Chapter 7: Nerdie's Birthday Party (Part 1)

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"Okay, kiddo, tell me what your tiny little heart desires."  Steve said while he brought the birthday cake and put it on the huge table we were all sitting at.

All the Avengers, including Fury and Coulson (yes, Coulson SURVIVED!)  were gathered and sat around the table we usually use for conferences. I told them I didn't want a huge party, but they deliberately ignored me and with Tony's help they made a disco out of the conference room. I was happy and so grateful for what they did, but there was something that was missing. Someone. Literally. Dem Feels.

"Actually, there's someone missing..."  I began. Steve looked confused.

"Who? I thought everyone's here, even Thor dropped his royal duties in Asgard and came." He said.

"Steve, I know nobody will understand this, but there is someone new I made friends with. He's here on the ship and I can't imagine this party without him."  I began. Tony interrupted me. "But who? I didn't know there was someone new on the - Oh, hell naw. NO. Please, tell me it's not him."

"Sorry, Tony but there's a connection between us I sadly can't explain. I want Loki here, please."

All:  "LOKI??!!"  O.O

"Yes, Loki. I know he's insane and crazy and evil but by the time we spend together he became my friend. I totally understand if you hate me now, but I want to be honest with you all."  

There was silence in the room until Steve, who was like my father, spoke to Fury and asked him.

"What do you think, Director Fury? Should we bring him here?"  Fury was looking intensely at me, but made his desicion in favour of me. "Alright. Bring Loki here, but keep him hand-cuffed and place guards at the door." He said and I jumped at him, embracing him tightly and almost sqeezing the life out of him.

"Thank you sooo much, Uncle Nick... um, I mean Director Fury."  I said. Yes, Fury was my uncle because my grandfather married another woman and now he's the stepbrother of my father. It's an awkward connection. Kind of my half-uncle. But I love him no matter who he is.

Soon, Steve and Thor returned. Each one on either side of Loki and he looked extremely confused. When he saw me, his face lit up a little but he instantly made a straight face again.  

"Hey, Loki! [insert hearts in here] I want  you to join my birthday party! Now!"  I greeted him and led him to the table, where we lit the candles and everyone waited for me to blow them out.

"Make a wish, kiddo."  Tony said and put an arm around my shoulder, just to earn funny stares from the others. I wished that Loki and I would become more than just friends... and that he would wash his hair. Not that I'm complaining, but hey, not all the women are so lax like me.

Then I blew them out. My mischievous wish was made.

"Now let's play a game!"  Natasha said and led us to a huge carpet where we all sat down in a circle.

"Truth or Dare?"  Bruce asked.  

"Why not? I bet it'll be hilarious with y'all"  Clint said and death-stared at Loki who began to sweat a little.

"Okay, of course Nerdie begins."  Natasha added and looked at me. Oh, I knew how to make them laugh.

"Clint. Truth or dare?"

"Dare."  Of course, typically male!

"I dare you to.... give Loki a hug and tell him you're sorry for beating him up."  I said with a smile and Clint immediately gave Loki a glare that could kill, but finally he stood up complaining and knelt down next to Loki who had a disgusted face. 

"Loki, I am sorry for beating you with a spikey baseball bat and for tasering slash electrocuting you and for shooting an explosive arrow in your face and for forcing a tattoo upon you and - "

"No way! Reindeer games has a tattoo because of you?" Tony exclaimed and Loki blushed, seemingly ashamed of himself.

"It's on his chest. It says 'I ♥ The Avengers' "  Clint explained and we bursted out laughing. 

"NOW HUG HIM! DO IT!"  I told Clint and he pulled Loki into a tight, lethal hug squeezing the shit out of him.  When he let go Loki was breathless and gave me a glare that said 'Why?'.  Now it was Clint's turn.

"Loki. Truth or Dare?"  How predictable.

"Dare, mortal."  He answered. Of course no one of the guys would choose truth.....

"I dare you to get on your knee and to propose to Stark in the cheesiest and creepiest way you can."

"Excuse me?"

"Yes, you heard me. Do it, or are you going to make a retreat....?"  Clint mocked.  

"Of course not!"  Loki replied and made his way to Tony who stood up and looked at Loki with a face that said 'I dare ya, chick'. Loki took Tony's hand and knelt in front of him, looking straight into his eyes.

The liar god in person. 

"Anthony Howard Stark, I have waited a hundred years for you and now I will confess the endless adoration I feel for you. Since the first time I saw your beautiful face in your beautiful suit I knew we were made for each other. I knew we were destined to spend eternity together, with you by my side to be my eternal companion. I love you more than a mortal heart can love, I love you more than words can express and now I ask you to make a big step with me and become my husband. Would you do me the honour of lighting my pointless life and marrying me?"

We were all dumbstruck. Nobody knew what to say, because nobody expected Loki to use such meaningful and long words without laughing or at least smirking. Loki simply stared at him with a straight face and waited for the answer. Tony was the first one to speak after he pretended to be seriously thinking about the idea.

"Sorry, dude. Beautiful offer, and an even more beautiful liar,  but I can't cheat on Pepper."  

That's when we all exploded in laughter and rolled on the floor. Loki was the only one who didn't join us and just sat down and waited for us to calm down. 

"Brother, I did not know you possess the power of such beautiful words."  Thor roared and Loki backed away a little since he was sitting right next to Thor and Thor was... Well, pretty loud.

"Thanks. But now 'tis my turn, my dearest enemies."  He said and flashed a mischievous grin at Natasha and Thor.

Oh dear.

A/N: So this was part 1 of Nerdie's birthday party! The next part will be up soon xD Please give me feedback and tell me if it's funny or not cause I see no point in continuing a comedy that isn't funny.

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