BONUS: The Fangirl Answers

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A/N: Hiya, People!  I shall now brighten your life and answer your desperate questions ^^ Am I not narcisstic today? ;)

@Koala_Kubed asked:

"Would you rather marry Tom Hiddleston or Loki?" 

Well, that's a hard one. 

I love Loki, he has this mysterious and dangerous aura. Plus, he his possessive and dominant (now admit it girls, we no want no fop). In fact, Loki proves that you don't need to be a wardrobe like Thor to be attractive and manly, for all his manliness lies in his attitude and his charisma. 
Don't get me wrong, I do think Loki's beautiful, but he is beautiful in another way than Thor, for instance.

Tom on the other hand, is THE GENTLEMAN. He has probably the highest chivalry level possible and he's as beautiful on the inside as on the outside. Thinking of the future, I think I would rather marry Tom. 
He's just responsible and he adores kids and he's faithful.  I just think that Loki's too volatile and unpredictable for a stable relationship. 

Don't get me wrong, I love them both <3

@humphrey1999 asked:

"What is your Avengers OTP?"

What's an OTP? :) My favourite Avengers, is that what you mean? Hm, probably Iron Man, Tony's awesome. But I do like Thor just as much, since there's no Loki without Thor ;) 

@TrustNoOne88 asked:

"Do you watch Agents of SHIELD? And if so, do you ship Skye and Ward?"

Sadly, I do not. I don't know where they broadcast it, and the channel probably isn't available in Germany anyway. I'm pretty sure it's awesome, though!

@ImTheNextDoctor asked:

"1.  How long does it take you to write a chapter?

2. Is it easier to write a funny or a serious chapter?

3. Who is your favourite Avengers (loki doesn't count)? 

4. What has been your favourite part of the story?

5. Spoilers?

6. Are you going to start a new Loki story?

7.  Mr. Death or Loki (Death from the musical 'Elisabeth') ? "

Well, well, well.... 

1. Depends. Mostly, I take a week or so to come with a great idea, but once I've started the chapter (which sometime seems to be the hardest things), it goes pretty fast. Probably two days, sometimes only one evening.

2. Hm. I must say, it's harder to be funny than serious. I am used to writing serious stuff, in fact, my head's full of serious (and sometimes crazy...*Incarnation hint hint* ) stuff. I like to write tragedies or just romantic things. 
You have to be inspired to be funny though, and believe me, I'm not really funny in real life. Only to myself, maybe :D So yeah, it's harder to write a funny chapter since not everyone shares the same humour and sometimes my chapters just seem plain idiotic and ridiculous to me. I can't believe people are still reading this xD

3.  Iron Man and Thor are my favourites. Then comes Captain America, Clint and Tasha, then Hulk. 

4. My favourite part.... Hm, probably the parts where I could bring in some musical stuff. The Phantom chapters and the ones with Death from 'Elisabeth' are my favourites :)

5. What do you mean by 'spoilers'? Spoilers from this story? Or from Thor: The Dark World? 
I'm telling you, I mostly have no idea where this story is going. I know the next few chapters, yes, but I have no idea when and how to end it. It hurts me to end a story, but at the same time (and as you can see) I am running out of ideas.

6. No. You see, I have promised myself not to start another fanfiction since I am hardly finding the time to write. Of course I will post One Shots or Short Stories now and then, but there won't be a whole new Loki book. I'm still stuck on The Female Soldier and writer's block seriously sucks  -.- 
But if you got an idea, I could give it a shot and write a short story about it (with proper credits to you, of course).


This will probably never end.

Okay, so I think I have explained enough why and how I love my Loki. But Death, well... I think they're both so similar, that's what makes it so hard to choose. 
They're both powerful, dominant, possessive, sometimes romantic, cunning and they both have silver tongues. Long story short, they have everything that makes women go crazy.

I absolutely love how Death looks (Kudos to Máté Kamarás), the suit with a touch of dark blue is wonderful and it just looks manly. The jewel above his collar - Oh my gosh. I adore that.  Maybe I have a weird taste in men, but I admire both Kamarás and Hiddleston for not only physically filling out the role perfectly, but also giving them this kind of psychology that amazes people. 

Also, we women are known for sympathizing with villains with a deep character. That's exactly what's happened with me.
I pity Loki for his parentage and his fate, for his inability to express his feelings in the right way and for having no one but himself. He breaks my heart everytime and you just want to walk up to him and give him an everlasting hug.

Death is, well... I pity him because he can't really enjoy being in love, for he is DEATH (duh). Whenever he gets close to a human, close enough to kiss this human, this human dies. That's just sad. And after all, he is rejected by the only woman he ever loved several times (in the musical, that is). That's why I understand his anger and aggressiveness towards the end of acte two. 

Both Loki and Death are antivillains, villains you just can't hate. They're hurt, and that makes them human.

I love them both equally, it's impossible for me to choose one over the other :) 

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