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Tessa' Point of View...

I sit in my room as I collect all the articles that Matthew gifted me over the course of 8 years of our relationship. Gifts he gifted on valentine's day, on my birthday, on our anniversaries, on new year's, memories that we created together and cherished with all my heart.

I hear a silent knock on my bedroom door. "Come in, it's open", my bedroom door opens and my mother enters my bedroom. She holds a cup of hot chocolate, something that I am having a lot these days. I am changing my habits. My old habits makes me remember Matthew. One of my habits where I loved coffee, something that both me and Matthew shared in common. My mother smiles as she hands me my cup of hot chocolate. She looks around my bedroom floor, filled with all the articles that Matthew gifted me while we were dating. She holds a sad smile on her beautiful face.."I know he hurt you, but, I do miss him sometimes", I nod and try my best to hold on to my tears. I smile meekly for my mother's sake and push myself up from my bedroom floor. I hold my cup of hot chocolate in one hand, while grab my mother's hands with my other hand and moves us to my bed.

"It's ok mom, you don't have to feel bad or guilty because you miss Matthew. I do miss him sometimes. We dated for 8 years and we were planning our wedding. It's hard to forget your first love", my mother nods. She places one of her hands over mine and presses our hands gently. "Do you still love Matthew..", my mother's question shocks me. I was not accepting such question from my mother. I shake my head, gesturing and letting my mother know that I don't love Matthew anymore, I love Hardin and that's why I am movein with him and marrying him soon. "I love Hardin mom, I don't love Matthew. Yes, it's hard to forget what we had but Hardin helped me in the process. I might take some time to completely remove Matthew from my life, but, I will do that. I have to do that because if I don't do that then I will be cheating Hardin, something I don't want. It's already hard for him to believe in relationships and in love, I cannot highlight his biggest insecurity and fear on his face." My mother nods.

"Hardin seems to be a nice man. I hope he will keep you happy." I join my mother as we both smile. "He will mom. Don't worry. We both love eachother and we have connected with eachother emotionally before starting our relationship. I trust him and he trusts me. That's more then sufficient to start our relationship. Plus we will have rest of our lives to understand eachother. It will be ok, I will be ok." My mother smiles and again look around my scattered bedroom floor. "It's good that you decided to get a closure. It's what you need to moveon and maybe it's what Matthew needs to moveon too. Have you talked to him after what happened between the two of you", I shake my head. "I texted him to meet me, he agreed. We will be seeing eachother in a cafe. I am currently gathering all the gifts that he gifted me while we dated eachother. I need a proper closure, mom. I have so many questions for him, I just wish he can answer them for me. If he fails, I guess I will never get a proper closure to our relationship." My mother smiles beautifully and hugs me. We end our hug.."I hope both of you get your proper closures so that both of you can moveon in your respective lives and can live happily", I nod and smile at my mother's words of wisdom. My mother leaves me as I finish my hot chocolate. Once I am done with my hot chocolate, I take out a big box and start filling it up with all the gifts from Matthew. I put the last gift inside the box and put the seal down over the box with the help of brown tape.

I call Casey for help, and together we place the big box in my car. Casey hugs me with an understanding smile and leaves me as I drive to the cafe where I will be meeting Matthew.

As I enter the cafe, I see Matthew sitting at one of the corner tables, with a cup of coffee placed in front of him, as usual. I take a deep breath as I make my way towards Matthew. He sences my presence and turns to face me. I smile and grabs a chair in front of him, he matches my unhearted smile. "Hey..Tess. How are you", I smile at him politely.."I am doing good Matthew. How are you and how's your father..", he nervously looks at me. " We are doing better, not so good ever since you left me. My father hasn't properly talked to me since our engagement party. He blames me for ruining our relationship, which I completely agree upon." I nod, glad that atleast Matthew's father understands the gravity of his son's actions. "Well you did ruined us Matt. Why you did what you did..", I had to ask him. That's the whole point of our meeting today. I want to know why he cheated on me, when we were doing so good. We were planning our engagement together and our wedding in the future, until he cheated on me, the night that was supposed to be the best night of my life. Matthew looks down with shame and guilt. He shakes his head and finally gathers some courage to face me again. "I don't know Tess. Honestly, I wish I could have some valid explaination to my actions, but, unfortunately, I don't have any. I don't know why I fucked Rachel that night. I guess she was there, all willing and I have been under a lot of stress that entire week, We were not having sex in our relationship and I was seeking pleasure in watching porn, somehow Rachel saw that and took the chance and approached me and offered me something that I was not getting from you." Matthew's eyes fills with tears, highlighting his honesty and shame and guilt, a mixture of everything. In this moment, I knew Matthew was nothing but honest with me. But, what hurts the most is that he mentions he was not getting sex from me, but, it was his decision in the first place to not have sex with me untill we get married, then , how he can blame that on me. Somehow Matthew's honesty angers me. I slam my hands on the table, shaking it in the process, coffee from his mug slightly spills over the table cloth, as I look at Matthew with anger. "You say you were not getting sex from me, how can you say that Matthew. You were the one who wanted to wait. You were the one who wanted us to have sex after marriage, not me, so, if you have to blame anyone, blame yourself, not me. It's your fault. You are the one who wanted us to wait and you are the one who fucked Rachel. And , you controlled your dick for 8 years and all of sudden you couldn't." Matthew looks shameful and guilty. He diverts his gaze over the spoiled tablecloth. "Were you cheating on me all along..", my question startles Matthew and he diverts his attention back at me.
"No.. No Tess. I never cheated on you, I swear until that night. Yes, Rachel was acting all seductive and inappropriate with me for quite some time and I put her back to her place, but that night, I don't know what happened. I am sorry. I made the biggest mistake that night. I just wish you can find in yourself to forgive me. I know we can no longer be together, but if you can forgive me someday, then maybe, just maybe we can be friends again." I nod. I try my best to control my tears, I have cried enough over the failure of our relationship, I can no longer do that. I found happiness with Hardin, I wish the same for Matthew. I don't want him to live the remainder of his life with the guilt and shame of ruining our relationship. I should forgive him, I must forgive him, that's the best option. I smile and take Matthew's hands in mine, shocking him in the process.

"I forgive you Matthew. I loved you with all my heart and I want and wish the best for you and for your father. Even if we can no longer be together, I wish you find someone amazing with whom you can spent your life." Matthew's eyes fills with happy tears, he wipes them away repeatedly but fails to stop them. I finally let my tears mask my face. "I want you to be happy Matthew. I want you to know that I have moved on. I am with Hardin now. I don't want to tell you how it happened but definitely I want to tell you why it happened. It happened because I love him. We love eachother and even if you will always be my first love, but, Hardin is my true love. We are movein together soon and we are also planning our marriage together." My speech stunns Matthew. He takes some time to registers all the details. He gulps and smiles forcefully.."I am glad Tess. I am really happy for you and Hardin. He is a good man, he will take good care of you." I smile. Matthew looks nervously at me.."Can we atleast be friends..if you are open and comfortable to do so..", I smile and place my hands over his.

"I would love too..let's be friends..". Just like that, this marks the proper ending of our romantic relationship and marks the beginning of our friendship.

Rinne' Point of View...

I stand in my NYC apartment' kitchen, preparing dinner for my son, Tedd as I hear my cellphone ringing in the living room. I cann Tedd who is playing with his toys in the living room.."Baby can you bring your mom's cellphone please..", Tedd doesn't reply me back, instead he carries my cellphone in his baby hands in to the kitchen. I smile and lovingly caresses him as I take my cellphone from his hands. I see Lilly's name on the caller-id. I press accept and press my cellphone in between my ear and shoulder.."Hey..Lilly, how are you..".

Lilly squeals over the phone making me deff in the process. " sound so excited.. What's going on Lilly..", Lilly laughs over the phone.."Yes I am happy..Hardin is getting married. He found the love of his life....My baby is getting married Renne.." . I don't hear anything as my cellphone falls over the kitchen floor, shattering my phone screen. I see my son as he looks at me with worried eyes , while I register Lilly's news.."Hardin Scott is getting married..".

----------Authors note-------------

Here's the next update for my amazing readers. Well we approach the most awaited Hessa wedding and what you think is about to happen. Renne and Coley, now officially knows about Hessa' wedding, who you think will bring more drama on our couple's lives. Will it be Renne or will it be Coley..inbox me your suggestions. I am super excited to post my future updates.

Also something important will be announced in future updates related to Tessa. What you think will be announced. I am opening a conversation with all of you, inbox me your suggestions over the drama that you want to read or you might expect. I will wait for your suggestions ☺️😊. We will see eachother in my next update. Till then stay safe and keep everyone safe around you.

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