Iron Man 3 Review (Spoilers!)

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Okay, so this is not the chapter that should follow the previous one, but I simply HAD to do this.

I will now kind of review the awesome IRON MAN 3! If you haven't watched the movie, DO NOT READ ON.

I will sometimes get off the topic of leave some things out, but that's just my fangirly mind :)

This review will contain MAJOR SPOILERS (DUH!) 

So, I went to the local cinema yesterday with my best friend and my sister, expecting this movie to be better than The Avengers since many people have told us it was.

I didn't quite believe it because, come on - this is THE AVENGERS! Nothing could be better (except maybe The Avengers 2 or Thor 2) 

Well, anyway. 

This movie simply contained EVERYTHING, and when I say everything, I mean everything. Comedy, romance, action -  everything Tony Stark is known for!

There's this bad guy Killian (forgot his firstname) who tried to convince Tony of a new idea in 1999. I felt so sorry for him as Tony promised to meet him on the roof of a big New Year's Eve party and doesn't come! Seriously, this was one of the rare moments where I hated him. 

Turns out this Killian guy returns after 13 years, now looking like a friggin' hot actor and a womanizer, and tries to convince Pepper of his now better developed idea of getting into human brains and stuff. (Sorry, I can't describe it better than this in English ^^^)

He was also kind of flirting with Pepper, which I found very successful as she couldn't utter a coherent sentence anymore (and I have to admit, I found him hot too!). However, Pepper turns him down. He is disappointed, but you can tell he didn't give up without even hearing what he says - his body language gave away everything!

Tony meanwhile has found a way to control his suit (Mark 42) with his mind. It works (to some extent) and he bought Pepper a huge, giant bunny for Christmas. Tony can't sleep, he is frequently fearing for Pepper's life, 'the one thing he can't live without.'. 

The Mandarin who supposedly is behind all the reoccuring explosions and assaults on people in the USA turns out to be some idiotic actor on mariuhana. Seriously, this so called 'terrorist' was no more than a high bum of the real bad guy, which is.....

Dun, dun, dun! 


All the sequences that he supposedly shot with his supporters are fake and Killian only uses the 'Mandarin' to give the evil a face, someone to keep America busy. 

This Killian guy develops some kind of treatement for disabled (or not so disabled) people which turns them into kind of super humans - all glowing orange and shooting fire out of their hands and mouths. Oh, and they're also almost undestructable. Every arm you would cut off, they'd grow a new one. 

'The Mandarin's' groups attack Tony's house and he saves Pepper as well as this botanist-chick (who is not botanist, but Killian's ally) and gets himself supposedly killed. The world believes he's dead, when he has landed in Tenessee at the same time and encountered a little boy.

This boy helps him repair his suit and see through 'the Mandarin's' plan. 

Killian abducts Pepper and turns her into something like himself, ya know, this glowing thingy I told you of. Seriously, they look like some kind of abomination and my best friend and I went all 'ewwww'

Killian also attacks the president's plane and kills half of the crew, the rest falls through a giant hole in the wall and Tony manages to save them by forming a human chain. The president meanwhile was taken to Killian's HQ where he is shown the painful process of becoming this fiery creature. Then he puts him into the suit of War Machine (who is now called the Iron Patriot) and places him above an oil tanker.

Tony and Rhodey arrive and begin to fight, but knowing they're outnumbred and without any suits Tony calls all the suits he had ever built - from Mark 1 to Mark 42. 

They help them fight those glowing abominations while he searches for Pepper. Before he can save her, Killian heads him off and they fight. Tony uses his suits to help him, but Killian is a great enemy and fights well. Pepper falls into an explosion and everyone thinks she's dead.

There, it becomes a kind of vengance thing for Tony. 

He calls Mark 42 and places the pieces on Killians body, then tells JARVIS to blow the whole suit up. The explosion sends them to the ground (the had been fighting on a kind of crane thingy), where Tony realises that Killian is still alive. 

His body is charred and his left arm is missing. Killian attempts to kill Tony again, who is suit-less, but Pepper appear and kills Killian off herself with her new powers. 

After he's dead, Pepper is terrified of what she did and Tony tries to embrace her. She backs away fearing she might burn him, but he hugs her nonetheless and nothing happens. She asks if Tony can 'repair' her, and he promises he can. 

Then, all the remaining suits explode and turn into a romantic firework. 

Note, we all saw this in 3D. All the fights, the explosions, everything was so intense!

At the end, Tony gets a surgery and removes the shards as well as the ARC reactor from his chest. He throws the reactor into the ocean in front of his damaged Malibu house. 

How can he remove this damn thing!? Doesn't that mean he can't be Iron Man anymore? Logic?!! 

That's where the movie ends. 

But wait! There is a post-credit scene in which Tony tells his story to Dr. Banner (WOHOOOO CAMEO!) who has been sleeping halfway through the story xD  Banner excuses to Tony and says that he's no psychologist. I love the end-credit scene, it's short but sweet.

Oh, and in the end credits it says that Tony Stark will return.

That's the strange thing, they always said that Iron Man would return and now it's 'only' Tony Stark


If you haven't seen the movie yet and you read this, than sorry but you're an idiot! I told you not to read! 

lol just kidding :D (no not really)

Anyway, go watch this friggin' epic movie! Do it now!  Why are you even reading my shit? Go, now!


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