Once a Cheater always a Cheater...

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About 2 hours ago...

Matthew's Point of View...

Me and Hardin has been discussing the details about our business deal since last 1 hour. I am already running late for my own engagement party and there is nothing I can even do about that. I did received multiple messages from Tessa, informing me that the party has started and everyone is asking for me, I feel bad that on such an important day, I got stuck with work, I did asked Hardin to have this meeting tomorrow or next week, but, he insisted that we do this today as he will be visiting Seattle for a Buisness trip for the next 2 weeks. I know that Hardin has all the power in our business deal because he is my biggest investor, basically whatever Hardin mentions I have to follow. If Hardin backs out then I will be back to square one. Tessa has been supportive throughout my business negotiations, ever since I started working with my father in our family's business, I have been working a lot lately and because of which me and Tessa were not able to spend some quality time together. Although post our engagement, I plan to take Tessa for a short trip, all the way to Miami. No one knows about that trip, not even my dad or Casey, our common friend. I want to suprise Tessa. Maybe, just maybe we can even break our "No Sex before Marriage Act" too. I mean we are literally married, we can totally have sex.
I have been celebate eversince I started dating Tessa, I was informed by our common friends that Tessa has a belief that she wants to give her virginity to her husband, after her marriage. Even if the "No Sex before Marriage Act" was started by me because I wanted my relationship with Tessa to be special, not the meaningless one night stands I was used to back in my high school days. I knew that Tessa is the one for me, so to wait for her was not at all difficult. But, lately with all the work pressure, I found Zero ways to deal with the pressure. I was not able to see Tessa and I quit drinking in my College days, so, my only option was internet porn. Yeah, I know it sounds too childish, but, I had no other solution.

For the past one hour, I have been listening to Hardin, narrating all the clauses in our deal over and over again. He has narrated those clauses about 100 times already, by, now I have them on my tongue. I don't know why Hardin insisted on having this meeting today, he said it was urgent but all he has done in the last one hour is to repeat our clauses about the hundredth time. But, I cannot have any say here. Hardin decides everything related to this deal. If he asks for an urgent meeting then we have to have an urgent meeting. When it comes to work, he is very professional. I did asked him 2 days earlier if he will be joining us on my engagement party, to which he replied "No". He mentioned that he doesn't mix professional life with personal life and since I am his business partner and Tessa is his employee, it makes our relationship purely professional and attending an engagement party is a personal affair, so, he won't be attending our engagement celebration. He did congratulated me for my engagement with Tessa.

"Are you even listening to me", Hardin' powerful voice brings me back from my world of imagination. I nod. "Hardin, I am sorry, but, you have already discussed these import and export clauses with me in our last meeting. Is there anything new that you want us to discuss, if not, then I will like to suggest we continue this meeting post your Seattle trip. I am already late for my engagement party and I need to leave asap", Hardin nods and closes the file he was holding. He stands up from his chair and adjusts the creases of his blazzer. "Well then, I will take your leave. Enjoy your engagement party and again congratulations. To what I know, Tessa Young is an amazing person." I smile proudly as Hardin, my business partner and Tessa' boss praises her. "She is amazing, I am lucky to have her in my life". Hardin curtly nods and smiles and gets ready to leave my office. Out of courtesy, I again asks him if he would like to join me. "Are you sure, you don't want to come. Tessa and her Sister has worked really hard in organising this engagement party", Hardin turns back and is now facing me, "I told you Matthew, your engagement is a personal affair. I don't mix my personal life with my professional life. You enjoy your engagement and my best wishes are with you and with your beautiful future life partner, Tessa", I nod and smile, he smiles back and leaves my office.

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