Chapter 6: Awkwardly Romantic... or Romantically Awkward?

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I heard screams from behind the door of Loki's cell. Painful screams.....

Clint must be torturing him really much. I couldn't bear with my aching heart, so I decided to end his punishment - which actually should be mine since I was the one who shot the hole in the wall -  but I didn't want to lose the trust of SHIELD.

 I wasn't going to tell them I did it. I'll just say it was an accident and stuff.

Determinedly, I pushed the door open and saw Loki, hanging from the ceiling of his cell. Clint had tied up by his feet and hung them so Loki was dangling headfirst.  Furthermore, Clint held a baseball bat with a spike in it and was beating him up in the most brutal way I could ever imagine.

"CLINT! STOP! THAT'S ENOUGH!"  I yelled and he looked up with sweat all over his face.

"What is it, Agent N. ?"  He asked slightly annoyed that I was interrupting his 'work'. He was having a little bit too much fun while carrying out his duty, but come on, he was a master-assassin.

It's quite clear he'd have sadistic tendencies after all the kills...

"Um - actually -Thor took your arrows and is using them as toothpicks!" I lied. 

"NO WAY! THAT MUTT! I'll be right back."  He exlaimed and tossed the spikey-baseball-bat away. He stormed out of the room cursing and cussing like there was no tomorrow. I wanted to tell him to watch his language around me since I was a minor but I was too afraid he could do me over too....

"Oh no, love, what has he done to you?!" I gasped at his sight. He was slowly spinning around and I realized he was still hanging with the rope around his feet.

"Like you don't know... Now untie me, mortal!" He demanded and I didn't hesitate to take out my favourite knife from my bag (yes, I always carry a large and lethal meat knife with me, just in case I wanted to cut a steak or kill somebody... don't ask.)  and cut the rope, too late to realize he would fall on his head....

"ARGH!"  He groaned and attempted to get up, but I pushed him gently down.

"Hey, slow it down... you're injured."  I told him.

"Yes, I can feel that! Stupid peasants....Thor did not really steal Clint's arrows, did he?"

"Nope, but  your screams were torturing my heart so I had to save you."

"I knew it, you are such a bad liar, I can not believe he really believed you. That dense moron."

"You know he's coming back?"


"Then do me a favor and I will stop him with a distraction that will send him to the middle of nowhere"

"Hmpf.... Agreed. But first I demand to know what you want."

"Well... it's something really easy and - "  I hesitated.

"Out with it."  He growled impatiently.

"Kiss me."

"O.O".... "No way. Demand something else."

"Nope, I want a kiss. Right on the lips. And if you don't agree... Well I'm afraid you'll hang again."

"Aren't you afraid I could harm you? Pull you on my side with a magic spell? Poison you? Kill you?"

"I don't think so. If you kill me they'll have an Avenger to watch you and I think you don't want that."

"I can not believe I am doing this.... Come in then."  He groaned.

"YAY!!!" I exclaimed and opened his cell, stepping in happily.

Loki squinnied and slowly approached my face, trying to let as much space as possible between our bodies. I frowned and pushed his face away.

"No. Not like this, you have to do it with.... passion. Like Thor and Jane." 

He gulped and looked disgusted, but then he took my face slowly in both hands and I put my arms around his neck. Loki looked deeply into my eyes and tried not to puke as his lips brushed gently against mine. He had to bend down really much, but it didn't bother us when we melted in each others embrace.  

That was when we both felt a spark, the tension vanished and he put one of his hands around my waist, holding me awkwardly. I caressed his shoulder pads and enjoyed the awesome sensation, just like he did (At least that's what I thought).

Loki gently stroke my back after he removed his hand from my cheek, then he put it around my waist too. It didn't matter how cold he was, in his embrace I felt nothing but comfortable and beautiful heat.

We broke away from each other, but I was still in his arms and mine were around his neck.

"I must confess...."  He began.

"Yeah....?" I said and looked up.

"Nothing, forget it."  He said and removed his arms, pulling away and sitting down on his bench again. I felt heartbroken.... He didn't enjoy it. He didn't love me as much as I believed.

Remembering our deal, I put my hand on my earpiece and talked to Clint.

"Agent Barton, there's a little complication with our base in Greenland. Somebody is trying to  burst in, so Fury wants you to eliminate them."  I said and tried to hide my disappointment. "Do you copy?" 

"Yes, I copy. I'm on my way."  Clint  replied. I turned to Loki, who was looking down and rubbing his chin with his hand.

"Thank you."  He murmured, and I shrugged. I noticed he didn't see my answer so I said:

"No problem."  Then I left for my room. I couldn't be with him right now. Taking a last look at him, I saw him noticing a tear streaming down my cheek.

A/N: Okay so this chapter wasn't so funny, but at least there were some Lokifeels :)

Awkwardly romantic, isn't it?

No offense, I like Greenland xD

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