the flashback II.

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2 weeks later

"I'm sorry seungmin I tried to get ahold of him" chan sits next to seungmin.

"who was he getting ahold of daddy?" minjung looks at seungmin as she sits on his lap.

"nothing honey... I'll tell you later" seungmin wraps his arm around minjung to keep her from falling off of his lap.

"seungmin maybe if you guys talk it out there's still a chance of you two being together" jennie comes in and sits on the sofa as well.

"it's too late... it's been a week and he hasn't bothered" seungmin looks down.

"do you have a boyfriend daddy?" minjung asks and seungmin looks at her.

"how did you know?" seungmin looks at jennie and she avoids eye contact with him.

"because you're gay right!?"

seungmin glares at jennie while she still avoids eye contact.

seungmin looks at chan and he nods and takes minjung while seungmin brings jennie into the kitchen.

"why did you tell her about that? she's too young" seungmin whispers to her.

"she missed her dad so I explained to her why you left her, would you rather her know why she almost couldn't grow up with a dad or be upset?" jennie crosses her arms and seungmin stays silent.

"exactly" she walks back into the room and chan is on the phone.

"okay calm down hyunjin I'll be there" chan hangs up and jennie brings minjung up to her room.

"what's wrong?" seungmin asks.

"hyunjin... he's upset about changbin leaving" chan says and he leaves the house.


"hyunjin?" chan knocks on the door, he sees its open so he goes right in.

he goes upstairs and finds hyunjin sitting on his bed, he goes over and sits next to him.

"you okay?" chan pats his shoulder and hyunjin shakes his head.

"I don't want to go through another heartbreak chan..."

"I know it's hard.... but you just need to support changbin if you really like him"

"is it still hard without felix?" hyunjin looks at him and chan looks down.

"it's brutal"

oh yeah, I should explain that one huh?

1 week ago

"what!? really!?" felix smiles.

"I'm here baby, please come and save me"

"I will! I can't believe you're alive!" felix hangs ups the phone and nearly jumps on chan and shatters him with kisses.

"chan! my mom is alive!" felix smiles and chan chuckles.

"that's amazing! also... every time you do that you know I can't handle how cute you are" chan says and felix's face turns to a bright red.

"stop it" he looks away from him.

"so... you gonna go see her?" chan wraps his arm around him and felix looks down.

"yeah... but... she's back in australia to hide from my dad" felix says and chan's smile fades.


"I'm leaving tomorrow"

"no..." chan holds his hand.

"it's my mom chan... I love you so much, but I love her too... she's my mom after all" felix puts his hand on his cheek and chan nods.

"I know but... we're married and-"

"you think I would divorce you like that? you're so cute" felix smiles. "I'll just be seeing her for a few weeks until it's certain my dad is gone and I'll be back"

chan's eyes widen and he slaps his arm.

"you should have told me that in the beginning!" chan gets angry and felix laughs.

"hey... don't be mad!" felix gives him a soft kiss and wraps his arms around his waist.

"fine but only because you're being adorable" chan strokes his hair and felix hides his face in chan's neck.

they fell asleep about an hour after that, and then it was time for felix to leave to go and protect his mom.

minho loves his mom but he refused to go because he wanted to make sure nothing would happen in seoul.

before he boarded, felix and chan hugged each other tight, with the hopes it could last forever.

"call me every single day, call me when you get off the plane, when you arrive at your house, before you go to bed-" felix shuts chan up with a kiss.

"I love you" felix says.

"I love you more" chan gives him a kiss this time.

felix looks over at hyunjin and he gives him a hug.

"tell changbin I said goodbye okay? and don't worry about being upset... I know you two will make it when he leaves next week" felix says and hyunjin just nods and hugs him again.

"my boyfriend is leaving and my other best friend is now too" hyunjin says and jisung steps in.

"he's my best friend!" jisung says and felix chuckles.

"no you're my brother now" felix says and hugs jisung.

"love you no homo" jisung says and felix chuckles.

"love you too. minho... you gonna be okay without me for a few weeks?" felix walks to minho.

"I'll be fine, tell mom I said hi" they both share a hug and felix nods.

"of course. I'll have her call you" minho nods.

the flight attendant calls for the last to board the plane, felix hugs chan tight and waves goodbye to everyone as he boards the plane.

"but he's only gonna be gone for a few weeks, who knows how long it could be with changbin" hyunjin looks down and chan nods.

"I know, but we'll both get through it okay?" chan looks at hyunjin, he looks up at him and nods.


changbin left the next day, and he broke up with hyunjin.

he didn't want to do it but he knew that they wouldn't be able to do long distance.

hyunjin was heartbroken once again, he hated heart break. he just wanted it to end, he wanted to find his soulmate.

and suddenly when he thought things would get worse, they did.

when he left the airport after seeing changbin off, he comes across someone he never thought he would see again.

he leaves the airport and he sees someone enter the airport as he's leaving.



this chapter was longer than I thought, but oh well

please do not say anything about me bringing woojin back into the book, there's a reason why I brought him back because HE STILL IS A PART OF THE BOOK and I need to include his storyline because it also has to do with hyunjins' and seungmins' storylines as well.

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