Memories from Past...

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Lilly's Point of View...

27 years ago...

Our 1-year-old son sleeps in his crib as I make love to my wife.

"Ohh...Lilly..You feel amazing", my wife moans my name as I cum inside her. I have been working extra shifts considering now we are three instead of two. She wraps her hands across my body once I roll out of her and lay us back onto our back. I wrap my hands across her and start rubbing her arms, something she always likes after we make love.

" I cannot believe he is 1 already", she smiles as we both look at our little bundle of joy. Hardin. Our beautiful baby boy. He has a habit to sleep with his favorite blue monkey. He loves his blue monkey. We got that soft toy when he was born and instantly he fell in love with his blue monkey.

We had Hardin's 1st birthday a week ago. We are now planning to have him baptized. Lilly was baptized when she was a child so she wants our son to be baptized as well. That's another reason I have been working extra hard lately. When Hardin was born, we did not have his baptism because of tight finances. With hospital bills and Lilly's medicines, I was not able to have our son baptized but now I have saved enough to organize the ceremony.

Lilly turns towards me and pulls herself up by placing her arms over my chest. "What you thinking, hon". I look at her. My beautiful wife. I move my hands to her blond curls and roll them around my fingers.

" Nothing", Lilly gives me her You-Cannot-Lie-to-Me look. I smile.
"I was thinking about Hardin's baptism ceremony. Have you prepared the list for guests we talked about last week", she sighs and falls back on my chest. I laugh. " You didn't", she shakes her head. "Nope, I didn't". I tuck at her shoulders. " Babe, what's wrong. You have been gushing about Hardin's baptism and now you look less interested with every passing day", Lilly doesn't reply. She just continue to lay on my chest.

Something is wrong. She was so excited about getting Hardin baptized. I pull Lilly up by her arms and place her lips over mine in a soft kiss. She smiles as she starts to speak.
"Mark, you have been working your ass off lately. Don't you think, we should save the money for Hardin's future." I smile over my wife's unnecessary concerns. "You don't have to think about that. I will handle everything. Lilly, he is 1 for Christ's sake. Let him at least learn how to crawl first," she giggles. I giggle with her. She nods her head in acceptance.
"Ok, I will make that list. You will get that list tomorrow first thing in the morning, happy, Mr. Scott," I smile and tighten my hold over my wife's body.

I trail my hands to Lilly's naked back. Her skin is so soft. "I want the best for our little boy, Lilly. I want him to have everything that my parents failed to give me. Good education. Good house. And most importantly a happy upbringing".

My eyes fill with tears as I remember my late husband. He wanted the best for our son. He did give our son a good education, a good house to live but sadly we failed to give him a happy upbringing.

Hardin is finally fulfilling my last wish. Well, second last. My last wish will be to play with my grandchildren before I close my eyes for good. He is getting married. My only baby is getting married. He and Tessa just returned from their pre-wedding honeymoon trip. I was happy when he told me about the trip. He did call this morning to inform us that he and Tessa has safely returned to Seattle. I cannot wait for them to see their Washington penthouse. I will gift them that as their wedding gift.

I have been daydreaming a lot lately. Tessa's mother sometimes joins me in my dream world. Together, we have already started discussing our children's children names. If I tell Hardin that now, he will run away from me. I laugh. Well, he never wanted to get married but Tessa changed that for him. I believe Tessa will change my son's beliefs in the Having-his-Children department too.

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