Chapter 64: The Fart Bag

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(Third Person's P.O.V.)

I guess you're eagerly awaiting to find out about the incident Stark and Loki were talking about, are you not?

Well, as I am no cruel author (except to my characters, then hell yes, I am), I shall tell you the story.

But I want you to think first. Look at the title.

'The Fart Bag' 

What do you think it is about? A Bag full of Farts? Maybe. Maybe not.

Anyway. It was a normal night on the lonely island: 

Loki was busy ignoring his wife Nerdie, while Nerdie was busy pricking him with a bamboo stick. 

Nuff said. 

Her nerdy character (see what I did there eugh eugh eugh) had come back. The underdeveloped maturity she retained for a while was gone again, she was the ordinary, no-so-ordinary and now eighteen-year old girl from the first day she met her dearest prisoner.

And the prisoner, being the aggressive and irresistible darling he is, had trouble ignoring her this time. 

"Will you stop that, woman?!" 


"WHY NOT?!" 

"Your mother." 

"My... mother? My mother?"  His voice broke away. "Mommy..."  And our three-thousand-year old demigod fell against the ground sucking his thumb like the baby who was cast out onto a frozen rock.

Abandoned, suffering, left to die.

I think it's only appopriate to say that Nerdie had that certain asshole-feeling now. That dense twit.

"Hey, Loki..."  She approached him poking him with the bamboo stick in his head. "I didn't mean to - "


..... and he shoved a handful you-don't-want-to-know-what-that-is into her face.



No, they hadn't drunk anything. It was just really late and they hadn't slept for days since the natives were celebrating that they had yet again survived another week. 

And their celebration would usually take a whole week itself. Their party king was Tony,  by the way. If you know King Julian, you know how the parties usually were like.

After trying to break each others bones and shoving shit into one others mouths for approximately an hour, they decided that it was time to pay Tony a visit. 

Like a couple of fourteen-year-olds, they held hands and hopping through the rain forest in an attempt to find the party. Yes, Loki must've been really tired, evidently.

"Wait, let me braid you hair first." 

"Do I look like a bloody woman?" 

"Well, I think  - "

"Hell, yeah, babe!"  A very drunk and poorly dressed Anthony Howard Stark came out of a bush. The Tarzan cloth around his hips was, well... 

It was only contributing to his already existing Ape Man-look. His hair had grown a lot, not as long as Loki's (which went thoroughly over his back, but didn't reach his ass yet), but long enough. 

"Someone was talking about my chica Loki, so what's the matter?" 

"I will braid Loki's hair! You'll look so pretty!"

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