Chapter 12: Mischievous Beach Party (Part 3)

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I slowly opened my eyes. My mouth felt too dry, so I began to lick my lips just to notice they were covered with sand. Spitting out the sand and just half awake, I noticed there was something underneath me that I was spitting at.

It wasn't sand, it was smooth and cold, creating a perfect contrast to the heat on my back. The thing opened its eyes and groaned, then it turned on the other side throwing me off. 

"Hey!  I was sleeping, you - "  

And then it hit me. I remembered everything that happened last night and how I fell asleep here in his arms. Unfortunately I  heard the Avengers were already out and eating breakfast on the beach. How come they didn't notice we were missing?

I got up and kicked Loki in the stomach.

"Wake up, we fell asleep here last night!"  

"Wha-What...."  He groaned and got up in his pink speedo.

"Yes, and we need an excuse because they'll definitely wanna know where we've been. I suppose telling the truth is out of question." 

"Right... Why is my chest wet?" 

"Um, I kinda spat some sand on you accidentally. Sorry for that. Now help me fabricate an excuse, we haven't got much time."

"Why don't you ask the other Loki here if he can help? I am sure he is intelligent since he has a mustache unlike me."

"Haha, very funny. If you aren't going to help me I'll go tell them something that won't please you."  I said and ran away, right to where the Avengers were eating. Panting, I reached the spot and saw they all were dressed and clean - contrary me.  

Tony eyed me mischievously and I know he would bring a stupid comment.

"Hey kiddo. I was wondering where you were last night.... Since you left with LOKI and you two spend the night together and you two are only in your swim suits..."  He smirked.

"Shut up, Tony.  He dragged me away and held me captive the whole night because I didn't apologize for picking on him so often."  I lied.

"WHAT? And how did you escape?"  Bruce asked with true concern.

"Calm down, Bruce, before you hulk out again." Tony interposed.

"I waited for the right moment and escaped when he wasn't looking. He's probably still out there crying like a baby because I am bullying him without apology."

"I don't see how you are bullying the God of Mischief. Is this even possible?"  Clint said.

"Sounds creepy, if you ask me."  Steve interposed and I refused to face him. Walking into the Hellicarrier, I shouted:

"I'm going to take a shower and dress myself. If Loki comes, act as if I didn't tell you anything and you found out alone."  


I was dressed in a light white dress and flip flops when I was about to get outside. Seeing Loki approaching, I hid behind the door and overheard their conversation.

"How dare you touch me, Star Spangled Spandex!"  

This was Loki, he was fighting with Steve.

"How dare YOU abduct a little girl and accuse her to pick on you, depressive horned psycho!"

"Excuse me? Who said I abducted her?"  Steve was looking around nervously, remembering what I told him. 

"We saw you last night. You were dragging her away."

"You are lying through your teeth, soldier! I never touched her, she came willingly. After all, nobody of you knows what really happened last night."

"I KNEW IT!"  Stark exclaimed and everyone was thinking the same.

"What the - NO! It was never like that. Nerdellia and I are mature enough to wait till after the wedding to do such things."

If I was drinking something right then, I would've definitely spat it out.


I came out from behind the door.


"Don't you remember, my dear? Last night, I got onto my knees and proposed to you. You agreed and said you would be the happiest bride alive."

"Liar! Prove it!" 

"As you like. Look at your hand, love."  

I did what he said and couldn't believe my eyes. There, on my left hand was a golden ring with a big green emerald in the middle. The Avengers saw it too and gasped.

"How did you.... That's it. You're coming with me."  I said and grabbed his ear, leading him into the Hellicarrier. 

"What the hell was the meaning of this?"  I asked when we were alone.

"You said fabricate an excuse and I did. You are not the only one who can lie. And seriously, I would abduct you because you are picking on me? That is ridiculous, I can not believe your stupid friends believed you."

"But why this kind of excuse? Fury will kill me if he finds out that  the mass murderer of New York is my fiancé!"

"I thought we are just pretending to be engaged? Unless you want something serious, then we could - "

"Stop it, Loki! You know my temper!"

"Yes, that is why I like to upset you."  

I stamped my foot and slipped the ring from my hand, throwing it at his face. 

"I don't like my fiancé upsetting me."  I spat and went outside, leaving him alone.

Outside, everyone rushed to my side and asked questions.

"Is it true?"

"Are you pregnant?"

"Did he cast a love spell on you?"

"What are you going to tell Fury?"

"Are you planning to elope?"

"No, no, no, nothing and no!"  I answered all their ridiculous questions.

"Guys, I'm not pregnant and I'm not engaged to Loki. He lied because he probably felt embarassed of his actions last night."

The Avengers took it with a shrug.

We spent the rest of the morning outside, since we'd have to leave in the afternoon. The Avengers and I were playing beach volley ball, except Thor.

He was still digging in the sand.

"Duuuuude, it was a joke! Nobody builds castles with sand and it's impossible!"  I yelled.

He looked up. His expression changed from determined, to disappointed, to angry, to furious. 

I would have to pay for this later. 

Finally inside the Hellicarrier and up in the air, I noticed Loki had taken a shower, put on his dress and gone back into his container.

And I would have to watch him.

A/N: Okay, so how did you like the idea of the whole marriage thing? Comment please!

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