The Talk..

565 27 8

Hardin' Point of View...

I am looking at Tessa, my eyes are on her and I am well aware that my mother is standing ryt next to Tessa and she knows that I am looking at Tessa. Tessa looks at my mother and she walks out of the kitchen area and goes upstairs to her room. I am still looking at Tessa, she turns, I turn, she goes upstairs, I turn completely and now my back is facing my mother's face. "She is gone you know". I turn and see my mother leaving the kitchen area as well and she has that smile on her face, I know that smile, I know what she is planning in her head, I am getting married to Tessa in my mother's imaginary world.

"Please Maa..don't start". She turns and look at me and rolls her eyes and goes straight to the living area. I follow her. She takes a seat on the couch and I sit with her. "The house is beautiful".She compliments the house but, she still has that smile on her face. I know I am going in for a long lecture. "She is beautiful too..". Here it all begins. I shake my head and puts my head in between my hands. Well someone tell my mother that Tessa hates me, marriage is definitely not in the cards for us.

She is expecting a response from me. She has that look. She wants me to say something. But, what, I have no idea. "Maa, we are not together. She just started yesterday at our company. I don't even know her that well. Literally there is nothing". She smiles and shakes her head and I feel more worse then I was already feeling. Here, I am telling my mother that there is nothing between me and Tessa and just seconds ago I was looking at her like a lost puppy and my mother did saw that. My mother is gonna berate me now, she has that look on her face.

"Then get together. She is beautiful and I can see you definitely feel something for her. If she joined yesterday, then what in the universe she is doing with you in Seattle in a newly purchased penthouse?". My mother is a smart woman, she caught me in my lie but honestly I don't even know what I have with Tessa. We definitely had an amazing time last night and like an idiot I ruined it this morning when I compared her with a slut and I am damn sure she hates me and probably will never talk to me. That's why I don't want to get in to relationships, they make you weak, they make you vulnerable, they make you pathetic, they mess with your head until you go crazy. I don't want that. It's simple, get a girl for a night, have sex with her, no expectations and then moveon to another woman. It's simple. Why complicate your life when it's not even required. But, obviously I cannot say that to my mother.

"Hardin, honey I love you but you are 28, you are not getting any younger. When will you give me the opportunity when I can retire and can spent my entire day just playing with my grandkids". I choke, literally I choke and start coughing, marriage was ok but leave it to my mother, she takes the discussion to another level, she has already imagined Me and Tessa with our kids. She immediately gets up and goes to the kitchen area. I am coughing so hard that I cannot even call my home staff and ask maa to rest and don't get worry. She brings me a glass of water and I gulp the entire glass down in an instant.

"You ok, honey?", I nod and gesture her to sit down. "Mom, please I already told you, me and Tessa we are not together, can you please stop planning our wedding and stop planning on us having kids. You know I am not comfortable to have this kind of discussions with you." She nods and sighs deeply. I don't know what happens but she starts crying, I don't know what I did, I was definitely not expecting this kind of response from her. Why on earth she is crying. I immediately go and sit ryt with her and takes her in a hug. She shakes her head and pushes me away. "Mom, I am sorry. Please don't cry. You know I don't like when you cry."

"It's all my fault. I failed my relationship with your father, I failed my marriage with your father and now you don't even want to get married and settle down and have a family." She takes a long pause and then continues. "Hardin listen honey, I am your mother and I am telling you this, what happened between me and your father, it has nothing to do with you. Just because we did not worked out, it doesn't mean yours will not work as well. I know you are scared, I get that. But, please honey, give your life an opportunity to feel all the happiness that you deserve to have, please, give yourself a chance to happiness." I am speechless. I don't know what I should tell her. Just the idea of marriage and love scares the hell out of me. I don't want to end up like my dad, I don't want another woman to end up like my mother, and most importantly I don't want a child to end up like me. I will never be able to forgive myself if I ever hurt another woman or abondon a child. I don't want any child to go through what I went when I was a child. Also, I don't believe any girl would like to understand and cope up with my shitty past.

My mother takes my hand and presses her other hand over mine. She looks lovingly at me. "I have done a lot of mistakes in my life, but, when it came to you, I always tried my best to do the correct things for you. I was not able to give you a wonderful childhood, but, I can proudly tell you that when it came to you, I always made the correct decisions. I am telling you Hardin, if you will live your life behind the shadow of your past, you will never be able to move forward in your life. I just don't want you to look back 20 years from now and realize how much you missed and regret all the decisions you could have made but didn't because you were too scared to let go off your past." I thought she was done but apparently I was wrong. She continues. "Son, please give your life an opportunity to be happy. Mark my words, the answer to your happiness is currently upstairs, go claim your happiness." She pats my head. I am speechless. I don't know what should I tell my mother. Maybe I want to see how things might go with Tessa but I am scared about commitments. I cannot see myself commiting to a single person for the rest of my life. But, I do need to apologise to Tessa. What I did to her was wrong.

"Mom, if you don't mind, I wanted to have a quick chat with Tessa. If you are ok, I will be really quick. Please wait for me." She nods again. I was about to go upstairs when I hear my mother yelling.."Good luck with your talk, I hope she forgives your sorry ass." I shake my head out of guilt and shame and embarrassment, I should have known, my mother knows everything.

I nervously walk to Tessa' bedroom. I knock and wait for her response. She yells from inside.."Come in, it's open". Get ready Hardin, I wish myself good luck and enters her room.

She is currently sitting on her bed and doing something on the laptop. As I enter, she looks at me and starts working again. Great, silent treatment. I take few steps closer to her bed, I am ashamed and don't even know how to start my apology speech.

"You can start by I am sorry Tessa, I was a dick to you". She catches me off guard. I nod and finally gather some courage to start my apology speech. "I am sorry Tessa. I don't know what happened to me this morning. I was a dick to you and whatever I said it was wrong. Please...Please forgive me." She momentarily looks at me and shuts down her laptop. She gets up and picks up the laptop from bed and comes closer to me. She takes my hand and with a Thud.. dumps the laptop in my hands. "Apology accepted and here's your laptop. Presentation is completed and I don't need your laptop anymore. I have transferred all the presentations in my pendrive." With that she moves past me and starts packing her handbag.

I never thought this will be so easy. I turnaround and looks at Tessa, who has her back turned towards me. I have to ask her. "You will forgive me that easily?", she turns and looks at me. She has no emotions at all. It's like she is emotion less . Last night her eyes had nervousness, lust and want in her eyes for me and today she has nothing.

"Let's forget that last night even happened between us Hardin. It was a big mistake. I don't blame you for anything. It was all on me. I was at fault last night. It was my mistake that  I gave you my "Yes" in everything and it was my fault that I forgot that I have a boyfriend who loves me and it was my fault that for a second I thought that maybe we can be something more. But, I was wrong, so, actually I am sorry." And just like that Tessa walks out from the bedroom and most probably from my life.

----------Authors note-------------

Here is another update for all my readers. I feel so blessed honestly looking at so much love and support from my readers. I started last week and I am almost approaching 1k reads, that's really big. Thank you for liking and supporting my story.

Also, please let me know, what you expect will happen next. Do you think Tessa and Hardin are done for good? Do you think Matthew will forgive Tessa for her misjudgement? Do you think Tessa will tell Matthew about everything that happened between her and Hardin? What do you think will happen when we will have a Matthew v/s Hardin faceoff? So many interesting things are about to happen, please stay with me, we all will be up for a ride. And finally please tell me are you guys liking Hardin' mom?

Message me your suggestions if you have for me. See you soon in next update and till then stay safe. Take care everyone.

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