Chapter 45: I ain't smokin' weed, Nikki.

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(Nerdie's P.O.V.)

*big epic facepalm*

"Agent Assman, were you smoking weed again?" 

"But Nick, I never - "

"Did you?!"

"Of course not! I ain't smokin' Nikki." 


"It's fine, it's fine. Sorry, man."  

Admittedly, I could have been under drug influence. No, no weed or anything, but I just came from talking to Tom Perfect Hiddleston and my head felt still dizzy from his intoxicating scent and his overwhelming sight. 

"Assman, this is a stupid ass decision you are making! What is Thor even thinking?"


"Oh, Thor? Well, uh - He was... too... shy to tell you himself."   

It was a pity that I wasn't like Loki, for I could have come with a better excuse than this lame reason for Thor not telling him himself that we were to be married.

"Shy? The Asgardian shit bag of muscles and thunder is shy? Are you kidding me, Assman? Shy, my ass!" 

"But, uncle Nick - "

"You should be ashamed of yourself! Yesterday you swore your undying love for his evil villain brother, and now you are asking me to marry you off to Thor? You are behaving like a - "

"A what? Say it, uncle Nick. Say I am one of those filthy - "

"That's not the point! What is the meaning of this? 'Oh, so if I can't have the evil brother I'm going to pick up the other one.'  That is disgusting!" 

That's it. I grabbed the collar of his black trench coat and pulled him down to me with a quick jerk. 

"This is not about fornication. Don't you think for a minute that I am so desperate to have somebody by my side that I don't care who it is. I do care. You have no idea about my motives, Nick, but don't you dare think of me as a whore!" 

"Nerdellia! How can you even - You are my niece! I am only worried about you and your well-being, and about what other will think of you now. I know you well enough to say you are not a cheap whore, but you are in the process of proving me wrong! This is so... I just can't find another reasonable explanation for your actions." 

"You don't have to, uncle. You trust me, don't you? I would never do something to disrespect you and everything I do... I do for a reason. Even stalking a hot villain and then marrying his blondie brother. I have reasons. Just believe me and let me do this, you won't regret it."

"Something is telling me that you were lying with the last part." 

That's when I noticed the lie detector around my wirst. With a fast movement, I let it fall and kicked it away unsuspiciously. Well, what I considered unsuspiciously. 

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing. Just a nerving bracelet."

"This was a lie detector, Assman. You were lying."   Fury stated calmly.

"I was not! Really, I - I just need your signature on this document. Please, do it for me. You are all I have for a father." 

"And what if you happen to love Romanoff tomorrow? Shall I then allow you to marry her? I don't know what to think of this."

"It's not like this, really. Everything will work out, just trust me." 

I was feeling so guilty to lie to him like this, but I just needed to bind myself to Loki as tight as possible, and therefore I needed to deceive Nick. He would be the first one to kill me after he finds out, but...

I could only hope that my and Loki's future was worth doing this. 

And no, I wasn't smoking weed.

A/N: Just a quick chapter to fill the wait for the BIG WEDDING!  Rather dramatic than funny, but better than nothing.

I have many exams and test soon. That means I will be studying like an idiot and I won't update as often as I did recently. 

Promise, I won't leave you hanging! Will work whenever I have the chance!

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