The Drive...

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Hardin Point of View...

Tessa is following me. She is holding all the 50 files all by herself, I feel bad for her. I really want to help her in holding all the files but she bruised my ego today and I cannot let that happen, plus I am having fun, after long day of meetings and useless brainstorming sessions with bloodsucking clients of my organization, I do deserve to have some fun. Tessa is fun. I know she is confused, I know she is scared and I know she is nervous, I am taking her to my penthouse, but, I am not a person to touch a woman without her consent. So, if she agrees to have sex with me, I will be more then happy to oblige, but, the only reason I am bringing her with me to my penthouse, is to have some fun, not sexual kind of way, I just want to get a rise from her. Just by looking at her this way, gives me joy.

She is different from all the girls I have been with. In my entire life, I have never been with anyone like her. She is beautiful, intelligent and confident and the way she stood her ground this morning, believe it or not, it was a total turn-on moment for me. As we step in to the elevator, my phone starts ringing and I see Coley' name flashing on my screen. I quickly pick her call, she is special to me.

"Hey... How are you?". There is no way, I am telling Coley that I am taking Tessa to my penthouse. We are not dating, and Coley never had any problem with all the other girls I have been with but last night after we were done with our fucking session, she seemed nervous. And the reason for her worries was Tessa. I do laugh mentally. She has nothing to worry about, even if Tessa is beautiful and is different, the maximum I can offer her is the warmth of my sheets, nothing more and nothing less. I am lost in my thoughts that I totally forgot that Coley is on phone.

"Hey..I am sorry. I was heading home actually. How are you and how your visit at your parents house comming up?". She laughs and answers me. "It's ok, I missed my parents and you know it's been almost 1 year, I have not visited them , so, they were happy to see me. But, now I am missing someone's body a lot". She says that seductively and she is correct, I miss her too. But, we were together last night only and I cannot believe she is missing me already. Also, her parents do live close to Washington, so, it's not like that she cannot visit them, but, Coley is very career oriented and therefore she hasn't visited her parents for so long. Do I miss her, yes to some extent but ryt now I have Tessa with me and I don't know why, I just want to focus on Tessa and on no one else. I have to end this conversation as soon as possible. I quickly dismiss her.

"Yeah I know, listen Coley, I have to go. I will call you later, ok?". Before she can again rant on how much she misses my dick, I dismiss her call. I turn back and I can see Tessa, holding all the files close to her chest, as if she is using the piles of files as an Armor, an Armor to protect her from me and from my eyes. I cannot have that. I want to see her beautiful dress, I want to admire her beautiful body, I want to praise her curves mentally and for that, my vision needs no barrier. I quickly approach her and grab all the files from her and gestures her to move inside the elevator. She nervously enters the elevator and we go down to my private parking space.
Tonight will be a great night.

Tessa Point of View...

Hardin approaches me and grabs all the files from me, and gestures me to move inside the elevator. Inside the elevator, I can feel his gaze on me, it's like he is practically undressing me with his smoldering and gazing. God, why men are so obvious. I am scared , yes, why, because I know his reputation with women. The entire corporate world knows that the famous Hardin Scott is easy with girls. He is handsome, rich and popular, three best combinations that can make any girl go weak on her knees, but, not me. I love Matthew. Even if Hardin will be the last guy on this planet, I will not sleep with him. There is a reason, I have waited so long to loose my virginity. I will give my virginity to the man I love, to my future husband, to the love of my life, Matthew Collin and to no one else. Hardin may get any girl he desire and want to have but not me.

I am really scared, he is taking me to his penthouse, but, why?? He has asked me to prepare presentations for all the files that he is holding now. But, is it just a way for him to make me come with him to his penthouse, is it just a way for him to corner me and have sex with me, no, no matter whatever reputation he may have with women, I believe he will never force himself on any woman without her consent.

I am shaking, literally shaking and I can see Hardin' gaze on me. He quickly puts down all the files on the elevator surface and removes his blazzer and puts them around me. He caught me totally off-guard. I thought he was having fun in undressing me with his eyes and what he did seconds ago, fills my heart with adoration for him, see, I know deep inside he is a good man. I give him my shy smile and thank him for his sweet gesture. Now, I know along with the 3 qualities I mentioned, his charm is his 4th weapon, that he uses to trap and kill his Target.

The moment we reach his private parking lot, I am shocked. There are atleast 10 expensive cars that are lined in front of my eyes. How rich he is exactly. I can only see expensive brands of cars that I have only heard in my life, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Jaguar, Bentley. Hardin turns and looks at me with his emrald green eyes, they have now turned in to shades of deep black since there is not much lighting available here. With a beautiful smile on his handsome face what he asks me, gives me a heartattack. "So, Tessa, which car you want to use for our ride to my penthouse?". Is he gone crazy, why he is asking me. These are his cars, we are going to his penthouse, it should be his decision. Great, he is trying to charm me, I wish I can tell him, it's not gonna work on me. He has to do a lot more then charm me to make me agree to sleep with him, but, obviously I cannot say that. I have already humiliated myself enough for the day by my stupidity and I know it's Hardin' way of punishing me for my misjudgement.

"We can take any car Hardin, it's just a car. If we don't leave early, we will be late. I also have to go back to my home. Can you please pick a car you like ,so, that we can start our trip to your penthouse." He has a smirk on his face, I don't like it. Why he is bending, why he is coming close to me, is he going to kiss me?. Hardin comes closer to me and whispers something in my ear, something that freezes my blood.

"Who said that you will leave my penthouse tonight?".

----------Authors note-------------

Here's another update. I hope you will like this update. Things are turning steamy here. What do you think, what exactly Hardin plans to do with Tessa?. Will they have sex, will Tessa finally loose her virginity to someone who is not Matthew? Will this night at Hardin' penthouse, will bring my story' protagonists closer?.

Let me know your thoughts. Let me know what you expect, you want the night to be sexy or steamy or emotional.

Again, thank you for your support and love. Stay safe everyone and follow me if you like my story. Hopefully, I will publish one more update tonight.

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