Chapter 67: So peaceful - Yet so violent?

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(Third Person's P.O.V.) 

In the beginning, there was no light. 

No broad light of future, no shadows of the past. There was absolutely nothing, his every sense was starved of any impression.

"I'm so sorry, Loki." 

No, don't think this was a sound. It was inside his head, his inner eye was reading this sentence as if someone had planted the thought in there. It was inside one of the furrows of his brain, a brain that was so confused and befuddled. And so lonely, uncompleted.

What was going on? 

He was drowning, drowning, drowning... I suffocate.

Someone was pulling on the thought, yanking it back, trying to restrain it. Something was there, a kind of flesh-eating virus devouring every image, every sound, every little crumb of knowledge. 

Without knowing where up and down was, without knowing what happened, without knowing what he was... He rebelled. He stood against it. 

And suddenly, a burning sensation filled the emptiness. There was something, he woke up. 


"He's not waking up." 

"Wait. He will." 

"What if it was too much?"  Two voices.

"Is he dead? Like, dead-dead? Past the point of no return?"  And the sound of a decent slap tormenting his ears. 

"No, you idiot. You should know, you spend the last few months with him." 

"Hey, I wouldn't be Tony Stark without my commentary. Well, I do think he'll make it. Maybe a few more month, some sandwiches and a bit of step aerobic. That should suffice."  Anthony. This voice was unmistakably that of Anthony Howard Stark.

Heavy eye lids tried to fight their way open.

"Mortals..." His voice cracked away. 

Black Widow. Director Fury. Tony. 

Tony. The bells rang. They rang violently.

"What is going on? Where am I?" 

"Loki, I - "

"We found you magically on the deck of the ship about a week ago. You were lost without trace for several months and before our devices could track you... Well, it seems like the sky has dropped you two on our porch."  Fury explained ironically.

Loki tried to move his wrist, but they wouldn't so much as move an inch. He was restrained on a kind of operation table with cables connected to him. 

"What the - "

"You had some owie-owies. We fixed you though. Not blue, but rather green-purple-ish now with all those bruises."  

"Stark! Shut your face, s'il te plaît." 

"Comme vous voulez, Mademoiselle." 

"Where is Nerdellia?" Loki interrupted their verbal exchange, not at all in a gaming mood. 


"My wife. Where is my wife?" 

"Ha! The God of Betrayal and Lies, married? It must be the narcotics." 

"Lemme just get ma Stark-corder." 

"Stark, stay here. We're not finished yet." 

"Exactly, we're not finished yet. Where is my wife, what happened to Nerdellia?!"  Loki questioned angrily, but his threat was far weaker than it would've been normally.

"Are you deaf? Answer me! Is the woman still alive?" 

"Darling."  Stark took his shoulders. "Don't go crazy on me, please. I've absolutely no idea who this Nerdellah chick is. Just go back to sleep, you're hurt." 

"How dare you mock me, I'm a god, you dull creature! And I demand - " 

It froze. Everything, everyone in the room. Even the seconds hand on the clock, all stiff and frozen. 

"Lord Prince..."  A dark voice whispered mockingly, in a tone only the one king could... 


Loki knew who it was. Him. 

"So we meet again. You know why I am here." 

Death. Death.

"Oh, no. I'm not giving up. Not yet."  Loki retorted defiantly, the beeping of the ECG quickened. 

"Oh, pity! Is this a dis-invitation?"  He pouted sarcastically and faked a tear.


"Aw, Loki! I just wanted to tell you a story, a story of how some one like you could never be worthy of a maiden so self-sacrificing..."

"What? What do you know?"  He scoffed. To hell with this beautiful chimera for suicidal humans. Loki was not going to fall for his trickery.

"Oh, I know everything. You should kiss my feet submissively, darling. I have saved you." 

"Saved me? What are you talking about? Why would you do this? The last time I saw you you were trying to steal my wife." 

"Hm... Dear, I would never do anything without something in return. You must know that." 

And it hit him. It hit Loki with the force of Mjölnir.

"What did you take?"  He hissed tearing the restraints off the table to move. "TELL ME!" 

"I will, my love. I will tell you. You thought your little girlfriend was betraying you with me? Cheating, as mortals call it? Oh, no. She might be dumb, but she is pure. 

The night before I saved you - out of the kindness of my heart, by the way - she had called me to her while you were sleeping. Nerdellia couldn't stand you suffering on that dreaded island, so she begged me to bring you back as your powers were to weak.

I demanded what she could offer me in return... "

"What did you take!? I swear to you, if you laid a finger on her I will personally - "

"Oh, threats won't get you anywhere. Lord Prince, you were a fool to treat a beautiful and unique woman like her so harshly. Now it's too late to change anything." 


At that, the King of the Dead raised his gloved hand. A portal-like mirror floated in front of Loki's face, shining and reflecting blue rays of light. The whole scene, the missing piece. 

How could something so peaceful be so violent?

Their kiss. 

Death giving his wife the ultimate and crucial kiss. 

"Y-You... You k-killed her?" 

"That's not the whole story. Her soul is with me, but for the mortal world... it will be as if she never existed. They have no memories or whatsoever of her. But you - Well, it seems as if my hold on your mind was not firm enough. However, I could not care less. 

No one will believe you, they already consider you insane." 

Loki remained silent. There was nothing one could answer to that. 

"She sacrificed her soul and her entire existence for your sake. Well, and that of your little friend over there. Know how much she loved you.... I guess we're done here. You have just cheated death again, my darling. But your wife didn't." 

A/N: [No comment]

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