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Tessa Point of View..

Finally, I will be alone with Matthew. After almost more then 7 months, we are finally together again. He has been busy ever since he completed his Master's. He was working day and night with his father at their firm. His father owns a retail business, that he himself established and that's why their business is very important for Matthew. Matthew lost his mother at an young age, she lost a brave battle against Cancer. She was sweet, loving and a caring mother. I met her couple of times while I was introduced to Matthew by common friends. She owned a small bakery down the street from our house in Washington and her chocolate biscuits were famous. When she passed away, there was no one who could have continued the bakery, so, they had to shut it down.

I remember the day, his mother passed away, Matthew went missing after her funeral for 2 days. Apparently, he took off with some of his friends. Till today, no one knows where they went. It's an emotional topic for him, so, I never ask him about it. Sometimes it's important to respect certain boundaries, even if you are dating or you are in love. Sometimes something's are better left unasked. I know if ever Matthew will feel comfortable , he will tell me, until then I will just support him in whatever way I can.

My dad and mom were so happy today. I never thought that I will feel so happy after watching them crying. Knowing that, I was able to make them proud of my achievements, makes me happy. All the sacrifices, nights I spent studying, all my hardwork, was worth it.

Matthew is currently out buying Champaign, so, I got some time to prepare dinner. I am making Prime Rib that is Matthew's favourite. Along with that, I am making some Pasta, White Rice and Chicken. I hope atleast tonight turns out the way I want. Considering the events that happened today, I blame only my cursed luck and my bestfriend for it. Although, Casey was correct, Matthew was not able to keep his hands to himself the entire time we were together. I know he can't wait to peel this dress off me and that's why I am still wearing it. Even if we will not be having sex tonight but still having just the two off us together, having a romantic candle light dinner, watching a romantic movie of my choice and ending the night with a hot shower together, gives me chills down my spine. As mentioned, it's been more then 7 months, we have been intimate with eachother.

Matthew is very romantic and his physique is to die for. Everytime we are together, naked with eachother, I just cannot believe that out of all the girls, he is with me. He choose me. Honestly when we started, I thought we won't last more then 2-3 months, but here we are, at 24, still together, very much in love with eachother, ready to start our lives together and maybe soon we will be husband and wife. I know , he mentioned we still have 2-3 years but I can't stop imagining myself wearing a beautiful white gown and walking down the Isle , with a bouquet of white roses as that's my favourite flower, holding my father's hand, and just waiting for Matthew to step down and ask for my hand from my father..

"Tessa..Tess baby...Tessa" I am brought back to reality by Matthew's soothing voice. "Baby..are you okay?"Baby..Baby..."Happy Graduation Day Baby"..just a vivid memory of him saying me that brings chills down my spine.

I quickly turn around and see Matthew's confused expressions.

" Sorry, I was imagining something. When did you entered, I didn't heard you comming in". I cannot believe, Matthew just used Baby for me as well. He has never done that. After so many years of us dating, he has a perfect timing to call me "Baby".

" Yes because you were in another world". Matthew chuckles and gives me a quick kiss and hugs me from behind.

" I am sorry. Also, dinner is almost ready. Do you want to have dinner first or do you want to watch movie first?". I cannot believe, I was imagining our wedding and by just Matthew calling me Baby, I went back to the moment that I had with Hardin Scott. Why, in the universe, I feel the word "Baby" sounded much better from Hardin' voice in comparison to my boyfriend's voice, who I love with my entire existence. I am thinking too much, tonight is for us, and there is no way a certain green eyed person is taking that away from me and from us.

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