Chapter 29: Monday

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(Third Person's P.O.V.)

Monday. The bad M-Word.

Steve, Clint and Natasha were already in their classroom when Professor Dr. Banner arrived. Steve took the front seat, alone as always. His books were neatly piled up and is note book was ready to be filed with intellectual notes in an elegant handwriting. Clint sat down in the second row just next to Tasha, who was in her Cheerleader uniform and doubtlessly distracting every male being in the room. (Except for Steve of course, he was too gentleman-like to look at her inappropriately.

"Well, well, catnip. How come I am honoured with your presence on this awful day?"  Note: Clint really had no idea how to chat up women. He ended up being a chauvi and pissed them off.

"Do you want a swollen face?"  She replied intimidatingly, though never really looking at him.

"I would prefer swollen lips, babe."

"Well, here you are!"  With that, he fist collided with his jaw and a terrible crack sound went through the class.

"Students, please take your seats."  Dr. Banner said while walking up to the board. The majority of the class was already sitting, only the few idiots from row 4 and 5 were standing and acting like the morons they were. Row 6 was reserved for Mr. Loki and nobody dared sit down next to him.

"Today, we're going to learn about micro-biological - "

"I AM SO SORRY SIR BANNER!"  That was Thor. Nobody called Banner 'Sir' and nobody talked that loud. It was seriously dangerous for your ears to sit next to him.

"Take your seat, Mr. Odinson. The lesson has already begun."

"YES SIR!"  He roared and sat down in row 3, next to a shy girl named Jane. She cleared his part of the table and shifted slightly on her chair, fearing the 120 kilos of muscles coming at her.

"So, as I was already trying to say, we will talk about micro-biological - "

Again, Banner couldn't finish his sentence. The feared and avoided Drogue Lord Mr. Loki entered the class. Never did he wear anything else than expensive suits with a green scarf and a black tie. His hair was slick and pushed back with gel. His henchmen were too anxious to tell him that he needed a haircut.

"Mr. Laufeyson, may I ask you where you have been? The lesson has already started 5 minutes ago."

"I had some unfinished business to do. Calm you tits, Bruce."  He answered slyly with a hint of mischief in his eyes. His gait was slow, light-footed and self-assured. Like a king.

"Watch your language, Mr. Laufeyson."

"Watch your back, Brucie." 

Banner facepalmed and touched the bridge of his nose. There was no point in trying to reason Loki, he was a big mouth and arguing him down was impossible. Right after Loki, a short girl came in. Her name was Nerdie, and she was probably the only one at the entire college that was willingly after Loki. I mean like, really really after him. Obsessed.

She took the right seat directly next to him where she kept her eyes on his face instead on the teacher.

"Can I touch you?"  She whispered and touched his cheek with her index finger. Her slapped her hand away and glared at her.

"Back off."  Loki warned her. Obviously, he was in a good mood that day since he only warned her off and not.... Well, who knows what he could've done to her. But on the other hand, she was a really creepy stalker of his.

"*cough cough*"  The professor cleared his throat. "We're continuing, Miss Nerdellia. Please keep quiet. Again, today we will learn about micro-biological - "

Suddenly, the back of a car crashed through the wall until the whole thing was inside the room. It was red and gold and pretentious. And it belonged to Tony Stark.

"I'm sorry, Banner. The night was longer than I expect - "

"SIT DOWN MR. STARK!"  At this point, he was boiling.

"Geeze, calm you tits, Banner. You know I'm only here because I have to, not because I need this lesson."  He scoffed. "Sorry ladies, you gotta go." 

The two Play Bunnies next to him got out of the car and disappeared out of the door. Tony took his seat in row 3 were he knew he would be alone. It wasn't like he needed to take notes or something, he knew much more than Professor Dr. Banner could ever teach him. Stark simply had to go to college because otherwise he wouldn't be allowed to work and make more money.

"Grand appearance, Stark."  Loki complimented him, interrupting Banner in the process again.

"Lo, buddy! You look hot."


"I know."  Loki mouthed to Stark nonetheless and winked at him. Rumor also had it that they might be together..... Like, 'together together' ....*cough FrostIron cough*

"Now, take your books and read page - "


"Mr. Odinson, please ignore him. Mr. Laufeyson, one more interruption of my lesson and I will personally send you to Principal Fury."

The lesson went on with Nerdie staring creepily at Loki, Loki throwing things at Thor and Steve, Stark texting his Playmates and Loki and Clint chatting up Natasha (though failing miserably).

"Bruce!!! Loki sent me a nasty text message!!!" 

"Then stop texing, Mr. Stark!"  Banner groaned and facepalmed again.

"Come on, you like it!"  Loki shouted from the last row.


"COME AT ME BRO!"   With that, Loki and Tony began to wrestle on the ground. The class has formed a circle around him, partially siding with Iron Man or the Frost Giant. Bruce meanwhile has packed up and left the room frustrated and embarrassed.

"WOULD YOU LIKE TO SHARE MY POPTART WITH ME?" Thor asked Jane, who pushed her glasses up and nodded shyly. This could be the beginning of a beautiful romance....

A/N: WHOHOOO! Another chapter's up! What do you think?

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