Chapter 9

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"LOKI! LOKI LOKI LOKI LOKI LOK!"   I yelled running into his room to find him.

Unfortunately I forgot there was his glass cell that separated us and bumped right into it. Fallen on ground, I saw Loki approaching till his body was pressed against the glass and looking down at me. His expression said nothing but 'Why are you so stupid?'

"What is so imporant that you had to see me so fast that you could not watch where you were going?"  He asked with his British accent and that certain attitude. Just Loki-attitude.

"Phew, I... I was... ah...."  I panted because I had just run through the whole Hellicarrier. Loki looked annoyed.

"Calm down, and then out with it."  

"Okay... Uncle Nick said we'll stop for a short break and go to the seaside for two days! Everyone will be there, all the Avengers and Nick and.... well, I asked him if you were also allowed to come and he said as long as you wear bathers it'd be okay."  I summarized.

"Why shouldn't I wear my suit? Even if I will came with you, which I will definitely not, I would not embarrass myself and wear Midgardian 'bathers'!"  

"But Thor does!"

"Thor is a twit." 

"Good point, but you'll be coming anyway, I know that. Fury will park the Hellicarrier right on the beach where it'll be damn hot and I don't think you want to spend two days alone getting fried in your dress."

"Why does he even want me wear stupid bathers? Why can't I come with you in my war suit?"

"Dude, firstly you'll sweat like in hell and it'll get even dirtier than it already is. Secondly, well, I don't think you want to hear the real reason."  I said and looked at my feet.

"Just tell me, I can take everthing after enduring two awful tattoos."

"Well, he said: 'Puny God can come only if he wears bathers. That's condition number one. Number two is that he is shirtless so everyone is able to take a good look at his beautiful tattoos.'  Then he laughed evily and I was so scared yet excited I immediately came to tell you."

"See, your friends want to embarrass me, to taunt me! I will not endure this willingly."

"Be it then."  I touched my earpiece. "Hey, Natasha. I'm in Loki's cell and he said you looked old and ugly and that even he with his thousand years looked younger than you and -"


"Yeah, oh man, and he's totally making fun of your figure. What did you say, Loki? That Natasha looks fat? Oooh, meanie. I hope she won't come after you and shoot you with something."

"STOP! FINE I AM COMING BUT STOP!" Loki begged making me burst out laughing. To be honest, I never talked to her. I just wanted to manipulate Loki into coming with us.

That's a trick I totally learned for him.

"Will you wear bathers?" I asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, yes, I will! But please, tell her you were joking!"

"Natasha, don't worry, I was just kidding. Loki is sound asleep and he would never dare offend you, I think I know that for sure."  I said into my headpiece that wasn't even turned on.

"Then you better pack, Loki. We'll be there in a few hours."  

He just glared at me.

"Funny."  He growled.

"I'll go get you your bather!  Green or black?"


"Okay, I'll be right back. Don't move. "

- Later -

"Um, Loki.... We might have a little problem."  I said as I entered the room again.

"What is it? Didn't they have my size?"

"No, it's not the size.... It's just that all the bathers were taken... except for this one."  I said and held it out.

"No way!  This is embarrassing and ridiculous!"

"I'm sorry, but that's all they have. If you want I can work on it a little."


"Come on, please! I know, I'll stitch a cool saying on the bottom! Like 'Sorry, no dignity' !  Oh man, Tony and Clint will love it!"  I exclaimed running out of the room to get needle and thread.

"Seriously? A pink speedo and an embarrassing saying?"

A/N: OK guys, again there will be a long chapter that is divided into three parts. It'll be called 'Mischievous Beach Party (Part 1,2,3).

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