The Night...Let's Swim together!!

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Hardin' Point of View...

She is here. She is in my room. She is in my arms, my arms are around her, holding her. She is touching my skin, she is somehow touching my soul without even knowing it. I can feel her touch, I can feel her eyes on my body, for the first time, I feel little shy in presence of a girl, I don't know why, but everytime I am with Tessa, I feel so many emotions. Does she wants me, the way I want her. I cannot help but imagine what I imagined in shower might come true. If does that mean, I will have to take another shower, I will do that. But, I want our first time to be on my bed, yes, I have never fucked any girl in my bed before, but, Tessa will be the first one.  As I said, she is my first one in many things already.

She is now standing in front of me and I am looking at her and she is looking at me. We both are trying to read eachothers thoughts. I want to know what she wants, why she is here in my room. I don't know what her thoughts are currently. I am still waiting for her response.

"Umm..I are naked..I mean, I want mean I want you to help me". She is blabbering a lot of words, the moment she said she wants me, immediately I have a smirk on my face. She can sence that and she quickly changes her sentence to wanting me to help her. "What you need Tessa. How I can help you?". I just jerked myself in the shower, but, looking at Tessa in a white shirt and shorts, knowing she has changed in to more comfortable outfit for the night, I can feel my shaft coming back to life again. I am wearing a towel for heaven's sake, can she atleast ask me whatever she wants quickly, I don't want her to see me with a boner. I give her waist a little tug, urging her to give me her response.

She somehow manages to speak again. "Umm.. I was about to start my presentation, that's when I saw that my laptop has zero battery. Do you have a charger or a spare laptop on which I can work on." I nod and walk to my closet. I come back with a brand new laptop that I got for myself couple of weeks ago. She can have it, I can get a laptop anytime I would want. "You can have it , not for tonight but forever. Consider it as a gift from my end. Your joining gift." She looks hesitant, but she takes it. She is currently staring at my feet, doesn't she understands that I am wearing a towel and she can see my dick that wants to make an appearance from underneath of my towel.

"I will return this laptop once I am done with my presentation. I don't need a new one, I already got a laptop from the HR department." I laugh at her innocence and honesty. She is adorable. "You can keep it Tessa, leave your modesty for Washington."

She nods and walks out of my room. Even if she has left my room already, I can still sence her presence. I quickly drop my towel and change in to a more comfortable outfit for tonight's events.

Tessa Point of View...

I grab the laptop that Hardin gave me and quickly leaves his room. I cannot believe what just happened. I saw Hardin naked, well technically he was not naked, he was wearing a towel. I can see him and feel him getting hard under my touch. It's normal, it can happen to any man. Why everytime I am with Hardin, I have to remind myself that I have a boyfriend, who I love and who I want to marry. What I want in my life in future, I can never have that with Hardin, it's only possible with Matthew. Hardin will never give me the weeding that I want, he will never give me a family that I want, he will never give me his heart, he will never love me the way I want and expect from my husband, with Hardin it will always be a "NO", with Matthew it will always be a "YES". I remind myself that and quickly make my way to my room. I turn on the laptop and start with File number 1.

After almost 3 hours of hard work and continuous typing and reading all the files properly, I look at the remaining ones, I cannot believe, I still have 12 more files left. Well, Hardin gave me 50 files, completing 38 of them is a nyc job done, I mentally praise myself. I quickly take a look on my phone, in case I have any urgent messages or emails. I have some messages from Casey, telling me how lucky I am that I am getting to work with Hardin from day 1, I have a message from mom, she tells me that she is proud of me and she asked me to not worry. I was about to put my phone down, when I see a message from a private number, it reads.."Take your time, you are on an official leave tomorrow, so, you have plenty of time to complete all the files. Take some rest and let me know in case you will need anything, I am going for swim, come find me if you want to."

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