the leave.

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hyunjin was sitting on the bed, but he was acting unusual to changbin.

"hey you've been different ever since we came" changbin sits next to him.

"huh? oh sorry..." he looks at him.

"what's wrong?"

"nothing just have a lot on my mind" hyunjin says and changbin nods.

"well I'm gonna make dinner, and by make I mean order pizza" hyunjin chuckles.

"there's the pretty smiley hyunjin" he says.

"shut up" he looks down.

changbin orders the pizza and when it arrives things are still different for them.

hyunjin still wasn't acting his usual self.

"okay you know what..." changbin puts his pizza slice down. "I think I know what this is"


"you're homesick"


"what's wrong?" seungmin sees woojin laying on his bed but no reactions come out of him.


"there's obviously something wrong" he walks into his room. "and I know you miss hyunjin"

woojin looks at him.

"of course I do. I know I should move on but be broke up with me. I did nothing wrong to him" he says and seungmin nods.

"I know, he's been through a lot though"

"I know that, and I told him when he broke up with me that I would do everything I can to make him happy"

"I know" he sits on the edge of the bed.

"I guess I just wasn't good enough for him"

"there's plenty of other guys out there, you'll find someone and you'll forget about him"

"but I don't want other guys"

"later me and jennie are taking minjung out, you're gonna come too and find someone else"

"but my flight leaves tonight"

"yeah... well... just think about it then" he gets up and leaves his room.

"is uncle woojin coming?" minjung looks at seungmin.

"I don't know honey, we'll see" as soon as seungmin finished that sentence, woojin comes downstairs.

"uncle woojin!" minjung looks at him.

"I've decided to go to the university" he says.

"you sure?" seungmin walks closer to him.

"I am"

"well... I hope you can get over him while you're there" woojin nods and hugs seungmin.

"you're leaving?" minjung appears.

"I am" he kneels down to her and hugs her. "I actually have a secret for you"

she smiles when he whispers his secret to her.

"really!?" he nods.

"don't tell anyone okay? it's between just us" he says, she nods and zips her lips.

"good, I'll see you when I come to visit, we'll spend the day together okay?" she nods.

"I can't wait!" she hugs him.

he kisses her cheek then stands back up.

"well... I'll see you all soon" woojin heads to the door, he looks back at them and waves to them before he leaves the house.


"flight 59 to new york is now boarding all passengers, please board the plane"

he hears the warning and he starts rushing to the plane in case he misses the flight.

he knows he ran too fast as he ran into someone, but it was who he didn't expect.



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