The Plan..Part-1 : Meeting with the devil

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Tessa's Point of View...

"Where are you going, honey.."

My mother-in-law asks me over the phone as I stumble, trying to manage my luggage and handbag, both at the same time.

I take a breath of relief when I find my wallet inside my handbag. I take it out to pay the taxi driver. I take my luggage and enter the airport. My mother-in-law still waiting patiently for my response.

"I am going to New York, Maa," I answer my mother-in-law, as I stand in the line for my boarding pass.

"New York, what for, honey? You should have told me that before, I would have tagged along with you, I miss my best friend, Renne"

I roll my eyes as I hear the name of the woman I currently hate the most. I wish I could tell her about her best friend's wonderful accomplishments with her son. I will do that eventually. I just don't know how Lilly will react to reality. It will break her apart, I do know that but it's about her son's life, she deserves to know the truth.

"Maa..I am sorry, I should have told you but the plan was made by me all of sudden, I still don't understand how fast I made this plan. I promise next time we will go together"

I feel bad for giving my mother-in-law a fake hope. After I will tell her about Renne and what she has been doing with her son, I am pretty sure she will never want to see her again. But, I can not tell her anything until I take Renne down for good. She has done enough damage already, I cannot risk her doing anything more. I will make sure to see the end of Renne.

Before leaving for New York, I only saw Hardin once. He was still passed out by the amount of alcohol he has consumed. I do feel bad for leaving him alone like that but I have to do this. I can not delay it any further. The more I delay, the more I will let Renne take advantage of my husband. I did write Hardin a note before leaving, informing him about my whereabouts. I didn't tell him that I am going to New York to confront the woman who taught him "How to fuck".

I know Hardin. He will get furious. Plus, he is smart. He will put 1+1 together and will know Anthony told me everything about his past. I don't want their friendship to be affected in any way. I love Anthony and what he did for Hardin. He took care of Hardin when his best friend needed him the most. I feel thank full to him that he told me everything about Renne.

I disconnect my call with my mother-in-law, promising to call her once I reach New York. I did leave some medicines for Hardin along with my note. I hope he feels ok, with me leaving and doesn't get mad over the same. I take my boarding pass and make my way towards the waiting area.

Once I get settled in the waiting area, I bring out my phone and open my picture gallery. I click on the album titled Love of my life to admire the pictures of my handsome husband. Hardin doesn't even know I click his random pictures when he is not looking or is doing something else. I have lots of pictures of him, doing anything and nothing. I have his pictures when he is working; when he walks out of the shower; when he sleeps, with his arms draped across my body; when he gets angry; when he gets annoyed; when he is happy; us watching movies; when he cooks, which is once in a lifetime; when we just finished making out, you define a moment or an emotion and I will give you a picture of Hardin Scott for that. I love him with all my heart.

While admiring my husband's beautiful pictures, my heart breaks as I see a picture of him holding a newborn. I remember that day like it happened yesterday. Hardin took me to this Hospital's 50th-anniversary celebration ceremony, for which the Scott Group has funded for the last 20 years. This picture I took when we visited the nursery section. That day 19 babies were born, 9 girls and 10 boys; that was the first time I saw Hardin happy holding a newborn baby. He was holding a baby girl, wrapped in her pink baby blanket. Hardin took the baby from the nurse and looked at her. He had this beautiful smile on his face like he was holding his child. He looked at me, with the baby in his arms and smiled. At that moment I knew Hardin silently told me about our future. But, I can not give him that. I cannot give him a family he deserves to have. I have given him my heart and my body, but I cannot give him a child, the successor to his legacy.

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