beautiful girl, she has blond hair, a weird sense of dressing style but beautiful. As I enter within the radius of the light coming from the lamppost, the girl looks up and we finally see each other for the first time. She has beautiful blue and gray eyes, the color I can't choose. Her lips are full and pink, she does not wear much makeup, and yet somehow managed to take my breath away.

"Hey, you,"

The sound of her voice brings me back to the world of the living. She climbs down the stairs of the stadium, which I realize until now. We are in the stadium, we are standing at the same place that has clouded my mind and thoughts for the past 10 years.

"Hey, you,"

I acknowledge her as she takes small steps coming closer and closer to me. Within seconds, she stands in front of me.

"Do I know you?"

I just shake my head.

"No, you don't. I don't even know you. Who are you and are you new in this town?"

"Woah...hold on, too many questions for me to answer. Let's just go one at a time."

I just nod, patiently waiting for this beautiful girl to answer my questions.

"My name is Josephine Langford and yes, I recently moved to North Carolina with my cousin brother and his mother. We lived in Texas, it's a big move, we know."

I smile as Josephine giggles at her fail attempt of telling a joke.

"Now it's my turn. Who are you and are you old, I mean older than me living in this town."

We both laugh at the same time.

"My name is Hero Fiennes Tiffin. My father never married my mother, so, I kept both names. And yes, I am older than you. I am born and raised in this town, in the state of North Carolina."

She looks down at her watch and sighs heavily.

"Gosh it's late, I have to go. Well, maybe I will see you again, Hero."

And just like that, the most beautiful girl I ever laid my eyes upon disappears in the hollowness of the night.

When I come back, I find my mother sitting in her room, crying her eyes out. I silently enter her room and without saying anything takes a seat next to her. Realizing it's me, my mother rests her head on my shoulder.

"Where is dad mom?"

"He left Hero. He said he will come to see you but he has a family to look after now."

"What about us?"

"We are on our own, son, we are now on our own."

My mother stands up and drops a kiss on my forehead. Before she exits her room, she turns to face me and with a sad smile asks me to go to bed.

"Go to bed Hero. Tomorrow is an important day for you."

I nod at my mother as I drag my body up from the floor and walk past my mother's standing form.

Next day...

"Boys meet your new teammate. His name is Lucas Tiffin."

At the sound of my father's surname, I look past my friends to find a boy of our age, about 6 feet tall standing in front of us.

"Hello everyone, I am Lucas Tiffin, I recently moved from North Carolina."

With Lucas's introduction, everyone starts to whisper on their own, even the cheerleaders begin to chant his name. Is he the same person my parents were arguing about last night? Is he the reason my father is leaving our family? Is he the one, with whose mother my father had an affair? Is he the one?

Angrily I ran out of the field, colliding intentionally with Lucas. He wines in pain as I hit him hard.


Our Coach screams from his position. My running leg stops and without realizing I turn to face everyone again.

"Detention Hero.."

"But Coach he was standing in between..,"

I try to reason with Coach, giving him an excuse to cover up what I did intentionally. 

"I know what you did, I will see you in detention, now go back to your classroom."

Angrily I walk to my next class. Without realizing who sits beside me, I stomp my books on my desk.

"Wow...what did those poor books do to you?"

And there she is. I hear her voice again. Excitedly I turn to see the person sitting beside me.

"What you are doing here..?"

"I guess we met by coincidence and now we meet again by coincidence.."

And she smiles making her beautiful face look more young and fresh from her age.


This story is about a young boy meeting a beautiful girl by coincidence. They fell in love until after a moment of misjudgment the boy breaks the girl's heart beyond repair. What if his biggest mistake turns out to be a life-changing experience for him until both of them meet again, will the boy be able to claim back the love that he pushed away years ago. Is the girl whose heart was broken beyond repair could ever be repaired and glued again? Come join me in this exciting story where life will play an important role in getting together yet pushing two people farther away.

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